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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. "You must log into Facebook to continue" said the dialog box. Thanks but no thanks. Has anyone had any dealings with Suffolk Sound Services in Framlingham? http://www.suffolksoundservices.co.uk/
  2. Brilliant octaver. But utterly useless as a synth.
  3. At $3500 up plus shipping it's a bargain! Either an early april fools page or Brian Eastwood has escaped again.
  4. Not safe for work, even if you're working from home!
  5. If it all works, offer them 50 quid to give the sales floor space back and maybe settle for 70 if you really need it. 100 quid isn't a great bargain, the original asking price of 140 is cloud cuckoo land.
  6. Well I woke up this morning, and what did I see? A failed neck joint ! Off to see Peter at ME Strings later this week to see if there's any hope of a repair, but given the pegbox is already on borrowed time I think this could be the end of the line for my old faithful Musima.
  7. There used to be an excellent ferry from Newcastle to Bergen, which would have made this a great option. Unfortunately, I don't think it runs any more.
  8. In theory. But this is about as likely as winning the National Lottery, or being struck by lightning twice. I have active basses with batteries older than your BB2005 pre-amp.
  9. Given that these necks are going to be on and off more frequently than , er, something that goes on and off a lot, why didn't you consider using threaded insets instead of screwing straight into the wood?
  10. I'd leave it as it is and not mess with it. No-one in the audience will be able to hear any difference.
  11. It sounds like it. I'm sorry that it didn't work out for you, I lived in Cumbria for a while and I know how limited the opportunities are. I dont' see what else you could have done: you put up with a lot of things that didn't work for you, made compromises, made sterling efforts to communicate. For me the hardest thing to get past would have been the guy having to be calmed down mid-rehearsal. Hang in there, salvage whatever you can from the other band members, and hopefully next time you will get better luck, you deserve it.
  12. It can give you a lot more than just a pair of mikes. I put mine into 4CH mode, mikes for ambient, jack sockets a feed from the desk and a feed from the bass, adjust the levels to sort out your mix and plug IEMs into the headphone socket. But yes, expensive if you don't have one already.
  13. The @Dood method of using a H4n springs to mind. Another option might be a PZM , there was a brilliant Tandy clone of these which pops up on t'bay from time to time.
  14. Sounds like a job for the resident genius @Andyjr1515
  15. If this article is about PA bass bins, it probably won't apply to bass cabs which are full-range. My experience is that splitting cabs either side of the stage doesn't work and leads to even worse out-of-phase issues. Better to have identical cabs and stack them one on top of the other. EA stuff just seems to work well with double basses though. I have an iAmp350 and a pair of VL110s , enough to make reasonable volume to the point where feedback becomes a consideration without changing the sound a great deal.
  16. £27 quid? Last time I bought a 5 string set (normal strings plus an extra .125) it was £49 quid. That was at least 2 years ago.
  17. Tecamp and Eich 1x12 cabs (and also the Puma combos) have an effective tilt up - they come with a rod which you stick into a socket on the bottom, which allows it to tilt a lot further than an amp stand. Another option might be to put a PA socket in the bottom and stick it on a pole next to your ear. Some small combos come with this fitted as standard.
  18. Power supply for the Dunlop brick is 18VDC centre negative, 3A, part number is ECB004UK . I got one from www.fxpedal.co.uk .
  19. Cool, might pop over if I can persuade one of the offspring to give me a lift.
  20. I've got one of these. Its briliant and it's going nowhere. So if you want one, you'll have to buy this one. Have a free bump on me, nice vid by the way.
  21. This. The only exception I've found so far was with an MXR Envelope Filter, that really didn't appreciate a Thumpinator upstream of it.
  22. Max at SFX Sound recommended it should be the first thing in the chain. If the effects loop is parallel, as many are, some LF will still get through, so caveat emptor.
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