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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. I've always loved Groove Line A cover version was done by The Questions on Paul Weller's "Respond" record label after The Jam split, which is how I got into the record to start with. Tidy little band, shame nothing really came of the band, although the singer (Paul Barry) has had a fair deal to do with writing major hits for others....e.g. Cher's "Believe", Enrique Inglesias' "Hero".
  2. Nice one Geoff. The Sadowsky should sound luuurrrrrrverly.
  3. In that bracket, I don't think you can go wrong with a G&L Tribute L-2000. Great variety of sounds for very little moolah.
  4. "Fascination" by Human League. Couldn't abide them, but for some reason, the sound of the bass and the simplicity of the line really grew on me.
  5. [quote name='charic' post='504955' date='Jun 3 2009, 07:21 PM']Pretty much any Michael Jackson IMO *Ducks* :ph34r:[/quote] I've never been Jacko's biggest fan, but I think you're definitely in the "songs you don't like" category rather than "crap songs" there.
  6. [quote name='BassLand' post='504948' date='Jun 3 2009, 07:10 PM']This should be a great movie for bassists [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVlzykfuu-0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVlzykfuu-0[/url][/quote] Good shout. One to watch out for.
  7. Sounds good to me. PM details please. Cheers, Pete.
  8. Woo hoo.....I share my birthday with Stanley Clarke. Not bad considering my surname's Clark, and my mum's maiden name is Clarke. Then again, I also share my birthday with Mike Tyson......so......ah stuff it.
  9. Yeah, I've heard it's a common problem with Warwicks. I've heard a solution is to replace the input jack with a Switchcraft one as they're supposed to be excellent quality.
  10. I listened to the first two and yeah, really enjoyed the playing and tone on them. I can understand what you mean about people being put off by the Christian theme. Personally, it's not my scene, but I do think the Yanks really do know how to do Gospel etc. so much better than we do. Everybody from the musicians to the choir, the preacher to the congregation. They all completely immerse themselves in it. When I see anything in the UK, it all looks a bit stilted, almost as if they're meant to look like they're really into it, yet at the same time still being a bit reserved as if clapping hands or holding their arms in the air is enough.
  11. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='502860' date='Jun 1 2009, 11:53 AM']AHA! Got it! Thanks.Except it was the [url="http://www.last.fm/music/Pete+Wingfield/_/18+With+A+Bullet"]Pete Wingfield original[/url]. I think I must have imagined the modern production and the warbly vocal, unless there's a backing singer who kicks in at the end. Could have been heatstroke...[/quote] Nice one. Another satisfied customer
  12. Don't think the Last FM link worked properly. The video link does anyway.
  13. "18 With A Bullet" - Lewis Taylor and Carleen Anderson version? [url="http://www.last.fm/music/+noredirect/Lewis%2BTaylor%2B%2526%2BCarleen%2BAnderso"]Last FM[/url] [url="http://brokencurve.tv/video.aspx?id=2253"]Video[/url]
  14. Sounds like just root notes to me with something else playing the arpeggios over it.
  15. [quote name='josh3184' post='502638' date='May 31 2009, 10:15 PM'] That's realy quite awful! How did they think it'd be good idea?!?![/quote] And how do they think trying to sell it would be a good idea????
  16. Bassland, Very interesting and well constructed posts. It's a shame that you've made so few posts. I'm sure from reading that you've a wealth of knowledge that would be worth sharing on here.
  17. Sounds to me like you've had a good offer there. I'd definitely go for it, especially as they've said they'll take their time and they seem to like [b]you[/b], and that's very important. The thing I read into your posts is that you're lacking in confidence. Be comfortable with your own abilities and the progress you think you can make. Be honest enough with yourself as to whether you're prepared to put in whatever work is needed to reach whatever is expected by yourself and the others around you. Don't put yourself down, just be confident in what you can and [b]can't[/b] do, and hold your head high. Don't try and fudge your way through something you're not comfortable. Just take time and work on it. Overall, it sounds a good gig to me. I'd give it a crack if I were you. If it doesn't work out, you gave it a shot. If you don't give it a shot, you'll never know how it could've worked out and would you rather spend time regretting not having a go?
  18. Alright Aaren from a fellow Manc (and a fellow G&L Tribby owner). You in a band? If so, name/myspace/web page? Out and about gigging? Cheers, Pete.
  19. Oh yes, really like All Blues. Especially sat here listening to at a quarter past midnight. Very nice mate
  20. Yeah, you're right. It can be something you'd not normally go for, but there's just something about it. Mine of recent times was Sia on Jools Holland. Not to everyone's taste I would imagine. In fact her voice/pronunciation would probably drive some people mad. I really liked the first song she did called "Buttons", but the next one, "Soon We'll Be Found" I thought was a beautiful song.
  21. Sharay Reed's a fantastic bassist. Just little things like the run around 2:08 Not flash, but just fits so right.
  22. [quote name='PauBass' post='499996' date='May 28 2009, 04:14 PM']Yes, it's coming home guys, I can't wait![/quote] You lucky, lucky, lucky man. Beautiful bass.
  23. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='499764' date='May 28 2009, 12:29 PM']Its amazing how many people don't rate pop songs in general. If you strip back everything to just the song, hooks, arrangements and specifically the melodies, there are some absolute belters out there. It's a shame that most of it is lost by negative artist association. Spice Girls have some absolutely awesome songs. Agreed, they don't have a lot of talent between them, but you cannot fail to see the genius behind some of their songs. Same goes for Girls Aloud. Other songs that stand out for me, are things like Superstar and of course, pretty much all the genius work of Guy Chambers... who in my opinion, pretty much carved Robbie Williams career for him. Call it guilty pleasures, but I do appreciate a good pop song. Abba reign supreme. Listen to some of the basslines in those songs. The melodies of the vocals and some of the counter melodies in the surrounding orchestration is just... well, perfection. For me, Rutger Gunnarsson is one of the best pop bass players of all time... yet one of the most forgotten.[/quote] I've got a lot of time for well crafted pop songs, as much as I hate the obvious crap pop songs. So I'm not ashamed to admit there's more than just male hormones in my liking of Girls Aloud. The same goes for Take That. Some of the early stuff was awful, but some of it was very good, as some of it is now. A friend of mine was giving guitar lessons to Jason Orange some years back, and he was round at Gary Barlow's house a few times. He said he was amazed at how quick he could write a song. Very talented songwriter indeed. As for ABBA, my mum was a big fan and as a kid, I tended to treat her to an LP every birthday/Christmas/Mothers Day. I used to listen to it all so I've always had a liking for them. Very, very good "pop".
  24. Swapped my EBS WahOne pedal in a trade deal with Ian for his Korg DTR-1000. Great communication, and delivered in no time. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to anyone. Cheers.
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