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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. Trumpets and fish don't mix We heard from a blower called Rick His mates for a jape Thought it would be great Now Rick calls his old mates pricks
  2. The best depth neck is the one that fits your hands. I've been down the narrow and slim route and it used to give me hand cramps (big hands, long fingers) I'm happiest playing a full fat P neck - the chunkier the better too!
  3. Another alternative take on a theme. Not sure if Paul Ryder copied AJ's OJ bassline or if it's a sample. The 303 would be cool over the Monday's nod to it anyway...
  4. Got it. Copper tape is best because it gets rid of the slugs that attract the sharks. Phew...bass playing ain't for sissys eh? 😅
  5. This would work well with some acidy knob twiddles... I'm a big fan of the 303 btw 🙂👌
  6. If You Want Me To Stay Or a variation on the theme...
  7. Shine On You Crazy Diamanté - Pink Ratners
  8. Fender Mexico: Wtf is this? It's not even a proper Jazz. Sod it, the trainee kids can have a pop at it..
  9. Dood was right. Try lowering the P pickup a bit until the noise stops 👍
  10. Solid covers though so no pole pieces exposed to clack against?
  11. Charlie’s Enormous Mouth - Frank Zappa
  12. "The Fender Golden Shower Jazz" 🤣
  13. Oh dear! (I thought I was going to be looking at a Mani signature model for a moment. )
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