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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. I have the Markbass 121 combo and ext cab and find it useful for most styles but like someone said its down to your personal opinion on what sounds best for you. There are so many lightweight combos out there. One lightweight head i had was the Genz Benz streamliner 600 (tube pre-amp) and i've seen them circa £300 2nd hand. Add a decent cab at circa £300-£400 and you should have a fantastic combination. List is endless with that budget i would have thought. Dave
  2. Can't beat a classic Overwater 6er. GLWTS Dave
  3. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1485450012' post='3224068'] Love the model number. [/quote] I never clocked that earlier. Nice one. I'd buy it just for that model number Dave
  4. Recently been using a TE GP7 150W head with either a TE 2X10 or Orange OBC115 but had some issues with tone fade. Was suggested it might be the Effects Return jack socket. To prove that theory i set up my GK MB200 head into the OBC115 with the line out to the TE amp effects return and using power amp to feed the 2x10. It proved that the power amp was sound all night and therefore jack socket was faulty when not in use or pre-amp was faulty. What did come out of it was one of the best sounding rigs i've used in years. It had the low depth from the 115 and the clarity of the 2x10 both having individual control of volume to provide a balance between cabs. My query is that i now want to use my GK1001RBii to feed one cab and add a decent power amp with seperate volume to control the other cab. Can i use the direct balanced output to feed the 2nd power amp ? I currently use the tuner out socket to my Korg tuner. Any suggestions welcome Dave
  5. [quote name='markdavid' timestamp='1488902552' post='3252794'] I tend to set my basses as low as possible, I play with a light ish touch and set them up just to the point were they buzz if I really dig in. If I cannot set the bass up to what I consider a satisfactory action for me then I will send them off for a fret dress. Fender spec feels crazy high to me , 2.4mm !!!! You could almost fire arrows with that [/quote] Serious question but what style of music do you play. ? I'm only askng because i've tried lowering my action on basses over the years to find too much rattle or buzz but i have more or less always played with quite an aggressive style in Rock or Prog bands where the attack suited what i was doing. I've recently changed to a more sedate band and was seriously considering dropping action as i don't need the aggressive tone with the current band. Dave
  6. Mate is working today but will get a look at soundclips later tonight. No matter who you get they should enjoy working with you as you all sound pretty competent on the clips i heard. Good choice of songs too. Dave
  7. Sent to a few friends in Glasgow area and will pass on if they are interested. ? Had a listen to your soundclips and sounding good. Like Tightrope guys. Dave
  8. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1488815522' post='3252001'] So I guess the real question is 'what is solo4652 actually doing now?'..... [/quote] Update please. I don't want to appear any more stupid than need be. Comments welcome of course without issue provided they're nice ones. Dave
  9. Looking at the pics i'm guessing its an amp and cab switching unit. Dave
  10. Never heard or seen one of these. What exactly does it do. ? Dave
  11. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1488802462' post='3251834'] Thread is only two years old. [/quote] what a dafty i am. It came up on my "new threads" tab and i didn't bother looking at the dates. Ach well it was fun reading tho. Dave
  12. Whow this has been some read so far. Sympathise with you but i'm with JTUK on this and should maybe give the singer a few weeks altho don't know what the personal issues are at home but band support plays a big part IMO. You will always come across things that will hold you up ie illness, family issues even holidays can put you back a few weeks so you need to accept some of it. If it continues to happen then look for a replacement. Someone else mentioned the singer needs to pick the songs. 110% agree with that altho members can make suggestions for the singer to pick from. That way singer is comfortable with the songs and within their vocal range. If singer doesn't get it sorted then move on. I started playing in bands again approx 6yrs ago after a 20yr break. I've been in or offered by far too many bands to count. Done everything from Tribute, covers and originals from Rock, Blues to Prog. Some were great musicians but continually argued or had excuses for not learning the songs for a rehearsal and others i found the music just didn't really suit what i was looking for. One band that were great bunch of guys playing T.Rex tribute & Glam covers band were just a bit too demanding and someone touched on this earlier. My mistake was that i had taken early retirement and thought i had lots of spare time and liked the idea of regular gigging however 2 gigs every weekend turned out to be too much for me and i had to leave. Think people need to be aware of how demanding it is gigging every weekend. To me that was just the way it was and i just kept looking for something that suited me. I was then offered to come along to a rehearsal with a group of guys who just wanted to have a bit of fun, play the songs they liked and if gigs come along then all well and good. Its more like a meeting of friends and we just play a few songs for fun. We have already gigged and went down very well and i was fair pleased with it. Again it was a relaxing gig if that makes sense. We rehearse weekly and covering blues based funk rock but i am totally relaxed for first time in a band and thoroughly enjoying it. They have now moved on to wanting the gigs maybe once a month. NEVER GIVE UP. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO WORRY. MOVE ON AND FIND WHAT SUITS YOU. Dave
  13. 6/64ths is approx 2.4mm at 17th fret on E 5/64ths is approx 2mm at 17th fret on the E. I normally set mine at 12th so i'm guessing that the action is pretty low even at your previous setting. I'm assuming you must be approx 1.5-1.8mm at 12th fret now and that's quite low to me ? A lot depends on the sound you are trying to achieve. I like having an aggressive sound from my bass with most bands i play with. If strings are too low i get too much noise or fret buzz. I find i need to have a trade off in those styles between string height and playability. If i lowered the strings i could probably play faster with more ease but don't want to lose the attack. My normal setting is a shade lower than Fender or Warwick spec for most bands however i'm currently with a more blues based band and might try a lower setting on my PJ once the strings are due to be replaced. It came with 105's and i prefer 40-100 max. Intonation needs a tweak too. Dave
  14. Berg has feet on the end as well as bottom and designed to sit either way. Would love to hear this rig. With that Thunderfunk amp it must be pretty awesome sounding. Dave
  15. I bought Thumb pre-amp direct from Warwick. Reasobaly quick delivery altho they don't email to say its been dispatche or when it might arrive. Other than that it was pretty good service. Dave
  16. This is a happy thread for a Sunday morning. Well done and good luck with it whatever you decide on. I'm now curious to see what happens so keep us all posted please. Dave
  17. That's a great price for an SVT2 BUMP on me. Dave
  18. I went for one of these from ebay. Arrived quickly and its pretty solid. Rubber tyres on steel wheels. Easy enough to change the wheels to pneumatic if needed. And delivered all for £17 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131444996811?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  19. Welcome Lowhead. Not a bad start to bass playing with the Ibanez there. Not really seen the Chowny basses maybe i should have a wee look. Dave
  20. Great price for one of these. I have one and you can do loads of different things with it via the various connections on rear. Down to 2 ohms and you have a built in cross-over with variable frequenct adjustment. Stereo outputs too. Think its 900W per channel but would need to confirm that. At this price its a steal. I paid similar for mine but it was a US version 110V with external transformer. I paid £200 to get transformer replaced to 230V for UK. Have a bump on me for a terrific amp head. GLWTS Dave
  21. Generally speaking this thread has been most entertaining and funny. Thanks Blue. Dave
  22. One of my best amps was a Peavey Mk4 twin channel with graphic EQ and 400W. Had an old Columbas bass that i thought was poor quality but having more experience now it wasn't as bad as some i've tried since. My mate still has that bass and his daughter learned on it. Had a Carlsbro Stingray amp and it seemed ok at the time but i guess in comparison to modern amps it was a bit poor for the money but that's just progress. After that early start with Columbas and Carlsbro i was fortunate to progress on to good quality gear with Peavey Mk4 and custom cabs and either Shergold twin neck, Aria, Fender, WAL. Dave Dave
  23. Is that not a standard electrician type repair.
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