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Everything posted by KevB

  1. The one place I do see those is on rehearsal room notice boards. And then everyone pretends not to look at them in case their bandmates think they are about to resign😁
  2. The band currently daft enough to use my 'services' on bass (Velvet Gorilla) are at The Barge in Long Eaton Sat Oct 5th. Fairly wide range from Cream to Muse, Thin Lizzy to Pearl Jam. We don't do jazz, sorry.
  3. My favourites from 91 would probably be a toss up between Roll The Bones and Tull's Catfish Rising so I somehow doubt I'm the right demographic to be voting😂
  4. I'd point blank refuse to do a rehearsal session on the same day as a gig, especially a 3 hour one. Band leader needs to look at themselves on this.
  5. Kate Bush probably one of the biggest names to have very few live performances in her cv. The lady just aint fer tourin'
  6. Didnt go too bad in the end considering weve had no musical interaction for 5 weeks. Stuck to same set as last gig, mainly I think because the singer just couldnt be arsed to sort an alternative. One of guitards needed to be away to catch a 4am flight so we started at 9 and finished at 11 with a short break in middle. Crowd seemed responsive and some nice positive feedback. A young lad turned up whos interested in the drumming spot when our current one hangs up his sticks (back trouble and sciatica are making it too painful for him to carry on) and brought his dad (bless!) who turned out to be a bass player and he liked the sound of my rig, which was nice. Only downside for me was due to me not playing a note for weeks I got cramp/paralysis in my index and middle finger of fretting hand a few songs into set 2. Had to improvise next 3 or 4 using only ring finger and pinkie. I just got a bit of movement back for the set closer (war pigs) which was just as well. Need to make myself practice more just to build up the muscles again.
  7. RR site say doors open 6:30 (10pm curfew!), I'm not going to be back in Nottingham until 7pm at least and then would have to bus it into town, have to leave it for another time I'm afraid.
  8. IMO all the drummer is doing is pushing the singer toward an ultimatum and if he wants to gig more often than the band he's in does and another comes along offering more gigs then its obvious which way he'll go if given some sort of 'one band only' rule. It's all about time management and sorting your diary out.
  9. Is the Rescue Rooms gig supporting Toyah? Their gig guide has her down for 26th. Unfortunately I don't think I can make it back to Nottm in time otherwise I would have come as I liked some of the In Isolation material you've posted. Unfortunately with venues like RR and Rock City wanting to use the space twice over on the same night on a Saturday the start times are getting stupidly early.
  10. Cheers Ray, we are playing The Barge in Long Eaton on Oct 5th if it's any use to you.
  11. Flying Circus, Newark tomorrow night. https://www.facebook.com/flyingcircusnewark/ Not wanting to put anyone off but we haven't rehearsed since the last gig in August and I've not picked up a bass in over 3 weeks as I've been away. Could be 'interesting'. A prospective new drummer is apparently coming to check us out as well.
  12. Same as with most bands - find a good solid retrospective compilation, see if there are songs from a particular album that you like best then explore the rest of that album.
  13. Steve Hillage and Dave Stewart performing as 'Khan'
  14. I'm not sure I've made it all the way through Test For Echo in a single listen since it came out.
  15. Indeed, especially after a relatively nicely balanced and 'clean' sounding 'All The World's A Stage' set a benchmark for them. I wonder if too many studio overdubs on Exit have contributed to it sounding like it was recorded with an old sock over the mics.
  16. I vaguely recall going there not long after I bought my ric around 2002 looking for genuine advice and a bit of banter, you know what I'm like. It was like visiting some weird religeous cult. I never went back.
  17. If she did she walked straight past me and out the car park...😃
  18. The photo is slightly deceptive, I had marginally more cat-swinging space than usual. For anyone interested, here's the tap dancing monkey at work...
  19. That was for our George Formby medley including 'I'm leaning on a fence post..' * * yes I know that's a bit wrong.
  20. An 'outdoor'afternoon/early evening slot for me yesterday too. Landlady was leaving it until last minute to decide to put us on outside or inside as a thunderstorm was forecast. By the time the forecast changed we were a bit short of time to get set up so it was a bit of a rush to get everything in place. Not too late starting though and even if it was still very humid outside (in fact its in a big lean-to on side of pub so we had some shelter anyway) it was far preferable to the sweat box it would have been inside. Best of all was our very own Len Derby popped in and actually endured both sets, bless him. We don't rehearse enough so it was sloppy in places but we got some good feedback from punters and the pub seem to like us, its one of our better paying gigs at the moment and only half an hours drive for me so happy to go back if they book us again, this was our second visit there this year. Only real downer was our drummer announced he was leaving, actually not just leaving but retiring from drumming completely. He has had back issues and sciatica for some time and has slowly had to go on to stronger and stronger pain killers to get through gigs and has, understandably, decided enough is enough. He is the only original band member left so it will be interesting to see how things pan out. Good drummers are tough to find. He says he will carry on as long as it takes to find a replacement and we only have 4 or 5 more gigs this year so I'm suggesting we only take bookings for next year from now on and use the downtime between gigs (once we are out of the summer hols) to scout round for a replacement.
  21. Genesis - I know what I like (youll need to listen to the lyric though), Return of the giant hogweed. Resurrection Shuffle - Ashton, Gardner and Dyke
  22. Beat me to it by a whisker there Chris 😁
  23. No one died, mark it down to experience and move on.
  24. Because if you don't do it, someone else will. Some people will play for nothing. You could look at it this way - how much would it cost to hire a rehearsal studio and play those tunes with those guys for 3 x 45 mins? If money is the prime motivation for playing then look for another act that pays more. While there are enough people of a decent standard happy to play for peanuts then venues will expolit the situation.
  25. When I wore rounder specs I was sometimes likened to Roy Wood. I'll take that, met him once. Lovely bloke.
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