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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I tried to record it yesterday but Audacity kept crashing. I'll give it another go later
  2. Let us know how you get on @thisisswanbon
  3. Well, I don't like to be contrary...despite my reputation 🫣 But I have just run through all the presets I've saved playing along to a backing track, splitting the output to two amps (one direct the other the effect) and I can't detect any problems 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. Gigged with the Ampero last night. Not an effectsy kind of band so used it as a preamp with some compression and tone shaping, just using the power amp section of my amplifier. In fairness the Barefaced cabs I used make anything sound great, but it really was remarkably good. Used the Squeezer comp and Ampeg pre and every note was even, punchy and crystal clear. Well, not exactly clear, as it had a bit of rough around the edges, but I could hear it clearly. Impressed.
  5. First time at the Jubilee Club in Cirencester last night. Pleasantly surprised by the venue; nice stage, well lighted, friendly staff and punters. They seemed to like it. I got paid. ✔️
  6. I haven't worked it out yet. It's a really crazy pedal!
  7. Hi @Chienmortbbquick question: Can the expression pedal input also be used for a dual footswitch?
  8. That looks really cool.
  9. Bought another pedal from Chris. An utterly painless, swift and simple transaction. Chris is the embodiment of what makes Basschat such a great place.
  10. Had a quick play to make sure the update worked, otherwise not has the opportunity to get a good look. But I like the Tone Hammer clone from the little I've tried it
  11. Cheers man I installed the drivers. The only indication the laptop gave was a standard 'the last device connected has failed' type message. And that only occasionally.
  12. I'll see if I can get close and record a bit. Won't be yet though I'm on granddad duties
  13. New update coming in the next couple of days. We get all the usual minor tweaks and fixes, but for us specifically there is to be an Aguilar Tonehammer. Which is nice.
  14. Which rather neatly returns me to my original question. How does one know one is buying a good quality usb cable?
  15. This echoes my experience
  16. Oooh. I didn't know that. It's a slow learning curve for me but very rewarding
  17. I've just discovered a lovely feature. With the signal split you can move between path A and path B with the dynamics of your playing. The sensitivity is fully customisable as are the relative levels of each path. It's so clever. Hit the strings harder down goes one path and up comes the other. Soften your touch and the process reverses. Get it just so and they blend.
  18. Thank you for all the replies. I have done all that can be done, the usb cable is a kind of last resort. May not seem logical but it's all that's left. I reset windows on the laptop and that did the trick with the Ampero but not it seems with the Core.
  19. Trying to connect my Boss Core to a windows machine and failing, I began to wonder if the quality of usb cable might have any significance. I'll buy a new one I thought. But how the hell can I tell a quality cable from a crap one? Any ideas?
  20. A dual foot switch needn't be hugely expensive. Those videos have a lot of really useful advice. Rehearsing with headphones is a bugger isn't it? Never translates - you have my sympathy.
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