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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Go back to the previous page or two and you'll read comparisons to the animal kingdom and evolution. There's nowhere quite like Off Topic.
  2. I would say that the B7K and AO drive circuits are quite different. All Darkglass of course, but generally the AO is thicker and fuzzier than the B7K. Less metallic clank.
  3. If I still used pedals I may well have, I built my last board around the Adam, and an Adam with AO tones sounds superb. For many it could be the only device they need for live use, studio use and home practice, particularly if you go ampless.
  4. True, but manufactured or not, plenty of people in this thread have been taken in by it...
  5. Yeah me too, basically. Why from that did he get personally attacked by someone telling him they were better than him, despite him being a heavy man? I'm just trying to make sense of it. I get referring to lighter/more delicate things as girly is an old fashioned and outdated way of referring to things, but I don't understand why a female artist would see it as an attack on their musicianship? But, as I think @EBS_freakwas angling at by his ponderous question to me, I am speaking from a position of privilege, if that truly means anything in this particular context.
  6. I was going to comment the same thing, why was the preamp swapped out? Great basses these!
  7. You thought his comment meant that bassists and drummers are all men, and guitarists/singers/keyboardists/whoever else in the band are all young female people?
  8. No, I identify as male. Why do you ask?
  9. I don't know who Nadine Shah is, but I don't understand her response from the point of view of thinking he was meaning to be sexist against female musicians. He isn't attacking female musicians in the slightest, he is just using a rather dated/childish form of sexism to describe less beefy part of the music. I don't get the need for a personal attack.
  10. You could make similar claims about any number of other digital effects pedal series that are out there. One day they may release a pedal that does it all, at a price to suit, but it wouldn’t make any business sense to make multiple versions available on one device. The sheer number of people shifting Adams to buy this will tell you that!
  11. Really interesting experience. Mines obviously a 4 but but no trace of neck dive on mine. Is the tone difference more noticeable on the 5 then? It's barely different on the 4 to me, the Special sounding more powerful/louder and EQ more range but otherwise just classic Stingray tone. Certainly no lack of aggression!
  12. There is just something about these Specials, isn't there? I borderline frankly didn't like the last Stingray I played at a bass show in 2015 or so, but these just "fit" me so nicely. I usually have to break an instrument in for a while before I gig it; I gigged my Special 4 days after taking delivery!
  13. Can attest the Stingray Specials are really nice instruments, but at the same time they feel sleeker and more refined than older Stingrays i've played, so may not be what you're looking for. They've stopped making the Classics, so next option is a Sterling.
  14. I'm not entirely sure what Doug's role with Darkglass is anymore, certainly isn't the CEO anymore, so I'm not sure how much they're sharing. Their digital platforms bare no resemblance to one another in aesthetics or function, so who knows?
  15. Kev

    Pod Go wireless

    I imagine price point is the main reason, decent bit cheaper than the Stomp isn't it? It looks good as a budget all in one multi effects, whereas the Stomp is a limited version of a more premium product.
  16. It’s a digital algorithm. Apparently it’s five different variations of the circuit, including one that keeps the low end undistorted aka X Ultra. Really keen to hear how it sounds. Digital doesn’t worry me too much anymore, I use a Quad Cortex now and it’s captures of Darkglass pedals are almost indistinguishable. I wonder if they’ve used their expertise at all, as well as their footswitches.
  17. Surprised it's come in under the ADAM. Thats a hell of a lot more pedal than the Ultra model for not a lot more cash.
  18. Doesn’t exactly showcase the bass but in love with this shot from a show last month a little 😅
  19. Yeah, I hate it when stuff sounds good. But to be fair, being a bassist in progressive metal, it’s the Darkglass/Dingwall tone that is becoming very boring and predictable, but it depends how it’s used. Darkglass are capable of much more, and the Alpha Omega circuit is the most diverse of the lot.
  20. If by iPhone you mean the king of the pedal world, yis! 😉 Biggest complaint about the ADAM was it’s distortion algorithms. If Darkglass have got this one right, this will replace a number of pedals on AO user pedalboards. Interface, compressor, noise gate, tuner, cabinet simulator, headphone amp, 6 presets (3 midi/app access). Oof.
  21. Well. This will cause some pedalboard shake ups!
  22. 😮 Is there no way you could drop tune this, rather than buying a 5 string? Can confirm that if its the B you need, an Alpher 4 in B standard (or Drop B ala me) is a fine thing indeed! But thats personal preference from someone who usually avoids using a G string wherever possible!
  23. But again, the suggestion is they're trying to bypass people who they see as undesirable. Giving them a heads up negates that entirely.
  24. By putting that last bit in, they are literally targetting people not reading the ad properly and helping them apply. Its self defeating.
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