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Everything posted by bertbass

  1. Don't forget Gigster and Ajax drums, Zyn and Super Zyn cymbals. I shan't mention Krut or sizzle cymbals. Horrible things! Premier drums were around at the time as well and the cheaper Olympic. They all seemed pretty loud to me at the time, actually, they seem pretty loud now as well even though they're over 50 years old. Just didn't sound so good, but then maybe that was the drummers.
  2. You actually have up to 6 years from date of purchase under the sale of goods act 2015. https://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/regulation/consumer-rights-act
  3. That's what I thought. I'll have to be more careful in future. Thanks!
  4. Hi, I accidentally hit the off topic forum read button. How do I undo it? Thanks.
  5. You play some pretty roomy gigs then!
  6. Interesting! Well, I think it is. Some of the innovations that emerged out of World War II are well-documented, ranging from the microwave to the atomic bomb. But there's one small tool whose WW2 heritage is lesser-known: superglue. Superglue was first developed by scientists at Eastman Kodak who were trying to design gun sights for the military after they found that some of their failed attempts had other useful properties. While the adhesive has become known for fixing pottery and clothing, during the Vietnam War, it became life saving. "If somebody had a chest wound or open wound that was bleeding," inventor Harry Coover once told the Kingsport Times-News, "the biggest problem they had was stopping the bleeding so they could get the patient back to the hospital. And the consequence was—many of them bled to death. So the medics used the spray, stopped the bleeding, and were able to get the wounded back to the base hospital. And many, many lives were saved."
  7. I'm wireless so wanted the mini plug for the transmitter, had to rewire it though for the Line 6 transmitter. Very happy with it. It is a bit low in the output department, but that's never been a problem as I just up the gain a bit. I do use a footswitch to switch it on and off so that I can cough, talk the others in the band etc.
  8. I use one of these, https://www.thomann.de/gb/shure_wh20tqg.htm?ref=prod_rel_341637_1 and it's great. Not the highest output though.
  9. After dabbling on a Vox stroller, bought from my Mum's mail order catalogue, Marshall Ward, my first venture on bass was a Vox Clubman bought from a friend for £5. Shorter than short scale, no truss rod and smaller than small machine heads. The previous owner had replaced the Vox pickup with a Burns Trisonic which unfortunately was thicker than the body so a wooden bowl shape was glued to the back of the body to cover up the hole. I also bought a linear 50 and a home made 2x12 to use with it. How was I to know one of the speakers was blown? Can't remember what happened to that bass.
  10. https://www.accu.co.uk/en/raised-phillips-countersunk-screws/175528-SIRK-M2-5-8-A4-BL https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sinmova-Stainless-Phillips-Countersunk-Machine/dp/B0721242ZT/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_2?s=diy&ie=UTF8&qid=1533718699&sr=8-2-fkmr1&keywords=M2+black+8mm+Phillips+countersunk These are not black but a felt tip can be very handy.
  11. Paint's fine with me!
  12. I can't help with your problem but I do like the ideas and music.
  13. FireDragons sounds great!
  14. I tried it once and although my head knew what I should do, my fingers didn't. It felt like I was trying to play bass again from day one but I didn't need to do it, just wanted to see if I could and have the choice of all those right handed basses that us left-handed players are denied. Good luck!
  15. This is interesting. http://www.marstran.com/cabdata/cabdata.html
  16. You're right, the top cab has the top 2 speakers angled back but the bottom cab has the baffle slightly angled from about an inch at the bottom to about 2 inches at the top and I can't see that slant in the photos.
  17. Our drummer recently got a set of these, https://www.drumshack.co.uk/traps-a400-nc-acoustic-drum-kit/p/10?option=27017&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIw6a1gZb22wIV1JTVCh3R4AQ3EAQYASABEgJiTPD_BwE and they are brilliant!!! Light, loud if you want them to be and so easy to transport. They are amazing!!! A couple of videos. Well worth considering.
  18. Not a Marshall bottom cab as the baffle doesn't slant back. Not a Hiwatt, they used Fane speakers. Not a Sound City as the handles are wrong and they also used Fanes. Judging but the bit of fret cloth wrapped round the edges of the baffle inside, I'd say it's something like a Sola Sound.
  19. When my amp packed up once, I used one straight into a power amp and was pleasantly surprised at how good the sound was.
  20. Cheap Behringer graphic pedal will do that for you.
  21. I'm pleased for you, excellent result. I wish mine was as easy to fix.
  22. Mine did exactly that. It was just after Fender bought the company and before they sold it on. Fender gave me a Rumble 500 as a replacement and I was a bit miffed to begin with but the Rumble has turned out to be an excellent amp. If the amp has died, then I suspect that your choices are limited. Aged horse on Talkbass might be able to help but he's in the states. It depends how much you like the amp.
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