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Everything posted by KevB

  1. It's one thing avoiding the potential for trading in instrument copies that may infringe copyright and thus be illegal and incur genuine litigation, quite another for an independent social media platform to ban discussion of a particular instrument on either aesthetic or functional grounds if it is any way negative. The first time I see a mod's post on here saying 'by the way we can't say anything negative about such and such any more, sorry' will probably the day I stop posting here.
  2. Sting & Copeland complemented each other very well musically if not off stage...
  3. You'll be fine and I'm sure your tutor will be very supportive. This kind of thing, or the better open mic/jam nights are an ideal stepping stone between bedroom practice and full-on gigging. Have fun, it will fly by.
  4. If anyone's interested in buying an as-new Fender rumble 100 for £150 let me know and i will bring it along, not got round to sticking it on gumtree yet and I'm sure someone will pick it up at that price but it saves me advertising if someone at the bash wants it. I have paid for it to be advertised in the marketplace here so I'm not cutting corners.
  5. I originally offered to bring in my McMillen midi pedals and sound module in case anyone was interested in having a dabble. The sound module goes out via a normal quarter inch jack so as long as the PA has a jack input that will be fine, doesn't need to be a big rig just enough for folks to hear the output. If it comes to it I can just bring headphones as the sound module has a headphone output anyway.
  6. I once saw Frank Marino as part of a multi act evening and he managed 3 songs in his 40 minute set. I'm going along with the 10-12 scenario, my current band usually does 12 in set 1 and 10 in set 2 (because one of them is War Pigs 😃) plus encores, it usually runs to over 45 min though.
  7. I have an old Behringer V-amp Pro that I got 2nd hand and I've never had a reason to use so it can go on the raffle prize table as well.
  8. Universal own the rights to a chord? that's hard to believe.
  9. Originally I couldn't make it because it clashed with my footie team's last home game. Well, due to Man Utd's involvement in Europe (though I think theyve been knocked out now anyway) they decided to move the fixture to Sunday 5th May instead, which means in theory I'm now available to pop along for a while. Be afraid, be very afraid... So I could bring the MacMillen 12 step along with the kit I hook mine up to if anyone's interested? If there's a PA set up somewhere that would be handy or I could just bring along a bass combo to run it through I guess.
  10. Bit testing for the sound on Sat playing at the end of a long narrow room so we were boxed in at the far end and difficult to interact with the audience hence the atmosphere was a bit flat. We played OK though and some good feedback from audience after. Unfortunately the LL was on holiday so we will have to chase it up for a rebooking. Only 10 min drive from home for me so I'd happily play here again. A few mates called by who had seen me in previous bands and they thought it was the best one I'd been in to date which was a pleasant surprise. No more booked until August which frees up some time to work up a set with another couple of guys that want me as part of a potential trio to do biker festivals.
  11. Looks good value for money and not overly large to take to pub gigs. Might pass this on to band members and see what they think
  12. Actually listening to that I don't think the version I do with current band is as far off as I thought and with some of the fiddlier fills I miss I'm often doing keyboard bits on the McMillan 12 step anyway so that's always going to be a compromise. I'll see if I can incorprate more of that line though whenever I get time to sit down with it properly.
  13. Format factory is a free bit of software that will do conversion of many audio and video formats, including flac to mp3
  14. Come to think of it when I saw Manic Street Preachers live they were a 5 piece band.
  15. Actually, not only would that set list work then but to the right crowd would go down well now. Are you sure you want to do covers and get paid to do it?
  16. Rush - Spirit of Radio or Tom Sawyer, that'll keep you busy...
  17. There's been a good representation of modern Welsh prog bands with female vox - The Reasoning, Karnataka, Magenta.
  18. Definitely Morse (Ernie Ball, not a strat) and no contractual issues, he'd been with the band since 1994's Purpendicular album.
  19. Presumably they had to get the gig in early so Gillan could get to his day job taking people's luggage at some big hotel...
  20. I remember seeing Deep Purple playing live on The Big Breakfast. It just looked all wrong somehow.
  21. Got some of their stuff. It's a bit mixed but if I lived local I'd probably go see them. I'm off to Rock City tonight for a bit of rock n roll from Quireboys and FM. There are actually 4 bands playing for a £25 face value ticket which isn't bad these days.
  22. I could have been watching our very own Dave in Cloudbusting on Saturday in Nottingham, or i could have been in Rotherham watching our very own Pete in Storyteller's Night. But there I was in Rowley Regis instead playing to the locals with their impenetrable accents for what turned out to be absurdly poor money (no wonder the guitarist who set it up, living a walkable distance from the pub, was a bit evasive about the fee). Then my rig seemed to be lacking a bit of 'oomph' that i couldn't quite troubleshoot before we played. I think I've sorted it now but can't be arsed to test it before next gig. It just distracts you from what you should be doing. Hence my playing was probably about 80% of what it usually is. I think everyone had a slightly off night in truth which was disappointing as we'd sounded pretty sharp (for us) in rehearsal a couple of weeks back. Just one of those nights. We were called back for 2 encores so I guess we must have pleased a few of the regulars. Next one at a better venue in a couple of weeks so the most recent one will soon be forgotten.
  23. Not sure if I've seen that pic before but have seen very early non official photos after he joined purple. I think I've read somewhere he was told on joining he had to lose weight and I think he had some corrective surgery for an eye problem too.
  24. Looks like a young David Coverdale in his early chubby persona
  25. Yeah volume and tempo are frequently my bugbears too but only because if there are 2 easy ways of screwing up a song that has the right notes in place it's getting one or both of those features wrong. I turned down a band after 1 rehearsal because of stupid guitar volumes. When I could barely hear a full on rock drummers kit 4 feet from me there's something not right. Yet they prided themselves on how 'professional' they were.
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