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Everything posted by Bigwan

  1. Bigwan

    12" Cabs.

    I've maybe missed this but did you use the 2512 drivers?
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  3. Haven't played the VM Squier, but the Classic Vibe jazz is an amazing bass for the money. I've told this story before, but I was on honeymoon in NYC just before Christmas. Visited the Sadowsky shop (really nice stuff), Ruddy's (also nice - nice F bass selection, a US MTD and some nice vintage P's), but the one bass that sticks out from all the ones I played (bound to have been 40 basses - some in the super-duper-cash category) is the Squier CV Jazz. How is that possible? I'd think the CV would have a warmer tone than the VM.
  4. This is bargaintastic! [url="http://www.dawsons.co.uk/acatalog/squier_james_johnston_jazz_bass_lake_placid_blue_rosewood_neck.html"]http://www.dawsons.co.uk/acatalog/squier_j...ewood_neck.html[/url]
  5. Ibanez BTB405 or ATK305 might be worth a look depending which one fits the bill for you.
  6. Well there's loads of options if you can get an ABM for good money, less so if you go for the Orange BT, but if weight isn't a big concern (and you have the room to transport it) you could consider one of the Peavey 4x10s. They're cheap as chips second hand and pretty bullet proof. Always been a fan of them for the money, more so than any of the full size Ashdown cabs.
  7. What is your overall budget? I love Ashdowns (have 2 ABMs), but I wouldn't buy a new one. Seek out an older, UK made, pre-EVO series 500 watt ABM head (£250-300 should get you one) and get yourself a decent cab or 2 within budget (you could pick up the mini pairing Shire has for under £400 used). Don't buy new. Buy here (i.e from Basschat members). If you want to buy new I'd go with the Orange Terror bass (I'm seriously considering one myself!). If you're practising that loud also consider some decent hearing protection...
  8. You'll want to be getting a backup... the caps on the Wal circuit boards of that vintage aren't the best and WILL give up (that's from Pete himself). It's only a matter of time... Or you could just get them replaced and be happy for another 20 odd years!
  9. Why not make a P/J mod to your jazz? Any routing will be hidden if you decide to revert to original layout and it won't effect resale value by a great deal.
  10. Awesome basses for the money - I love mine!
  11. [quote name='Dubs' post='816059' date='Apr 23 2010, 12:16 PM']This is the nicest of any bolt-on Warwick that I've played.[/quote] Have you been and played it since yesterday? Sorely tempted by this - but I think my lovely wife would cut my knackers off with something blunt if I appeared home with another bass...
  12. Don't know about the OP but I know the Little B*****d isn't what I'm after. I'm looking something that can do vintage/dirty but can do cleaner at a push, weighs next to nowt and will allow me to travel on a train with my bass and a small cab. I'm thinking the orange is close, but ideally I'd like gigbag-pocket size. I'm currently leaning more towards a Markbass F1 and a VT pedal for maximum flexibility. I think bass, amp, pedal, tuner and leads in gigbag and my aggie cab would be my ideal.
  13. WOT, you being a big Mesa fan (and an almost total TC convert going by recent posts!), how would you rate the Walkabout for vintage tones? I played a WA15 combo while on honeymoon in new york and it sounded seriously PHAT!
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='813642' date='Apr 21 2010, 12:10 PM']Ah, fair enough. I've never used the Orange, so I can't really comment... It would have to go some to compete with the TC, though! I just love it... every note has punch. It's lovely.[/quote] I'm still tempted by the TC stuff, but more by the RH450 whether I need the extra features or not! The orange looks so cute though... pity it wasn't gigbag sized.
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='813616' date='Apr 21 2010, 11:47 AM']Sounds like the TC Classic would be up your alley...[/quote] I had thought that, but £700 vs £450 for the Terror Bass? It would need to be some amp to justify that to me!
  16. I'm interested in what people have to say on this one too. The RH450 is over-spec'd for what I would need (don't need memories, tuner or compressor). How would the Orange Terror bass fit? (my ideal amp is an Ashdown ABM, but they won't fit in my gig-bag - neither will the orange but coiuld go in a backpack easy enough!)
  17. Great basses, even if you couldn't get any money off.
  18. Could you play your bass on a stand? I remember reading something in 'bass player' about a chap who injured his back in some sort of garden accident and did this. Definately the cheaper option, although it may take a bit of getting used to! Like this: [url="http://www.mbracestand.com"]www.mbracestand.com[/url]
  19. Neither are my cup of tea any more. Having said that, if someone pressed me I'd go for Flea since Mark King didn't record Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik...
  20. I'll give up when someone folds me into my casket... I had a year and a bit break about 10 years ago and it ain't ever happening again! Having been in a gigging band for 10 years you must have made a few contacts? Get calling - good bass players are like hens teeth! You should have your pick! I'm currently bandless too (but strangely have just recorded my first full length album for the band I just left), but I'm going to take this time to learn all that stuff I've been putting off. I haven't sat down and learned a song for fun in about 10 years and have no practise routine other than random noodling so I'm going to try and sort that out. I've also never learned a scale or mode in my life! Now's the time. Also have hardware issues - some of my basses have a few setup/electronic issues - I'm going to work on those too.
  21. Just to clarify - that's a 55-02, not a 55-01. Great basses no matter what it is!
  22. All depends on stage volume. If you're using decent foldback monitors do you need an amp rig at all? (I say this having followed you recent amp rig exploits - I'm a git aren't I )
  23. Ashdown will sell you a sleeve for this, no probs. Been done before. You'll need one as they're not a sealed unit once out of the combo (no side or top plates). Not easy to racmount either, not without fabricating your own rack shelf.
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