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Everything posted by Bigwan

  1. [quote name='farmer61' post='846617' date='May 24 2010, 04:23 PM']+1 on all of the positive comments, however the Interest Free is on 'quality' instruments not on amps etc, shame or else I'd have walked away with a tonnage of Genz Benz gear. If you're buying a higher end bass, game on!!![/quote] According to the credit section on the BD website: [i]You can use Take it away to finance the purchase of any kind of musical instrument, whether new or reconditioned, from a tabla to a tenor horn, a bass guitar to a berimbau. You can also include music stands, stools, sheet music, amplifiers, equipment and sometimes tuition as part of your loan. Recorded music, PA systems and computer hardware are not eligible to purchase under the scheme.[/i] So no excuse!
  2. I bought half a dozen of the standard guitar shop jobs off ebay and they're rock solid - I used longer screws/rawl plugs than usual to mount them and they're going nowhere. Been up for nearly a year now (my shuker 6 must be in the region of 12lbs+, although I've never weighed it). If I'd only been buying 1 I might have been tempted by the Hercules stuff, but I've seen one of their guitar stands fall to bits with little abuse so then again maybe not...
  3. What he's saying about tension is technically correct, but total nonsense in practice. He's basically talking about a different scale length increasing the tension of the string. Identical strings on 34 and 35" scale lengths will have different tensions (the 35" scale length having the higher tension). It's exactly the same when you pull the bridge setting back, but it makes little sense since your intonation will probably be totally out of wack, although heavier gauge strings will typically need the bridge moved back further than lighter strings for correct intonation.
  4. Definately newer than '91 that. Sweet bass, and a bargain too!
  5. Just a +1 on how good these basses are. Mine is the same vintage and is on a par with my Lakland JO (my no.1 bass of ALL time). I haven't spent much time with any of my other basses since the P arrived... I might have to clear some out if I can get the idea past her-indoors! Bizarrely she's banned me from selling any of my gear, but I digress. Good luck with your sale OHM!
  6. [quote name='martthebass' post='844151' date='May 21 2010, 01:51 PM']Could be wrong but I think all of the 5 stringers are the mark 1.[/quote] ...and I thought they were all Mark II! Not THAT much difference really!
  7. Not interested in trades by any chance?
  8. [quote name='urb' post='843025' date='May 20 2010, 12:31 PM']Hi Folks Just wanted to share some good news that I was awarded [b]Jazz Journalist Of The Year[/b] at the Parliamentary Jazz Awards last night, I was chosen by the All Parliamentary Jazz Appreciation Group - the event (for your info) is actually sponsored by PPL the copyright company that helps musicians get paid for their performances. I was nominated last year but lost out to a fine colleague at Jazzwise magazine - but when my name came up on the nominatiosn list again this year I thought I stood a reasonable chance of getting it - as did Jazzwise magazine as Publication of the Year - anyway I'll go away now but just thought you'd like to know this - more info [url="http://www.jazzwisemagazine.com/component/content/article/51-2009/11413-jazz-breaking-news-jazzwise-scoops-jazz-publication-and-journalist-of-the-year-at-parliamentary-jazz-awards"]here on the evening at the Houses Of Parliament[/url] last night. Cheers Mike[/quote] Oh God there's going to be no living with you! Congratulations!
  9. [quote name='Starless' post='843707' date='May 20 2010, 11:45 PM']This is just nonsense. No disrespect to anybody involved, but if I was looking for a bassist and was skimming through the 'available' ads, the OP's opening couple of lines would have me moving smartly on to the next ad. Don't want to dampen down this feeding frenzy (it's obviously keeping a few people entertained), but I can see merit in both arguments and to have the word 'Professional' bandied about while acting in anything like a professional manner (I'm having to duck the sheer quantity of toys flying around which have originated from the OP's pram) is a bit ironic. Just my opinion, but the OP's 'bassist available' ad is more concerned with getting back at the ex-band, than a serious attempt to advertise one's wares. Completely self-defeating exercise as I'm sure other bands would look at the ad and come to the same conclusion as I have. It's a team game, the OP didn't agree with the training methods, move on, next please. If the band were sneaky advertising for a replacement, then the OP's diatribe against that band and individual members on a public forum is just as questionable. They sound just like my cup of tea, plenty get-togethers and don't care too much about making a filthy profit. Just a pity I'm several hundred miles away.[/quote] Never been screwed over by a band, mate? This here is just therapy... I'd call it pretty healthy myself. Some people go round and break windows! You did right G. Saved some other guys from wasting there time with these tits. Been there and done it myself in the past - wish someone had saved me the bother! Starless - Go get joined up if they're so up your street.
  10. [quote name='largo' post='842838' date='May 20 2010, 09:48 AM']How much for the MB-200 crez5150 ? And scuppered with the 410 as they've gone and put a handle on the top, what's the point in that? I want my amp to rest on the top, especially with a 4x10.[/quote] First thing I noticed about the MB-200 in the pic (on the GK website - not in the OP pic) was the honking great feet it has (maybe it just seems that way since the rest of it is so small). It'll probably sit over the top of the handle I'd think.
  11. I so want this - alas I'm currently skint!
  12. That sucks major a$$. Better off without them mate. Let them know that you know, and perhaps hint that their chances of finding a replacement are somewhat deminished by their public outting on basschat for being underhand about it.
  13. [quote name='tauzero' post='840626' date='May 18 2010, 10:53 AM']I've been throwing some suggestions at covers band B - we have both male and female lead vocals. Finding songs for male vocals is dead easy. Female: Torn - Natalie Imbruglio [b][u][i]Black velvet - Alanis Morrissette[/b][/u][/i] Zombie - Cranberries Because the night - Patti Smith Fever - Peggy Lee[/quote] FAIL! That'd be Alannah Miles you'd be meaning!
  14. I can't afford this... Neither do I have anything worthy of a trade... both of these facts make me sad... Good luck with this!
  15. Just a slight correction - there are only 23 of these in existence. 24 were ordered but one turned out to be STUPIDLY heavy and Dan Lakin wouldn't let it out the door. Mine's a keeper! These are great basses, and especially good considering the price.
  16. [quote name='Musicman20' post='836049' date='May 13 2010, 12:05 PM']I think Orange Bass Terror, LM2/3 with pedal, or TC RH450. The TC is expensive but believe me it can do very clean and clear/slight tube grit/full on grit and it is very warm and versatile.[/quote] The RH450 ticks all the boxes, but the price is a BIG stumbling block. You could buy a new Bass Terror AND a new LMIII for the same price as the RH450 and footcontroller new. I probably don't need all that flexibility either - I'm a bit set and forget! All the suggestions I've had here (and over on TB) so far have been for amps I've already considered myself - I came to the conclusion that if the Orange could do clean (ish!) at a reasonable volume then it'd be pretty perfect, otherwise it'd be either an LMII/III (or F1) with a VT pedal. I still think the Orange is the winner myself (other than the size, but that's not a big deal really - the cute little carry case means you can put it over the shoulder rather than in the gigbag pocket) and it's stupid loud by all accounts - too much dirt may be the only problem, but then I could do a bit of valve swapping to ease that a bit.
  17. You have to get used to the idea of selling one of them first. Then toss a coin. If you're disappointed by the result then go the other way...
  18. With a pedal was my first thought (as was the VT!), but wondered if there were any that could do it without.
  19. Hi guys, I'm thinking of swapping out one of my Ashdown ABM heads for something that'll fit in my gig-bag pocket. I'm really happy with the sound of the ABM (both of mine are from the original Klystron Magnifier series, made in UK, pre-EVO - solid as a rock stuff) so I'm looking for recommendations of what would get me closest to that sound without adding a pedal up front. I usually have the EQ off, shape on, valve/solid dial about half way, gain so the signal is just into the red on the VU and volume to taste. Probably combine whatever head I decide on with an Aguilar GS112 for rehearsals/small gigs and/or my tasty Tech Soundsystems 4x12 for bigger stuff. My initial thought is Orange Terror Bass 500, but it won't fit in the gig-bag... Cheers! Ian
  20. You should point out in your title that it's a lefty!
  21. I think it sounds like a software tool for the current head. Guys over on TB getting very excited - don't know why. They may never offer it for sale.
  22. [quote name='chriswilliams666' post='829066' date='May 5 2010, 10:24 PM']I work at a Former-Lakland Dealer. The distributor Headline (PRS) are no longer doing it, and looking at the Lakland site it says GuitarGuitar are the new distributor. And they have LOADS in stock![/quote] So what you're saying is give it a while and there'll be another Tecamp-style glut! Oh Goodie!
  23. Bigwan


    Cheap as chips! Great basses!
  24. Good golly, miss molly... I think that says it all.
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