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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334880044' post='1623049'] Too late mate, I quoted you on it! [/quote] yeah but.... trying to think of something different on my RI to the original...... yeah well I'm pretty sure mine is the later update of the P bass.... with Metric screws and hex keys! wooo
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334879755' post='1623041'] Hang on a minute... you've got a Precision 57 RI in your sig, you bloody hypocrite! [/quote]whattdayatalkingabout? huh?
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334879755' post='1623041'] Hang on a minute... you've got a Precision 57 RI in your sig, you bloody hypocrite! [/quote] crap... I was one year out wasn't I, quick edit....
  4. be careful, that's going to rise your bladder pressure too.... it could explode and make everything the same colour as one of those..... I'll stop.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334879329' post='1623032'] GET OUT!! [/quote] hey you nicked the pickup and contours off the later P design for your bass. Still have the silly small headstock though
  6. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1334878993' post='1623023'] I'm sure they're great basses, just horrific to look at, and if its the one without a headstock, then it's even worse, snow shovel with strings. Arrrrgggghhh!!! Don't get me started on my idea of hellish basses, we'd be here forever, and I'd probably offend everyone on here!! [/quote] well to balance it out, I can't stand the look of P basses pre 1957. There I said it.
  7. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1334878284' post='1623007'] That is my idea of hell!!! Theres nothing wrong with the response and tone of old basses!! [/quote] It was quite fun trying to work out what your idea of hell would be to be honest... there were a few options but this got it in the end. They probably aren't bad basses- just everyone who wants one ends up doing mark king impersonations.
  8. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1334877866' post='1622994'] Maybe I play too slowly, and too few notes!!!! [/quote] Hmm, maybe it's just cos you're basses are all so old? Maybe like people they slow down over time? Maybe one of these would help you play faster? and slap? !
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334877811' post='1622991'] You must visit your chiropractor. [/quote]
  10. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1334877431' post='1622978'] I'm sure many will. Tone is very much a matter of taste, and my opinion depends largely on the song. Generally speaking though, I've always preferred a more warm, rich tone, with sustain, and not so much the plonky sound, depends on the recording/song i guess. I love John Paul Jones' tone, and he played up near the end of the neck with his Jazz. I tend to play fingerstyle between the pups on a Jazz. [/quote] theres something about a good funk bass player playing hard over the bridge though. Otherwise I can't stand the classic 'jazz bass, bridge pup for jazz players" sound
  11. My first bass had daft tension and I just used to hit the strings very hard, and up more than normal. Over the last year i've chilled out a bit! :daft tension and a bit of a banana neck! I remember now!
  12. the overwater is lovely. It looks like warwick style pickup placement rather than fender type? or is the bridge in the P spot?
  13. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1334875613' post='1622926'] They definitely [i]look[/i] better with them on, but I always remove the pickup cover when playing, the bridge cover doesn't stop me doing anything. I don't like the tone much of a bass played at the bridge anyway, sounds dead! Jameson played with both covers on, and he did ok. If it stops you playing how you're comfortable though, then they have to go. If its vintage, keep 'em in the case though! [/quote] now this is something I've struggled with.... I had a jazz which came with the bridge cover on. And I set it up for my playing and tried... and not only did the flipping cover get in the way of my picking, the strings tended to hit the cover too as at the time I had quite a high action. Now Jamerson's legendary high action... must have had an upper limit if he was using the pickup covers....
  14. the pre eb 2 band is the one folk go for- it's an easy looking build too. Dunno if anyone would want one in a pedal though, I think part of the goodness of it is that the pups go in pre any volume and the volume is the outbound preamp circuit. A transistorized SVT however is a good wee build for an outboard preamp
  15. THink if you went in there with £300 in your pocket you would come out with change- they are good in that store- gave me a free tecamp amp once... but thats another story
  16. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Jazz-Bass-/190667293543?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c64a80367#ht_500wt_1219 CSL / CIMAR / IBANEZ bass, northlondon pickup- I would go for it if I could pick it up. Unless anyone near wants to do me a favour?
  17. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1329667295' post='1545538'] Not sure if I've introduced myself before, but here goes: I've been playing since about 1983, in various bands from punk to funk to rock to jazz. As far as I'm concerned - if it grooves heavily I'm in! I'm in shropshire, and currently in a funkrock band whose members are spread as far afield as France, Leeds and Shropshire so we don't rehearse very much at all. And the other band is a free jazz improv thingy, where we improvise in a free jazz sort of way Basses are a Wall Custom 2, Sandberg Basic and emergency fallback Kawai Sleekline, playing through Rocktron Utopia and Qtron, via Yamaha FX770 FX into Marshall Jubilee amp and PD cab. And I'm an electrician when not playing bass or riding bikes (mountain and '74 Guzzi!) [/quote] you don't see many of those Kawai Sleeklines about, what's it like?
  18. one of the best bands I heard was at a wedding, they were kinda funk soul type thing and realised that the wedding tables were named after old blues singers so asked if they could play all this blues stuff, but danceable.... it was great and you could tell they were enjoying it too.
  19. does your guy in the states not get that our legal system is much the same as his? (though if he bought via credit card he 'might' have some protection) but.... he's not getting it's a fraud is he?
  20. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1334843113' post='1622219'] Pretty bad plan all round. Valve amp needs a load, so especially bad involving one.Not really sure why you' want to use stuff other than a Hiwatt if you have one anyway. [/quote] +1
  21. well if anyone wants to pay for the flight/train-boat from Edinburgh I wouldn't mind a holiday in orkney, and ill bring the bass back to the mainland
  22. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1334770137' post='1621014'] Ed Freidland demo'd a few of them check them out. [/quote] i got half way through that video....it just made me want to pick up a precision bass with two knobs that I run open the whole time!
  23. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1334826068' post='1621778'] In the interest of complete accuracy, early Warwicks had separate battery and control covers and the control covers were held on by screws (6 in the case of my Thumb) which screw into brass inserts. I don't know when the changeover to clip-on covers happened, but it was before 2000. [/quote] around 1990-1991
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