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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Who is the courier? Understand that P2Go is just the broker, so any issue with the parcel after collection will be with the courier. Do you have a courier tracking number, rather than P2Go, from the parcel label?
  2. Last time I was in that group, some members used to get very upset with me when I claimed that many Wal owners were greedy profiteering gits for trying to sell their Wal's to other members for £10k+ when they bought them for less than half that a short time before...a group full of interesting people, nice basses but perhaps not so nice community spirit. Hope you grab this one for a decent price and hang around
  3. I take my comment in the mini bass thread back. What a mess...
  4. There is a disappointing lack of the actual weird and wonderful in this secton these days.
  5. We live in a world where people pay millions of dollars for a pixelated digital image. Nothing surprises me about this world anymore.
  6. Search-ending low gain, best ever gated fuzz, THE lpf pedal of your dreams....begs the question, whats replacing all this?? Right little aladdin's den your place must be, and this is just the stuff you're selling!
  7. Do you have any sound clips where an ACG sounds like the tones in the OP?
  8. Think they were the videos I saw. The MCs get things a little closer than before, but it's just such a polite tone, none of that Wal character.
  9. Fascinated by this. Loved the sound of my Wal to bits, hated everything else about it. I've yearned for the sound every since I got rid, but the absolutely abhorrent profiteering in the used Wal communities has kept me away for good, and they're still much more than I can afford new anyway. Certainly agree such a huge part of the sound must be the pickups. I bought an ACG with regular humbuckers and a filter preamp whilst I still had the Wal in some kind of hope it would emulate it in some way, but no, not even remotely Wal like. ACG have since released their own MC pickups too and have updated the preamp, but from YT videos it doesn't seem they get that close either. That sound clip of the pups you've bought sounds brilliant, and I can only imagine a filter pre would help bring out more. Intrigued!
  10. They seem to have maintained their standard of build, albeit with fancier woods and hardware, and tripled the price in some instances. Hopefully the 2022 models are better.
  11. A lot cheaper 🙂 But why oh WHY they insist on squaring off the end of the fretboard rather than following the nut is beyond me. It just looks horrific. When I had an SRMS, I bought a fretwrap for no other reason other than to cover it up 🤢
  12. 37" Ibby almost half the cost of a Dingwall NG. So that's now a Spector and Ibby with distinctly more expensive build quality offering a 37" MS significantly cheaper than Dingwall. I live in hope my genre may yet get some originality back...
  13. Agree, odd choice but presumably one to keep the prices south of £1,500
  14. Mmm, with the right EQ'ing, you can get many B7KU tones out of this, no problem. Darkglass said themselves when the VU was released that it covered most ground of all their drive pedals preceding it. AO tone very different of course! Bargain that...
  15. Ha. I like to think I know that album, and it's bass tones, back to front. I never suspected that track had two different basses on it, but isolated its obvious that ain't no Wal!
  16. Kev

    Tech 21 MP40 Preamp

    Mmm. I don't think there's too many like Origin who seem to really ramp prices up for foreign markets, but a lot of US built pedals do seem to be a lot more expensive over this side of the pond. But, then again that could just be how its perceived from listings without sales tax. Anyway, how much is this one going to be? £100?? 😁😁
  17. Kev

    Tech 21 MP40 Preamp

    Course not, they're not "mass produced" pedals, they're handbuilt by a very small factory in Finland. I do struggle to understand why sometimes people think pedal prices should be based on their components, without considering everything else. By the way, LOVE how a Tech21 release has somehow resulted in another thread moaning about Darkglass being expensive. 🙃
  18. Kev

    Tech 21 MP40 Preamp

    Sadly we don't, and never will, live in a world where things don't cost more when they're from a presitge brand/made in the west/handmade e.t.c. But how cheap do you think they can be? Some Darkglass pedals sell for under £200, some for almost £500. Do you want them all to be £100? I don't actually think sales would be as different as you think, and certainly not enough to offset losses at that difference. I mean there are several on this forum who would pay £3k or £4k on a Sadowsky that looks and sounds practically the same as an instrument costs £120 from Thomann...
  19. Kev

    Tech 21 MP40 Preamp

    Pretty much spot on really, remembering that US prices don't include tax. Its US built pedals that we do really badly from.
  20. Beauty, that is! Bad time to sell, depends where people are up to with their Christmas shopping!
  21. Madness! Haven't tried a Chromatron, but the filter series seemed to be getting progressively less interesting since the GR2. I wasn't impressed at all with the Wonderlove. I wouldn't feel compelled to pay anything remotely near those prices. I find it impossible to believe someone would pay £800 for an Octabvre, a pedal cloning an OC-2 and an Octave Divider, and selling for more than both of the originals would combined. In fact the only pedal I've really been impressed with is the Doom, as it went somewhat against Spencer's usual remit (an actual original design), and the Doom 2 seems to get people excited. I don't like the guy, but I hope he's okay as it is odd that he's stepped back during a time you'd think he may really boom, as others have done.
  22. Nice of you to drop in. I take it your Photon is on its way to you then?
  23. Touche. On that basis, lets get back ON topic, general bass related discussion only in this thread please.
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