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Roland Rock

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Everything posted by Roland Rock

  1. 1st April (Friday Night), [url="http://www.myspace.com/yardbirdsrockclub"]Yardbirds Rock Club, Grimsby[/url]. Would be great to see any you there if you can make it. Is there a secret handshake for identifying Basschatters
  2. I think that an enormous factor is the engineer that you use, and the amount of effort they put into it (I suppose I'm talking more about mastering rather than recording, but often it's the same person) If you go to a very expensive studio, you are paying a lot for both the facilities and the engineer. In my experience, the pro engineer will spend as much time as he/she is being paid for. A cheaper setup tends to have an enthusiastic engineer who has a bit more time on their hands, and will spend more time getting it right, even if they're not getting paid for that time. With one band, our first demo was done at a hobbyist's home studio - he was really creative and went over and above the call of duty to get what turned out to be a pretty well produced ep. for the next recording, we had the opportunity to record at Sony studios in London with an engineer who had worked with some pretty big names. The result was clean and well balanced, but seemed a bit 'unfinished', and overall we preferred the first one. This is purely based on my experience.
  3. [quote name='muttley' post='1183075' date='Mar 31 2011, 10:37 AM']That's interesting. Any particular reason for this? Market flooded or general economic gloom?[/quote] That's a whole other discussion [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120241&hl=warwick+prices"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...=warwick+prices[/url]
  4. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1182473' date='Mar 30 2011, 05:13 PM']That's ace! Are those tens or twelves? There's something about the little EA cabs that really appeals to me, can't quite put my finger on it. I'm very tempted to buy the damaged CXL112 on here and stick a Deltalite in it, but then my mini rig would be bigger than my main rig![/quote] They're CXL110s. I know what you mean - their 'density' and solidity makes them right meaty little buggers. (I should write for BGM!)
  5. My old "mini stack" I went off SS after that so had to go for something a bit chunkier.
  6. Even though it's been over 48 hours, I'd rather not re-raise the 4v5 debate. This Sandberg provides another option [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v="]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[/url][/url]
  7. I've checked the Milliput website and can't see any mention of being able to mix paint with it. I was thinking of you using the neon green stuff you said you could source. Alternatively you could pick up some [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Milliput-Superfine-White-113-4g-Pack/dp/B001OBBTO0"]white Milliput[/url] and experiment
  8. I've done some inlays with putty-like substances (usually Milliput). I'd probably drill a hole in a piece of wood and do a trial run. That way you can ensure that the putty doesn't shrink when it dries (if it does, just make sure you put enough on to account for the shrinkage) and that the final finished colour is what you're after. Keep a lump of spare putty handy, and when it is rock hard, your inlay putty will be too. Scrape off the majority of the excess putty with a cabinet scraper or sharp chisel. Are you happy to sand the area around the holes? You'll need to do that to make it perfectly flush, preferably to something like 400 grit. You're obviously quite handy, so sorry if any of this is stating the obvious.
  9. Apologies for my rudeness, Bilbo. It's 'Manwomanboogie' by Q Tip
  10. Great bassline - I love the timing. Thanks
  11. I've been happy with one for ten years, then I go and join Basschat and suddenly I "need" an additional one (Pedulla Buzz 4)
  12. Hi, Great stuff. I'm neither a fan of chordal/tapping stuff, but can appreciate your skill and acute sense of melody. I listened to it before reading the full OP, and my immediate thought was "what a great slap sound, meaty and punchy, none of that modern clickety stuff", then read your comment about dead strings! Great technique and with good timing too - nice one.
  13. Silver Sparkle Marlin Sidewinder (I won't hear a word said against it) My friends were starting a band and I was informed that I was to buy a bass and learn how to play. I obeyed.
  14. I've just seen the pictures of this, and that is some [i]serious[/i] damage! I was a bit shocked. I'm dubious that a repair to damage like that could result in the instrument being superior to the original. Also, as previously posted, it may have been repaired to make it structurally sound, but it seems to me that not much effort has gone into making it [i]look[/i] as good as possible, and it's the looks that are going to get interest from buyers online.
  15. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='1176984' date='Mar 26 2011, 10:18 AM']Our last session included engineer & studio for 5 hours cost us £200. G.[/quote] I think you're talking about different things - the OP, as I read it, is talking about a bass player coming in do a session for a producer/band, as opposed to engineer/studio hire.
  16. My DI is a pedal so it will totally miss out all of the valve amp loveliness (although there's also a valve in the pedal) so I like to to mike up wherever possible to get the sound of my rig.
  17. [quote name='All thumbs' post='1176904' date='Mar 26 2011, 08:42 AM']Have to admit I've really enjoyed this thread - it's really helped me have confidence ia bass I LOVE to play but was sort of worried what others might think. Stupid really, but I think most of us have that fear of playing cheapy stuff. For me this was also majorly about the short scale thing. My Richwood is a short (30") scale and there's always this idea that short scales are muddy sounding. Clearly people aren't hearing this in the Richwood to any degree. I think the main reason for the short scale downer is that most off the peg shorties lean towards a very thuddy sound by nature of pickup positioning etc. e.g. Gibson/Epiphone/Hofner. BTW the Dean Evo XM looks like it'd be a killer short scale with a preamp dropped in. I reckon passive it'd be pretty dark souning with those humbuckers.[/quote] A really thought-provoking thread, thanks. I think that there's something cool about playing a cheap non-brand bass (as long as it sounds good), as it says that you don't need to spends loads of money to sound great
  18. I know what you mean - the more uptight/nervous you get, the worse you play, then you get even more uptight - a vicious cycle. What venue was it Pete? I couldn't see on your band website
  19. I'd say this fits firmly into the "Dilbo" category i.e. something that Doddy and Bilbo will be likely to jump straight onto
  20. Good to see they're still going - that's where I bought my soul-mate bass ten years ago. Sounds like they're upping the ante on the gear stakes too.
  21. Damn - missed my chance to advise the you buy some [url="http://www.axminster.co.uk/axminster-axminster-deep-throat-g-cramp-prod361842/"]deep throat cramps[/url]
  22. Welcome Dave pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures
  23. Welcome to come check it out if anyone fancies it 1st April [url="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=197484843619632"]http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=197484843619632[/url]
  24. I'd never be seen with one, even if I had the money, but I really respect Jens Ritter's unconventional, 'outside the box' design ethos.
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