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Everything posted by Bigwan

  1. Just bought a Trace V-type preamp from Steve. Great bit of kit and great seller!
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  3. Looking forward to hearing how you get on with this WoT. Looking at your recent amp history (Mesa and TC) if it's your cup of tea it could be mine too!
  4. [quote name='algmusic' post='906822' date='Jul 27 2010, 11:06 AM']I've tried the Promethean and by all your comments, it's seem the way to go or the shuttle (but I know less about this one)... The orange is tubey, the MB LM is warm so the next step would be more towards the HI-FI... The Ibanez is more Hi-Fi. the mark tube sounds like bad mix of MB trying to sound like an orange... ;-( It's a shame SWR, EDEN or EBS don't do a micro amp.. I think that would open up the other end of the amp spectrum. I've played the Redhead combo and it's great.. a mirco redhead would be awesome[/quote] SWR and EDEN do. SWR do the microlite thingy. Eden get close to the size of the MB LM too with the WTX series (i think that's what they're called). EBS don't so far.
  5. Everything's possible - certainly this is. Whether it's financially worthwhile depends on what your friend wants to get out of it. Whether the original V8 had a circuit board or not is irrelevant. All a circuit board is is wired connections trapped on a piece of stiff material making connections between multiple points more simple - can be achieved just the same with wires. It's never going to be identical to a V8, even if the original parts can all be sourced, but if he knows what he's doing it'll probably be pretty close, and with the appropriate attention to detail, could better the original amp. Having built a valve amp myself I'd say a V8 is probably not the most complicated thing in the world (but that's easy for me to say having worked in telecoms, aeronautical and automotive electronics).
  6. Going on description alone I think the GK MB500 (they've dropped the 2 from the name now) is probably a good starting point. The Ibanez Promethean is supposedly quite Markbass sounding so maybe too like what you've already tried. If you decide to sell off your LMIII give us a shout - I'm on the lookout for one myself.
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  8. Had a 6 string built by Jon Shuker a couple of years back. He built me exactly what I wanted, but my tastes have changed considerably since then - gone all 4 string! As a result I'd say buy off the peg UNLESS you are sure - entirely sure - what you're ordering is what you'll need. I wouldn't go custom again I don't think (not in the near future anyway) - having said that the 6er is a cracking bass for what it is and great value compared to similar 'off-the-shelf' basses.
  9. At the risk of sounding like a broken record... Line 6 Studio 110.
  10. Bigwan

    Bass Porn

    Yup, I'll take one too!
  11. Would you split (I know you'd rather not, but I'm a local and don't want the whole lot)? Interested in the head and 1 cab (not sure which though). Can you break the price down a bit accordingly (i.e. head and 1 cab, how much?). Alternatively anything in my sig interest you? Cheers!
  12. It had an inherent tone that I just didn't find that appealing, unlike the Ashdown ABM which has the perfect sound for me with EQ flat, pre-shape on, Valve drive 1/2 way, gain and volume to taste. Sold it and bought a Thunderfunk TF550 and didn't gel with it either! So straight back to Ashdown and happy as the proverbial pig... Just wish they were smaller and lighter. I'd like a micro amp that'll do the Ashdown thing (something that'll fit in my gig-bag pocket - not the little giant stuff though, seems a bit half baked), but don't think such a thing exists - the Orange Terror bass is probably close (doesn't fit in the gig-bag though), as is the Markbass Tube, but I think a markbass little mark/F1/Ibanez promethean + VT pedal is probably the way I'll go eventually. I've no experience with any of the heads you mentioned I'm afraid - I'm on the wrong side of the Irish Sea, same as you!
  13. I wasn't overly impressed with the AG500SC that I owned. It was ok, but I went back to my trusty Ashdowns without a second thought (don't believe everything you hear about them!), although I'm considering moving one of my Ashdowns on for something more lightweight (Markbass LMII/III, Orange BT500 or Ibanez Promethean). Will always have one about though. I agree that Aggie make great cabs. My GS112 is a fantastic cab!
  14. I've only played the 15" version, and only fleetingly, but it sounded very lush. Another bit of gear I have on my "to own" list!
  15. [quote name='Pkomor' post='856163' date='Jun 3 2010, 02:48 PM'] New rig! [url="http://img155.imageshack.us/i/03062010028.jpg/"][/url] Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url] [url="http://img688.imageshack.us/i/03062010030.jpg/"][/url] Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url][/quote] Considering a very similar rig myself. One of my Ashdowns will be moving out to make way for either an F1, F500, LMII(I) or Orange Terror Bass, depending which I prefer the sound of. Might add another Aggie too.
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  17. [quote name='gadget' post='822704' date='Apr 29 2010, 09:15 AM']This pic shows the flaming a little better!! I have tried to track the origins of this body down... I bought it from Physco Andy originally, so he may be able to shed more light on it?? Either way, it looks like its a factory reject (it had some minor flaws in the finish, and then had been refinished over the top of these flaws), and could possibly even be a Lakland reject (Korean ratehr than USA of course)... So hence thats where the name Shukland came from, on account of the possible Lakland connection! Of course there is actually no way of proving or disproving this theory, so the name remains!! And the body as it was originally just after purchasing.... Enjoy!! G![/quote] Wrong shape/pickup routes/control layout for a Lakland... looks almost like a Warmoth Gecko, although the horns are a little too fat.
  18. Nice playing! I assume the iSight cam flips it so you're left handed? Bound to be a way around that - MarloweDK did it the same way so there must be some way to do it!
  19. Meths in a haribo box... soak strings for 24 hours and bobs your uncle. Sound like new.
  20. You sound like you'd fit with my previous cover band - I used a Line6 Studio 110 with them. My only concern would be they're not a loud 75 watts. Our drummer used an electronic kit and the guitarist used the Behringer POD thingy through vocal monitors for practice. I doubt the 110 would keep up with a real drum kit (especially if the drummer is anything other than mild mannered!) unless there's also PA support (unlikely in most practices) - admittedly I've never tried it myself. Other than that the wee amp cannot be beaten. I gigged with mine DI'd into our PA and it was a great live sound. The only thing I'd change would be to add a kick-back stand. They're so portable it's hilarious! At the time I bought mine it was the best for what I wanted. For £400 there may be something better, but I doubt it would be better all round... unless you can find a Markbass 121P combo for that sort of money, but I highly doubt it!
  21. [quote name='Doddy' post='854397' date='Jun 2 2010, 01:50 AM']Lucas Pickford's site is great... but it's not exactly "easy pop stuff" is it [/quote] It's easy if you can do it, as the man said!
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