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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. I'm 51, been playing since I was 19. Although I haven't played in a gigging band since 2011 (dad duties) I'm definitely the best I've ever been right now. Sometimes I go weeks without playing, but I never stop thinking about it, listening and learning and my touch has lightened so I don't feel that rusty when I do get stuck in again. I really should start doing yoga again though to get the rust of the rest of me 😄
  2. Fixed. (Speaking for myself there btw)
  3. I thought he was the one they tried to cancel. Kind of backfired on them though if I recall 😄
  4. Yeah very sad news. I saw this on Bob Golihur's site last night. Family aside and thoughts with them of course, this is a real loss to the community...
  5. The Hardest Thing In The World - The Stone Roses
  6. Fog On The Tyne - Jimmy five bellies mate
  7. Hello! You just need to turn the trussrod nut a quarter turn anti clockwise with an Allen key. Make sure you de-tune your strings until they're quite slack first though, to take the tension off the neck (not so slack that they are completely undone though). Once you've loosened the trussrod by that quarter turn, tune your bass back up to pitch. You will now have a little relief in your neck and the buzzing will hopefully be taken care of. Leave it for a day or so before you're tempted to do anymore adjusting as it may take that long to settle in fully. Hopefully you'll be good to go just by following the above. Take it one day at a time, don't beat yourself up and enjoy the ride. It's a bloody fun one! 👊
  8. Light gauge Dunlop Super Bright steels would work for you I reckon. Excellent strings and cheaper to buy than Hi-Beams, which I also used to use.
  9. Off the top of my head, any Family Man bassline and the entire Stone Roses debut album.
  10. True, but if they don't my brain doesn't work properly 😂
  11. This exactly the bass that came to mind! I played one in a shop and it was a good bass. The mango wood looks nicer again in real life.
  12. I still haven't got past wanting to play a Wal just to see... (MkII because of Blood Sugar Sex Majik)
  13. Me too. Unfortunately it was 1993 so no smart phones and everyone was too poor to own a camera. Also it was in the roughest pub in Rhyl that was full of all the types that were barred from everywhere else. I remember thinking at the time that we could actually die tonight! We opened with a fast cocktail jazz rendition of the Star Wars theme and everyone rushed towards the stage. I was actually shocked that they didn't attack us but instead, everyone stated cheering and freaky dancing with huge grins and laughter. They got it. It was right there that the power of music and spectacle was revealed to me. We quickly followed with our turbo flamenco number, El Gringo - Master Of The Bingo. I also realise that some things are best remembered simply in our memories! 😂
  14. 21. 2 years after I first started learning. The Magnificent Flying Sorcerers - original band playing Welsh flamenco cocktail jazz with a reggae twist. Dressed as little grey aliens in boiler suits. Except we were all tall and painted blue. With halved ping pong ball eyes held on with elastic that slowly tried to suck out our eyeballs as the set progressed. I still can't fathom why we didn't make it.
  15. Only Eduardo Sanchez knew what he was thinking at the time 🤔 🤷‍♂️
  16. I meant natural wood and graphite necks matched together btw. It's like the past and the future existing in the same place. It breaks time captain.
  17. Niiiice! If it was my bass I'd leave the Moses neck and the pickguard as is and do the body in bright Lamborghini orange. Natural wood finish bodies and graphite necks visually don't work for me. But hey I'm not you.
  18. The bass looks fabulous and legit to me. Not sure I trust the seller though. As always, I could be completely wrong!
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