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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. Found it amusing that Turnkey's website has the RRP of £549 crossed out with a sale price of £549 above it. What kind of sales policy is that? Good luck with the sale.
  2. I remember seeing him at the Manchester University Students Union years ago and stood about 20 feet away from him. When the band struck up the first track and Marcus' bass kicked in it just blew me away. One of those truly "lump in my throat" emotional times I've had with music.
  3. I'll be there again this year. Nathan East......very nice. Looking like another great show already. [quote name='Gary' post='523758' date='Jun 25 2009, 03:33 PM']If anyone is travelling and staying over go to the hotels section on the site, gives you a list of all the hotels in the area.[/quote] If anyone does want to stay over, give me a shout. My wife owns a "serviced apartments" business in the centre of Manchester. Get an apartment for the same price or less as a standard city centre hotel room. I'm sure I can get some "mates rates" sorted out. Cheers, Pete.
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  5. Jake, Feel free to spout off. Any advice you can give would be good at this stage I would imagine. It may help people going off in the wrong direction.
  6. Did you put the JE pre in the Marcus or was it in when you bought it? If the former.....what difference did you notice in tone, etc?
  7. Do you have a ballpark figure in mind? Offers in the region of......?
  8. [quote name='Linus27' post='517214' date='Jun 18 2009, 10:22 AM']Yep, white pearloid scratchplate for the DJ4 is on the list [/quote] I used to have a white pearloid on the JO5 I used to have. Looks the canine's danglies with that.
  9. Yeah, I've seen it done before. It was done with rack rails (that are generally used in IT for servers, etc.). That way, if needed, you can slide out your pedal board to make any necessary adjustments. You'll find the appropriate stuff by googling it.
  10. [quote name='Linus27' post='514794' date='Jun 15 2009, 09:42 PM']Yeah, I did not even know you could get coloured string. This is Happy Jack's old bass and he introduced me to the strings. I am going to try and get some red ones for the Duck Dunn if thats possible [/quote] Good job it's not 3 tone sunburst then
  11. The blue strings on the DJ really make it stand out.
  12. +1 for taking everything back.....it was all in jest Beautiful looking bass.
  13. Great stuff. Glad you got sorted. I'll have a nosey at your website. The offer still stands regarding depping if you need a guy up north. All the best, Pete.
  14. [quote name='Lorne' post='511730' date='Jun 12 2009, 12:05 AM']Notice anything missing?[/quote] Strings?
  15. [quote name='lowdown' post='510363' date='Jun 10 2009, 04:43 PM']Or not available. I still prefere myths, legends and folktales. It would be nice to come back to Basschat in ten years and see if the 'Alembic Stanley Clarke Deluxe' ever surfaced. Have a bump on me, or a bump in the night on me. Garry[/quote] The thread will be, but there'll still be no pics
  16. Yeah, same here.......from a lifelong Jam fan. Shame you're not "oop North", but if you need a dep for any up here and I'm not working, give me a PM. Cheers, Pete.
  17. +1 All as above. Same with my order......done in the afternoon, here the next day. Nuff said!
  18. Hey there Geoff. Good stuff on your myspace page. Can definitely hear a "Finn" influence there (a good thing in my opinion ) I take your bass now has four strings? All the best, Pete.
  19. We're selling our rig, and our singer has already advertised it on eBay before I had a chance to offer it on here. So anyway, here's the link [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HK-Audio-Deacon_W0QQitemZ180366329363QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL?hash=item29feabc613&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1683|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50"]HK Audio Deacon[/url]. It's a fantastic PA, but we're all getting on a bit now and our backs aren't what they used to be If anyone's seriously interested, PM me.
  20. Could be that you're not releasing your thumb from the string quick enough, therefore creating a harmonic with your thumb. As Steve has said, a video might be a better way to look at your technique. That being said, like any other technique, patience is the key. Keep at it, and it will improve.
  21. Welcome to the bass.....great choice. Welcome to Basschat....very wise choice. As a fellow EBS owner......excellent choice.
  22. Alright there Mike. Wise choice taking up the bass. Here's hoping you're still as loving of it 30 years on. All the best, Pete.
  23. Never used to like singlecut designs myself either, but over time they've really grown on me. Not all, just some. I think I may have "bass goggles" on.
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