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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. Loads of jazz clubs in Paris - catch a matinee show, maybe?
  2. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1446741422' post='2901967'] But that's my point bud. It's when you quite like the music but some dickhead puts you off and you just can't bring yourself to say you like them. [/quote] That's my point - it's never happened to me! Mustaine = twat. I still love Megadeth. Wagner = vile anti-semite. Still love the music I'd hate to think how many famous and brilliant authors are right shitheads!
  3. I've never really had this reaction to any artist. Either I like the tune / painting / film / book or I don't. I don't see the need to like the artist before deciding whether I like the art itself.
  4. I started learning to read bass clef about 3 years ago, after playing for about 20 years before that. I wish I had done it earlier. I'm no longer limited to what I can find with tab, or endlessly repeating CDs to work something out. It also opens up music for other bass freq instruments like the piano and some cello where there just isn't any tab. It also means that when my kids bring music home (sax and clarinet) I can play the accompanist part. It's not necessary to learn to read to play bass, but I think it is clear that in any subject having more information and knowledge is always a good thing.
  5. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1446728998' post='2901794'] I suppose as far as placebos go they're cheap enough, but they're still placebos. I've never been able to find a single bit of objective data from any of the makers of either isolation or coupling devices (and you really should wonder why there are both) so I obtained my own. The results are posted here: [url="http://billfitzmaurice.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=19112"]http://billfitzmauri...hp?f=10&t=19112[/url] BTW, since hockey pucks are a high density material if they did anything it would be to increase coupling to the stage, not reduce it. [/quote] Very interesting. Thank you.
  6. Not yet - but it's on my GAS list! The demos sound great.
  7. Assigning multiple parameters to 1 knob is a favourite trick of the Toneprint editor. I discovered it could be done when Soren Andersen did a Flashback and Hall of Fame toneprint video. So he could have 3 tone prints in 1. All parameters (except volume) changed by just the 1 knob so ZERO has 1 tone, 12 o clock another, and full up had a third. Very cool!
  8. [i]When Pablo Casals (then age 93) was asked why he continued to practice the cello three hours a day, he replied, “I’m beginning to notice some improvement.”[/i] Just a thought!
  9. You must be mad! These are amazing. You can have mine when you pry it from my cold dead fingers!
  10. I'm a bit of a headphone junkie. I've got Grado Senn, AKG etc etc The ones that REALLY surprised me are the Superlux HD668 Amazon have them for under £40 and they sound as good as my Grado's which were more than 4 times the price. They are not just worth trying if you are on a budget, they are just worth trying irrespective of budget.
  11. Lots in one demo... http://youtu.be/_4M77EdYur0
  12. Android and iOS only. But you can use the PC and Mac editors and use a cable. Not as cool, but then you get access to the full editor too.
  13. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1446468554' post='2899516'] I used to run a Boogie head. I was thrilled when I got something lighter. But it was never a like for like replacement. Talk about putting pressure on your own product! [/quote] Quite! Still, if it does, I will be buying! But I'll want a good test run first.
  14. It's here! Beautifully packed - Lots of padding Bag with feet, plectrum and stuff and finally the pedal! I've only had a 5 minute blast at lunchtime so far. Initial impressions are great, there is a load of heft even at highs fuzz levels and the EQ is very powerful. Backing off both Treble and Bass but then upping the volume gives a great mid heavy tone for cutting through, and boosting the bass adds a huge amount of welly I'm looking forward to being able to crank it more in the near future!
  15. Next payday then! It's a real shame TC don't allow print sharing yet. That would be awesome.
  16. If you don't really need amp sounds and you have a good basic tone anyway, then I'd be looking at a Fractal FX8. Its all the fx and drives from the amazing axe-fx, but without any amp models. It's not cheap, but it's loads cheaper than buying all the pedals separately
  17. I think I want one - just to play with the editor! And I recently got a Super Symmetry as well! Oh well, my compression collection will grow again!
  18. Thorpyfx muffroom cloud. Mine arrives on Monday!
  19. After hearing loads of demos (mostly guitar ones) I have taken the plunge on the ThorpyFX Muffroom Cloud. [url="http://thorpyfx.com/collections/thorpyfx-pedals/products/the-muffroom-cloud-fuzz-pre-orders"]http://thorpyfx.com/...fuzz-pre-orders[/url] It should be here on Monday. It might be the first pedal that can genuinely claim "military grade construction" as Thorpy himself is a bomb disposal chap in the army. The thing that really appeals to be from a bass POV is that it is a Muff - but with an active 2 band EQ in it. Loads of control available! Here is an audio demo where all the guitars and [b]bass[/b] are with the Muffroom Cloud that some of Thorpy's mates have done [url="http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=13242563"]http://soundclick.co...cfm?id=13242563[/url] Sounds pretty damn good to me! And there are a few guitar vids on youtube as well: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq4iKh-YG_Q[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fX9LqUzUjw[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6I8t9g7U0o[/media] He's also done the Gunshot Overdrive, but I can't see that anyone has done a bass demo of that yet. But the Pro Guitar Show guys now appear to be using one as their "go-to" overdrive when demoing other pedals.
  20. The old Zoom Power Driver was great on bass - it was more like an onboard active EQ with a bit of grit. Just seemed to "lift" the tone a bit. Not many of them about anymore.
  21. Fan noise is a big issue for me too. That's one of the reasons I love the Puma - the 300W and the 500W don't have fans! (Not sure about the 900W)
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