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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. Yeah the neck pocket has been, ahem, "sanded". It's now an even rarer 70s "chambered" body 😆
  2. It only weighs 8lbs too which will only add to it's 70s rarity goodness gracious me factor...
  3. Welcome to the tribe! Fun times ahead... The best advice I can give is (considering that you already possess musicians ears and have decent taste) is listen to the music you already love, focusing now on the bass, and listen out for the things that make you think "that's really cool but I can't do that", then learn how to do it until you can and have absorbed that particular vocabulary. Listen to how interesting bass parts work with/against/off the other things happening in the music. Learning basslines is cool (obvs) but a great bass player is aware of the whole. The bigger picture. It needn't be complicated nor overly theoretical to be amazing. My suggestions, the ones that really grabbed me initially and made me focus on the bigger picture, are John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin and Family Man Barratt of Bob Marley and The Wailers. They are quite different but both players are a masterclass in rhythm, groove, melody and serving the whole. They are both clearly great listeners. Might not speak to you the same way, but they did it for me. Whatever turns you on is the right path for you. Regarding jazz - Paul Chambers' (Mr. PC) work with Miles Davis is another one. The album Kind Of Blue is the quintessential 'jump off into jazz' album, and for very good reason. Enjoy the ride, you're in for a treat. It's the best!
  4. Good luck with it mate, hope it weighs in as you like. It looks the bomb and sounds to me like it's been well looked after. Sensibly priced too. GLWTP 🤞
  5. I would usually agree but I can see the attraction here. It's my YOB and I'm sure there's other 50 year olds out there who will be thinking "all my life, everyday that I've lived, my bass has been sat there in it's case... Patiently waiting for this moment...Patiently waiting for MEEE!!" There's a lot of rich sentimental 50 year olds about. I hear.
  6. Nice real Pino/Jet Harris there. Shame there's no pics of under the hood though. The body has the right router humps but I'd need to look into the deets of the refin if I was buying...
  7. The Everlasting - Manic Street Preachers
  8. The "s" is mono, the 4003 with binding and sail fin inlays is stereo.
  9. 2022 me would now be feverishly on his way to Monmouth, spending money he doesn't have...thankfully 2023 me has turned over a new leaf! Hold your nerve boy!!! 😅 (having a stern word with myself there)
  10. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/134428157589?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=y-DvJnjnT_6&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=8-9VIso6Q1m&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=MORE I think this Ric looks fabulous.
  11. How different an instrument is the 4000 (besides the single horseshoe)? Are the electronics different in some way? I do like the look of them.
  12. Good vid actually, pretty funny. They work well as a double act. More natural. One thing I picked up on though is the Peter Hook reference as a player. Hooky actually played a cheap faker because he couldn't afford a real Ric. Hooky hated playing that bass so as soon he made enough money to buy a proper bass, he bought a Yamaha.
  13. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions! Brilliant (and daunting! 😄). I have listened via Spotify to some of the works as suggested, then Spotify did it's random jukebox thing and up popped Claude Debussy. Which I really liked. So I've been listening to him for a bit now. Tonight I've given some of Bartók's Mikrokosmos a listen and was really surprised! I hadn't realised that it was a series of slowly building piano tutorials with mostly (so far) two different intervals at a time travelling around the, erm, mikrokosmos. This kind of approach I do already on my bass just for fun, feeling out textures with tensions and release. Right up my street! I've ordered the definitive book to have a look at what's actually going on. Seems like a fun way to practice reading again and will get me enthusiastically sat at the piano for a change. I'm going to create a playlist on Spotify with every suggestion so far, so I can go through everything whilst in the car. I'll try and make it public so others can add to it if they like, similar to the basschat Best Basslines Ever playlist that was popular a few years back (once I work out how it's done! 😄) Cheers all!
  14. Simply gorgeous tint and finish on that neck! Big Dimarzio fan here too 😙👌
  15. I know what you mean but a line has to be drawn somewhere... Looking Geddy Pee is cool, but sounding it? Andy has to sound like Andy Tee 😉 Always felt that a BA takes something away from a P bass rather than adding to it. Imho of course.
  16. That Old Chestnut - Fox Jaw Bounty Hunters
  17. I feel like a pair of curtains... Pull yourself together! *dad joke out
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