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Everything posted by gs_triumph

  1. (on mobile) if you go to the 'rent pedals' page, you can filter by type by clicking on the 'shop by' button.
  2. We record rehearsals every now and again. Usually when we have a couple of new songs on the go. Normally use a mobile phone lying on a table somewhere in the room for a quick recording - often surprisingly good results considering... We'll set up the zoom r24, micing all the amps, couple of mics on drums, after a few weeks once we are happy we have the arrangement down, to capture a copy for everyone to use in their own practice between rehearsals.
  3. I think if you were inclined to take it to court you'd win based on the fact you were the highest bidder at auction. Whether it's worth it is another matter. I would suspect eBay will let it slide.
  4. I think a lot of people tend to turn the sub up till they can hear it clearly when it should really sit relatively unnoticed, as Dood suggests... As part of the whole, filling out the soundscape. Could never get mine to blend in so it performs the admirable role of bedside cabinet in the spare room. 😜
  5. [quote name='Orbs' timestamp='1504289193' post='3363967'] Hi Guys, I listen to mainly MP3's from my Mac via a couple of decent hi fi speakers and separate hi fi amp. My problem is the bass never sounds as clear as I'd like. I was thinking of adding maybe a sub to enhance the sound, or possibly upgrade completely. I listen mainly in my small man cave so cannot use huge stuff or crank the volume too high, nor do I want floor shaking type bass sounds. Doe's anyone use or have any recommendations on stuff that really brings out the bass guitar in recordings really discernible and crystal clear? Thanks in advance! [/quote] What are you using to connect the Mac to the hifi? are you connecting through a decent soundcard? I have found in the past (on pc) that a decent soundcard (in my case m-audio audiophile 2496) makes a huge difference. The 2496 has both analogue phono outputs and spdif (I have a yahama amp with a built in DAC). Both are different worlds to using the headphone socket on the pc.
  6. Theres Lo Riders on Amazon for £21 too... (Plus customs deposit? I assume I'll get that back as it's below the customs threshold?)
  7. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1503315262' post='3357061'] you've not listened to any covers of Bob Dylan songs then, especially Hendrix's All Along the Watchtower [/quote] The best cover of all time in my humble opinion
  8. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1503611898' post='3359757'] And Guy's using my white Jazz Bass for the two week run of gigs [/quote] And a very nice bass it is too 😉
  9. Free = pay what you feel is right in the collection bin at the end of the gig. If that's nothing then fine. I bought a book. My good lady put some money in the bucket. There were plenty who didn't do either
  10. Caught guys show last Sunday. Thoroughly enjoyed it and more surprisingly so did my other half 👍
  11. Exactly! Listen to something different and you ever know... I might even tap my foot to the beat
  12. My ex's daughter and I would exchange musical inspiration with each other. She got nirvana, Neil young and Love off me. I got modest mouse, m85 and gaslight anthem off her. Fair exchange. Best thing about that relationship 😉
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1503494450' post='3358690'] On the other hand, why not get your youngsters to do the recommending? It probably means you are going to hear something new. Six this century albums my 23 year old recommended to me: Blindfaller - Mandolin Orange - 2016 You Want It Darker - Leonard Cohen - 2017 Fun Machine - Lake Street Dive - 2012 The Brightness - Anais Mitchell - 2007 Congolese Funk, Afrobeat & Psychedelic Rumba 1969-1978 - Verckys & L'Orchestre Vévé - 2014 Black Messiah - D'Angelo & The Vanguard - 2014 [/quote] I have added these to my Spotify playlist in an attempt to drag myself out of the nineties 🤔
  14. With regards to the VAT etc you might get away with it but I would factor into the price that you may get hit for 20-25% when it arrives.
  15. Tom Hamilton sweet emotion is my favourite by far... Nice n subtle
  16. I never got them at all until I tried one in guitar guitar... Wow! Felt great. Sounded great. But they look terrible. Can't see me ever biting the bullet.
  17. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1500129062' post='3335802'] Why would Bass Direct or any other shop or business clean and photograph a bass, create a web page for it, share on social media and print in stock lists free of charge?? [/quote] Because they stand to make a tidy profit should they be successful in selling it? Speculate to accumulate? There is otherwise zero risk to the business as the stock hadn't cost then anything except selling space and the costs of cleaning/listing. Why should the owner of the equipment be asked to pay for cleaning/photographing/ listing when that's what the business should be doing on your behalf to sell the thing?
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