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Everything posted by gapiro

  1. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1455629566' post='2980839'] +1. Intuition says that horizontal drivers will give wider dispersion, but the opposite is true. Where the behavior of sound waves is concerned intuition is usually wrong. That's why acoustical engineers aren't born, they're made, through education. [/quote] I'm intrigued as to why, I can't find anything using the good ol google [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1455649490' post='2981166'] There's a guy on another forum who claims he can hear the difference in his hifi depending on whether the IEC power cable is straight or curved. [/quote] I can think of a tiny stupid reason - is it you have a right angled jack for the kettle lead then it is nearer the speaker for all of a few inches...... maybe a tiny bit more 50hz hum? Surely nothing noticable though.
  2. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1455875361' post='2983097'] A friend of mine uses an X32. If memory serves me correctly, their FOH engineer just uses the ipad from the booth and takes a stereo out from their X32 which is in their tour rack into the house PA and just fettles that as required. [/quote] Same idea, althoguh you have to connect an X32 to a wifi router. There are now dedicated, (and a hell of al ot cheaper) wifi only routers - eg the XAIR12/16/18 which just sit on the stage and have zero controls
  3. I think it depends on the type of band/etc My personal preference for weddings /type stuff is to put a slow dance song maybe 3 before the end. That way you fill the floor with couples, then hit them with a big dancy number when they're all up and the guys can't refuse their fair lady (or fair man, etc) One of my bands call this the Bride Whisperer, as its also a chance for the happily married couple to have a dance again as they've usually had a chance to chat to everyone.
  4. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1455570809' post='2980398'] If she keeps up the family tradition and does likewise would Kanye's grand-daughter be "North by North West"? [/quote] Beat me to it, but I was going to go with the line of "surely hes setting his son up to launch his own brand of perfume - he could do it like all those other "super stars" and name it after himself..... North, by North West "
  5. Yo Bit of an odd one I have 2 of 2x10 speakers (as per my sig) I was wondering if there is any reason why it would be a bad idea to arrange them in an "inverted T" arrangement - Ie one horizontal on the floor (well, on my home made gramma pad) then putting the other one vertically on top of that. Would this cause some weird phase issues or anything? MY idea is that I get the height for monitoring, and then I get the better dispersion accross the room with the horizontal one.
  6. Just smashing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz1bJtV4KkM
  7. Here is my DEAD EASY organsation tool for learning songs Listen to them all a few times. Split them down into 3 categories - Easy/Medium/Hard Use trello or something similar to track your list of songs ( I just set this up in about 2 minutes - [url="https://trello.com/b/yppn6J2D"]https://trello.com/b/yppn6J2D[/url] Try it , it is fantastic). As you learn each song (starting with hardest first) move accross left to right. Leave notes on what is causing issues so when you come back to it, you can see. It will make you realise how much progress you make. Other tips: Don't spend more than 10 minutes at any one time on any one song. Look for common chord progressions - is it circles of fifths ? etc
  8. To me , personally, Cool is entirely an aesthetic thing when describing a bass- I don't think the sound a particular bass makes makes it cool - it is merely an aesthetic quality
  9. Easy Answer from the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/225622-section-1-questions-about-you/"]2013 Basschat survey[/url]
  10. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1453887820' post='2963717'] I'm not convinced that gigging opportunities and venues are drying up with any degree of permanence. Rather, tastes in music have broadened away from the type of music that most venues would consider and so is the way in which music is consumed changing. In a similar way, one could conclude that young people aren't interested in dancing because large discos/nightclubs are closing down fast but rather, they want to socialise in ways that differ from their parents'. In both cases, the changes are temporary as such things are cyclical. [/quote] I think this is spot on. Which is why I think a band needs a market / USP etc - the ska band i'm in is stupidly busy !
  11. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1453294207' post='2958130'] It all depends on what extras you would need to be doing outside of a pub gig like arrival time, performing times etc We get £200-£250 for pub gigs but we always take lighting, play music in between sets and play for 2 x 60 mins. £400 does seem a bit high to me unless you are providing and actual disco too rather than just backing music. Tell him you will do it for £200 but he needs to get a dj to fill in between your sets [/quote] £400 is below what we charge pubs....
  12. Ahoy I've recently acquired a DB and have been practising a bit of pizz, but have completely failed to find a classical teacher nearby (who has spots available). I'm booked in to do a local am dram with a friendly MD of mine and there are a lot of upright parts Including a fair bit of arco. Now I can get away with playing it on bass guitar (this is not a problem) but I would really prefer to do the upright parts either on my DB or EDB . So realistically, is it possible for me to get good enough at arco to play a musical in april? The parts are very little other than semi breve's and minim's for arco. I have a both a french and german bow ( french is an unknown one, german is a thomann carbon, both cost me nothing) and a pot of nymans. The nymans appears to be rock solid and all that happens when I try to apply to the bow is that it either chips off, or leaves lumps on the strings, or the hairs start to break. Any tips etc would be appreciated - am I out of my mind (essentially trying to learn from youtube), or should I be able to at least hold a few notes by that point, good enough to not humiliate myself (in front of the other strings players)! (The orchestra is a 6 piece band, with a cello/violin as well as drum/guitar/piano) Also should I aim to use the EDB or the DB? I am more comfortable on the EDB as I've been playing it for rockabilly for a couple of years.
  13. Love sledgehammer, but recently discovered this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiu6RMMNERs
  14. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1452790218' post='2953556'] It Be a Troubled Login..? [/quote] The institute of troubled liontamers?
  15. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1452892825' post='2954599'] Is your band The Antiques? Is the gig advertised at Chatsworth House? I think I may have figured it out... [/quote]
  16. @oops - Fake festival is usually tribute bands eg "Four Fighters"
  17. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1452852252' post='2954034'] So now you have the Mi10 combo and two 4ohm Mi10 cabs? Well, there's a solution for you, ask someone like OBBM to make you a special speakon cable so that you can link both your cabs in paralel so that they present an 8ohm load to your combo. Then you'll have a 3x10 rig [/quote] Series, surely (most cabs go into parallel which is why the load decreases)
  18. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1452797729' post='2953644'][list] [*]Gender:Not Telling [/list] If you're hacked off with PMT then I suspect you've given the game away Edit: I did only read the first line of the OP.... [/quote] Indeed. I've found PMT (in store at least) only like to cater to those of the Large Busom'ed (female... no luck for me!) variety [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1452796352' post='2953631'] Head Office, 1st thing. Maybe some poop-stirring on Twitter ? [/quote] Good Luck... from all accounts of ex staff members, their head office team / owners are not nice people to deal with. I bought an amp there, only for it to turn out to be without box, without leads/ manual and then to go faulty within a week. In essence, we all agree, go to Thomann.
  19. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1452807816' post='2953779'] ...It's unfortunate, but not 'unlawful' - I used to promote venues & I'm not getting into some of the strokes we pulled over billing..... 'Fraid you are just going to have to roll with this one........... [/quote] Indeed, I think the lead singers will have some words with him but tbh, it is a compliment to our success (they have about 40 likes on fb, we have 1200) [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1452808798' post='2953788'] Perhaps in his eyes, the bassist never left the band, just the guitarist and drummer! [/quote] I think when you are kicked out of a band of 8 people (3 piece horn section, gtr/keys/2xlvox/bass) it can't really be construed that way [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1452809525' post='2953798'] This has happened to our band a couple of times. The worst occasion was when we actually saw ourselves on a poster for a big local music festival that happens every year, as part of the band line-up. No one had ever even been in touch to make contact, let alone book us. First and the last we heard of it. Very odd. Another time we were asked to do a gig and couldn't, confirmed we'd not be able to play, but still somehow found ourselves advertised. At least on that occasion we knew what it was all about. [/quote] Just contact the booker and tell them to post a cheque, in advance of the gig that you won't cash until the gig night, to your band!
  20. And the solution? The ex bassist (pre me) is using our bands name and adding the word roadshow on the end (and playing a completely different style of music)
  21. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1452781657' post='2953445'] We decided to advertise one of our gigs as a tribute act to our own band and got more punters in than normal (7) [/quote] Because you must be doing a tribute to a an act that is good, just they haven't heard of them? And who would do a tribute if it wasn't for someone great
  22. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1452781119' post='2953435'] Perhaps you have your own tribute act? [/quote] They've just removed the "The" from the start of the name.... not very punny! [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1452781420' post='2953440'] Have you been sacked but don't yet know it? [/quote] oops. (for the record, no) [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1452781561' post='2953441'] I am SO going to offer this idea to the bands I play with ... [/quote] Its good, we have 2 guys who get gigs in and who deal with those horrible customers and punters, then I just do the fb page, the website etc [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1452781954' post='2953458'] I'd just all get there VERY EARLY and be set up, ready for the other band's arrival. [/quote] We couldn't do it even if we wanted to, as no drummer or guitar
  23. Mrs. G works about 5 minutes from home . she just walked back home for her lunch and the pub around the corner from where we live are advertising one of my bands as playing there this saturday.... Our band has a 3 person management structure - 2 guys doing bookings and I just do all the tech stuff/arrange sound systems etc Its a pub we've never played at before, and generally avoid because the area is a bit saturated with band nights, so the pay is not enough for us to warrant playing at. No one has any idea why they think we're playing there.... absolutely no correspondence on our email accounts with them and no facebook messages. We would have to get a drummer dep (at least) to be able to do it Going to pop round later and find out whats going on and who they've book with .... I wonder if someone else has used our band name!
  24. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1451938369' post='2944852'] Just so you know, I'm already in a band and we're almost fully booked up every Friday and Saturday from March onwards. is that OK with you? I only know 4 of those 6 songs. I don't think I'll have enough time to learn the other two. Thank you for getting back to me, as you have interest from other drummers I will let you pick from the two you are having sessions with. I have work and I don't really need any more. Will I need a drum kit? I don't actually own one, you see. I only have two drumsticks. Is that OK? I'm not a great fan of soul or funk. Are you guys planning on doing any classic rock? I dunno - maybe it's just me being my usual over-organised, over-prepared self. However... [/quote] Whilst I haven't seen the advert, some of these are somewhat reasonable You might not be planning to gig / or very rarely Just no. I can learn 30 odd songs in 3 or so hours with a crib sheet for a gig on the same night, if it comes to it. Doesn't need more, but might be the best one here, if you can pursuade him ugh depends what advert said. And yes, as the bassist you are the organised one
  25. Hi Gents I have 2 qty 2x10 markbass traveller These are great cabs but for xmas I got a stagg amp stand ( http://www.dawsons.co.uk/stagg-adjustable-amplifier-monitor-speaker-stand?gclid=CjwKEAiA8K20BRDetNv3p6DNhXwSJADSwa3tkWxFiqZG6uAVav8BLhrjvU7pJq_A0WwkilCQ_lrxTxoCUzLw_wcB ) so I can go aroudn with just the one sometimes The problem is that the amp stand is too small because the cab is so deep (Markbass says 44cm deep) and thus the centre of gravity is behind the supports on teh stand and it just falls off. I got through a gig by wedging the cab between a wall and the stand, but just wondering whether anyone knows one that is deep enoguh to hold one of these?
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