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Everything posted by chaypup

  1. Great bloke, kept me informed all the way through on a great deal and sent the best packaged bass I've ever seen!
  2. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1191471' date='Apr 7 2011, 10:16 AM']Thank you for the recognition - but the flaw inherent in that solution is that much of my massive, gushing fountain of hot & sticky but ultimately useless information is backed up by a library of links to websites such as Westone.info! To be honest this seems incomprehensible and somewhat spiteful to me - even if he didn't want to continue maintaining the site, he could have left it up - or alternatively there are plenty of people with spare web space who could have hosted it. If I'd known I would've offered, I run a couple of other sites & the Westone one wasn't a physically big resource. Bollocks. Jon.[/quote] Some of the guys at the Westone forums have conatcted him to see if they can do just that, it only seems fair when you think he received a lot of the catalogue scans from contribrutors on there in the first place!
  3. [quote name='stevie' post='1190426' date='Apr 6 2011, 12:57 PM']Pull yourself together man! [/quote] Unfortunately westone.info was the only site with decent info on these great basses.
  4. Westone.info was a great site for information about Westone's range of guitars and basses. Including pretty much all the catalogues and a section for spares. I used to like going on there and just looking at the Thunder II's and III's as well as getting useful info. for years etc when I was buying. Can't believe I'm saying WAS!
  5. chaypup


    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1984-FENDER-JAZZ-POWER-BASS-SPECIAL-MIJ-D-TUNER-ACTIVE-/110664947990?pt=Guitar&hash=item19c4251916"]This one [/url]sold for £430 so that looks like the current market value.
  6. .....Westone.info has shut down!
  7. [quote name='Linus27' post='1189288' date='Apr 5 2011, 05:01 PM']Have to be stickers for me as I don't like things on my wrist, ears, necks etc. Its hard enough wearing a watch and [b]a wedding ring is like torture[/b][u][/u]. Basschat Sticker would be good as it could go on the grill of the cab, gig bag, flight case etc as well as the car window. Variety of sizes would be good also.[/quote] That's a common complaint......
  8. If he doesn't, I'll collect from Swansea!
  9. A couple of Westones: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Westone-Super-Headless-bass-/170622945695?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item27b9eb899f#ht_1086wt_936"]Superheadless[/url] (not mine!) Nice Red [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WESTONE-THUNDER-BASS-1984-MATSUMOKU-JAPAN-/170623810866?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item27b9f8bd32#ht_500wt_951"]Thunder[/url] There's another one on there but I'm keeping it a bit secret cos there's no reserve and it's still cheap! (Although with 4 days to go....)
  10. This is the sort of stuff Mark Lamarr should still be on the radio to promote
  11. I'll PM you Larmer and we'll have a chat about it
  12. [quote name='dmccombe7' post='1182061' date='Mar 30 2011, 12:23 PM']While reading the "Stage Positions - where to stand" thread it occured to me that many bassists stand in a specific stage area because of deafness in one ear. Any particular reason why ? I've played in bands for over 30 yrs including loud rock bands and have no hearing issues [b]that i've heard about [/b] I get tested every 2 yrs through my job. I work in engineering with high decibel levels of machinery noise. Just curious Cheers Dave[/quote] Well you wouldn't hear about it would you!!!!
  13. Are the bassists who go stage left all right-handed? I like to be stage left as I feel [s]my headstock is in the way of the rest of the band[/s] the rest of the band are in the way of the headstock if I'm stage right.
  14. The tone is massively varied thanks to the 18v preamp. Not really sure what else it's like to be honest - It's good on the sustain as it's a through neck and if pushed, I'd say it's got more of an 80's pop sound than anything. Something I like about this bass is the 2 octave freboard - good for high solos! Also - check out the 'stepped' body for easy slap technique!
  15. Mickey - I'll send it to you after I've read it
  16. [s]Selling my Superheadless, I've a feeling I may regret this but I've been offered a Thunder III and I WANT! It's in good nick with one ding through the finish as shown in the pic. I will post more technical information when the Westone site stops directing all traffic to the spares sale that's on!!!!!!( ) I think £260 is pretty cheap for one of these, but I got it for about this and have since spent some cash on it so I'm losing a little bit but [b]I really want to get the Thunder III![/b] Anyone in Cardiff area is welcome to come round and try over a cuppa/beer [/s] 05/06/2011 - WITHDRAWN: I managed to get the Thunder III without having to sell this! EXCITED!!!!!! here's the pics: [attachment=76180:P1011528.JPG] [attachment=76178:P1011525.JPG] [attachment=76179:P1011527.JPG] [attachment=76183:P1011529.JPG] [attachment=76182:P1011535.JPG] [attachment=76184:P1011420.JPG] [attachment=76181:P1011533.JPG] EDIT: Spelling
  17. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aria-Pro-II-CSB-300-Bass-Vintage-1980s-Made-Japan-/170620917899?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item27b9cc988b"]Aria Pro II[/url] "Looking at the machine heads i'd guess its from 1981".......Or you can look at the serial number!
  18. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1178981' date='Mar 27 2011, 11:22 PM']Why is Scotland too far ? You'd be amazed how cheap the trains can be. I traded a bass earlier in the year with a guy in Scotland. I don't like posting basses, neither does he. So we agreed that I'd travel up, we split my train fare which was about £80.[/quote] Cheapest train - £170. I'd have to stay overnight too. If it was in the summer I'd take time off and make a week of it but at the moment that's not really an option. Thanks for the advice though.
  19. Hi all, I've been offered a trade of a bass that I really want by a new BC member. He has sent me pics which I've checked and they aren't from the internet. The problem is that he is is Scotland so it's a bit far for me to pick up. How can I cover myself in this trade, obviously I can't wait for money to clear or use paypal as I am sending a bass in return. I was thinking of us both arranging the courier that picks up the bass we each are going to have, but this still leaves room for scammage. FWIW I think the guy is genuine, but how can I be extra safe? Thanks for any advice!
  20. [quote name='mart' post='1178420' date='Mar 27 2011, 04:13 PM']That'll be Cylchfan, won't it! I couldn't understand anything of the first few lines and only got it when I spotted "deg" and "hafau" and then "dau deg pedwar". My Welsh doesn't really go beyond numbers and seasons! (So I had to get some help to write the title in Welsh. Btw, I thought the thread was about a Yes tribute band that kept splitting up.[/quote] ydw!
  21. [quote name='MattM' post='1176345' date='Mar 25 2011, 07:46 PM']I want your love - Chic. Well if youve dipped your toe in the 2 EQ MusicMan waters, it'd be rude not to do some 'Nard. When I get the flats on, it'll be awesome...[/quote] Funny enough, I was watching an episode of 'Rockschool' this morning and Bernard was on there saying how he didn't like the sound of flatwounds! I'll find it again and stick it on the 'What Strings?' thread.
  22. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1177751' date='Mar 27 2011, 12:03 AM']If I had a Yes tribute band I'd call it one of the following names: Yeah Why Not? Maybe NO!!!! HMMM OK Affirmative Sure Yep Ah Ha (you might have problems with this one) Could do Alright Indeed[/quote] I'd call it 'Ydw' and sing all the songs in Welsh! Guess the song! [b]Yn ac o amgylch y llyn, mynyddoedd yn dod allan o'r awyr, ac maent yn sefyll yno. Un filltir dros ac mi fyddwn ni yno ac fe wnawn ni eich gweld. Deg hafau a byddwn yn dychwelyd ac yn chwerthin hefyd. ar dau deg pedwar cyn fy nghariad i Mi fyddai yno i chi![/b]
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