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Everything posted by gapiro

  1. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1458463375' post='3007689'] Ha Ha Haaa! Digging yourself in deeper and deeper! I introduced them. He also wrote "shine a light" which was one of our ill-fated Eurovision songs (and YES he is embarrassed by it) and had a couple of cuts on the last Celine Dion album. The man can really turn out a catchy pop song and happily makes a very decent living from it. He also happens to be a very nice bloke. And SHE incidentally is a rather good bass player. [/quote] I was going to say something but when the good Mr Ivan here beats me to it, and knows far more than me, I can't really say owt
  2. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1458551802' post='3008405'] There's such a thing as too much communication. Bi-weekly? Although I assume you mean once every two weeks rather than two a week. I'm happy with a summary email when dates are announced. I don't need one every two weeks to remind me. What then happens is they start to ignore them all and miss the important ones. Another thing that happens is people 'hide' details in waffle. Separate date and time from the body of the letter/mail and highlight it. Our running club has a private Facebook group, absolutely useless for keeping people up to date, it's just full of people posting random stuff. I'm rebuilding the website and kick starting our forum again as it was quite broken and the webmaster didn't have time to fix it and keep it up to date so it fell out of use. Regarding bands, I send out an updated list of gigs each time we get a new one. They can then delete the last mail. [/quote] I did mean Bi-Monthly, although between September and April it is more like every 6-8 weeks because not much happening. In summer/cricket season, the calendar of events can change almost daily, so every two weeks is generally good for keeping it about up to date. I agree on the facebook front, its just full of people posting random crap that means anything useful gets lost. We have a whatsapp group too that is just full of people talking about anything, generally only used by the younger people I send the emails out in the format below, so that you can see from the first paragraph if anything of interest to you. I always keep the stuff that goes in every email at the bottom (eg our easy fundraising link etc) Cricket Club News ===== In this email: x y z ==== X something is happening on this day, etc ==== etc
  3. Its not just musicians. Its people in general. They expect that if you want something you'll chase up , and therefore they dont need to go to the effort. I see this particularly with the Cricket Club - I'm the club secretary. I send bi weekly emails with dates etc coming up, but will still get asked by 20 people out of maybe 50 when something is - even though I've provided the information for them a ton of times. Sure, may not remember, but you can friggen look at your email which is on your phone.
  4. Thanks guys. First band call is this weekend so will suggest to MD that we have a look at it there. The show is "Big Fish" - but this is the "12 Chairs" version (12 actors, and a reduced orchestra of 6 rather than 12 from the original) It looks like this is first time the 12 chairs version has been played in the UK as well.
  5. Glad i'm not the only one who is puzzled!
  6. Hi Guys I'm doing a musical in a couple of weeks time in what will be my first foray into double bass gigging - baptism of fire. (Its about 70/30 BG/DB) As part of this i've stumbled accross this set of 6 bars - I'm not sure how to play it! Is it a C harmonic (at 2 octaves?) or is it a C with Harmonic F? And how do you do them with a bow as presumerably its a pinch/tapped harmonic? Any tips appreciated
  7. I , like many here, us 2 @ 2x10 - partly because I use the second one as a stand for the first.....
  8. I'm suprised - as a Cambridge based p;layer we generally go out absolute minimum £300 for the smaller band, up to 500 minimum for the 7 piece ska.
  9. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1457445667' post='2998645'] My collection has been up to 11 at one point (not a lot by some standards I know, but it's the most I've ever had at any one time). I've tried most of the big 'classic' Bass brands (Fender, musicman, Ricks, warwick) over the years and I've come to the conclusion that for me 'the one' doesn't really exist. IMHO it's more a case of the 'right one for the job'. If you've only ever been in one band for your whole gigging life then maybe 'the one' does exist (think Steve Harris's Precision, which is clearly 'the one' for him). After all these years (25+ years gigging), I've finally found what works for me is having a Precision & a Jazz that I really love playing, using either one as the gig suits. YMMV of course! [/quote] I agree here - I have 2 Lakland 5's - one P (Lakland Owners group special ) and one 55-01 I use the P for the majority of things, but the function work just like having the active set up so I can change sounds in the 1-2 s between songs a lot easier (eg a bit of boost for reggae songs etc) I also have two fretlesses (I need to fix one to sell, the only bass I can get rid of) and then my First ever Bass (never gonna sell) , and a bass my GF bought me (and thus I cannot sell.... its a thunderbird - lovely for slap but I just don't get on with the scale length of it) Add in a Double bass and Electric double bass and I have the "Eight" or whatever
  10. Did one where the groom and all the male wedding party proceeded to strip their bottom half of their clothing off and chase all teh women around the dancefloor - amusing until a sock from one landed on our (female) singer)
  11. Welcome to the boards! I've never tried Online, but I would suspect it is a lot harder (as a teacher) to pick up potential bad habits etc as you just dont have the clarity or all round view
  12. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1457442984' post='2998587'] Song 2 Blur =thread surely? [/quote] Indeed. I was going to say the Frattellis too. Mind you, I play in a Ska Band, we tend to attract the meat-heads.... Bit of an Odd One that seems to cause a huge drunken singalong (although not a violent one) - You've lost that loving feeling. Also, Somebody Told Me (The Killers)
  13. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1457442810' post='2998583'] If someone in my band did that they would get fired. [/quote] +1
  14. Also - first question is worded badly - it should be Under 250, 251->500 etc (because if you spend say 150, you could tick any of the boxes)
  15. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1457087145' post='2995108'] There are moves to remove 'competent' and require people to be qualified. Certainly there is a difficulty in proving competency without testing at which point you may as well qualify the person. [/quote] I'm not really suprised, it is a bit vague at the moment!
  16. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1457085245' post='2995087'] And, I'm guessing, access to a PAT testing machine! [/quote] Well, oscilloscopes, multimeters etc, and the ability to use them. (I repair my own amps etc)
  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1457013622' post='2994461'] I've been asked once, so I bought some stickers off eBay. It's a joke. [/quote] PAT testing has no legal requirement or a legal standard - it is a test of safety as deemed appropriate by the people using the equipment. To quote: [quote] [color=#111111][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3]The law simply requires an employer to ensure that their electrical equipment is maintained in order to prevent danger. It does not say how this should be done or how often. Employers should take a risk-based approach, considering the type of equipment and what it is being used for[/size][/font][/color] [color=#111111][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3][/quote][/size][/font][/color] [color=#111111][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color][quote] [color=#101010]The legislation deems that any competent person can perform it by using a PAT instrument or tester. [/color] [color=#101010]...[/color] [color=#101010]According to PAT testing legislation, a competent person is someone who has experience or knowledge of being able to check and test appliances for safety purposes[/color] [color=#101010][/quote][/color] [color=#101010]I have a degree in electronics, therefore I deem myself a competent person with knowledge to be able to check and test appliances, and therefore I can do my own PAT testing and produce my own certificates[/color] [font=HelveticaNeue, Helvetica-Neue,][color=#101010][size=3]Remember, it is like an MOT As well - all you are saying is that AT THE TIME OF THE TEST it was in a safe state - ie that if it subsequently fails the next day / week/month then it is not the responsibility of the PAT tester, and you can show that you took reasonable steps towards maintaining the safety of your equipment (by PAT testing it every year )[/size][/color][/font]
  18. [quote name='DiceSociety' timestamp='1457027537' post='2994646'] Firstly I admit I've never tried IEM's, but a bug bear of mine from an audience stand point, is poor sound when a whole band goes through a PA for pubs. Personally I think it sounds much better just putting the vocals through the PA, and everything else goes through the back line with the volume dictated by how loud the drummer is. Obviously for larger venues a PA is needed. It appears that I'm in a minority though! To be honest I'm rarely impressed by the sound of professional bands in a large venue where the sound is: Bass - an indeterminable rumble, the guitars - a trebly mess, and the only thing that sounds good is the drums and occasionally the vocals. I think some engineers try and recreate the sound of a CD where nothing has any room to breathe, which in my humble, or possibly misguided opinion, is the wrong way to go for live music. I'll get my coat.... [/quote] [quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I would wager that a lot of pub bands haven't got a PA capable of putting a band through effectively. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][/quote][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]This is exactly it. If you're running everything from kick through bass up to vox through a 10 inch thomann special you're going to drown out a lot of the impact of the vox with the kick drum alone (the kick tending to overload it)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]If I could afford a) a bigger car a couple of grand for a digital mixer etc c) a bigger house ( I struggle to keep my DB in it....) then I would buy a full PA system for myself [/font][/color]
  19. Define a pub and club band. IME you need a sound man if you've got a horn section going on there, and most people aren't great at balancing their sound or not adjusting. A soundman is a revelation to get .... If you are doing clubs and well paid every week (eg £400-500 +++) then I'd go IEM . It is amazing having no backline. (We used to do it in the 80s cover band, again , E KIT)
  20. [quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1456486729' post='2989480'] Hey folks , My Ashford (middlesex) based covers band are looking for a new female vocalist due to our current one suffering from a very welcome but rapidly debilitating case of pregnancy . Cue lots of grief with me messaging people on various services like join my band , gum-tree etc. So many people just don't respond ... they read the message responding to their advert. In my opinion pretty much bang on for what they are asking for and just ignore it , Join my band has a nice (this user has read your message feature ) so you know they are actively choosing not to not respond ... I'm starting to think its Me , scaring people off. Generalised response to hide details of the users I've messaged . [size=1]Hi, We’re Vinyl Frontier a covers band who are losing our female vocalist to her upcoming pregnancy. While we're all very supportive of her and don't want to replace her we understand that she’s looking to step back, and as she should with a little one on the way. This means we are looking to find someone to front the band and sing twin vocals with our rather zany singing drummer, we’ve recorded a demo / sampler which is currently being mastered and if you’re interested it I can send it over to you when the mastering is finished. We're all working professionals aged from 30 to one very childish 40 year old. 3 of us are from Chertsey and the other 2 from the Kingston area. We practice once a week on a Thursday evening at a studios in Ashford. Ultimately were looking to enjoy ourselves doing this , It’s not going to be a major source of income or career for any of us we all work full time soy the aim is to gig around at least once a month on average. Music/ song wise, we will try to tackle anything people suggest usually by group consensus . Three of us have also been in originals bands and are quite capable writers So would not be against doing originals. At the moment we were focusing on floor-fillers for a few weddings, things like uptown funk, Love shack, a bit of Blondie, foo fighters, Bryan Adams /Mel C and the killers, but we've previously done a bit of everything from RATM through to punked up Jungle book tracks for a Disney themed Christmas party. If your interested in sending over your gig recordings as mentioned , either email me at * email removed * or drop me a message on here for a chat.[/size] [/quote] One thing about join my band - the message storage is apalling - you fill your inbox up with sent messages and only get about 20 - so check your inbox usage.
  21. Peterborough and District bass players group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1447239145584093/?fref=ts
  22. We've had a few of our future bookings say the same to us now - not particularly happy about it here , i'll be honest
  23. Darnit. Seriously good time. I was being super harsh and only picked 6 so far..... but probably 9 i like a lot. Time to listen again!
  24. feel free to PM me next time, I'm not too far away (Cambridge)
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