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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Love how you think he'd sit in a studio and accept the take if it was off in any way. It's his style, man! One of the most iconic styles ever recorded.
  2. In case you were wondering if this was just for "vintage" stuff, this is the bassist of extreme metal djent band Meshuggah's Darkglass of choice
  3. I'm lost as to why more people aren't using Tidal. I got it when it was more expensive, but now that its the same price as a lossy Spotify subscription, why stick with Spotify? Tidal has more content, more exclusive content, videos, slicker interface and of course has lossless music as standard. The daily mixes algorithm works much better on Tidal for me as well. Spotify is honestly garbage in comparison, and they've got themselves in a right pickle, promising HiFi but left it too long, and now they'll have to give it for free.
  4. Sorry, but yuk. The headstock with that body looks terrible in my opinion. The whole package just look really cheap?
  5. Proper Dingwall for less than a far east one? Shouldn't last long!
  6. Not familiar with Moon too much, but if they're the original pickups as presented back then, why were they routed for covers? That neck looks sublime!
  7. I'll say the same as I always do when a Special gets mentioned. These StingRays are something else, a huge upgrade over previous iterations. Fantastic basses!
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ32Qq_sNg9/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Nothing too wild, but its more that I have presets full of captures on my QC that replicate all the drive sounds and combinations made with the ES-5 almost indistinguishably. It's paid for itself on that alone. Its still a work in progress. Beyond filters and pitch shifting there isn't a lot going on synth wise, but they are updating regularly. The Neural DSP Cloud contains by now hundreds if not thousands of captures and presets. Its similar to a social media platform, in that you follow users and "like" presets/captures, the latter allowing you to download them onto your QC direct from the QC. Its a little disorganised and there is no appraisal for uploaded presets, so there is a lot of rubbish on there, but there's some brilliant stuff. Regards to Strymon, again the strength of their effects models is still its weak point, I see plenty of boards with QC's and Strymon stuff still on. But, based on what they're achieving in their plugins, its all to come.
  9. Well this thread has been quiet! Who else has got one? My board has been entirely replaced by it, its absolutely fantastic. They just released a new firmware release today, addressing tons of requests from users on the Discord/FB groups. Really promising how its all developing! https://neuraldsp.com/news/coros-1-3-0-is-now-availalable
  10. From my perspective, one of our guitarists presses play and I can hear 75% of our track mixes in my ears, before any of us pretend to play it all on our instruments. Hope this helps.
  11. Hitler had a hankering for Poland and look how that ended. As good as it may sound, the reality is just too uncomfortable to deal with.
  12. Correct. In truth, it is really quite rare that we have to take down an advert for a Ric copy. And there is no reason for that to change; the rules are exactly the same. If you don't have a genuine Ric to sell, nothing has changed.
  13. Genuine Rickenbacker basses are temporarily being allowed, but that's it. Everything else that is pulled now, will continue to be pulled. Direct answer; yes, that would have been banned before and as such it still would not be allowed.
  14. I think its just a tough pill to swallow when this show primarily marketed the fact that, unlike the LBGS, this one was just going to be all about bass.
  15. They appear to be claiming it is now three shows in the one venue; Bass Guitar Show, Acoustic Guitar Show and Electric Guitar Show. So yeah, dedicated bass show has become a 33% bass show. Wonderful stuff.
  16. If you google it, the search result is still UK Bass Guitar Show, and the old web address is autoforwarded to the UK Bass And Guitar Show. Eventbrite still quote this against the event: The UK Bass Guitar Show is a two day event dedicated to bass players, including all the latest bass gear and artist performances. What a ridiculous decision, I'll probably save my petrol on that one then!
  17. Wait what? I thought this show came into existence because the regular bass show became a bass AND guitar show??
  18. The OC-5 doesn't have the volume issue, tracks as well as any octaver i've used, and also has an octave up? Sure you were comparing it to an OC-5?? But fair enough, it should be better given the price difference new, but from experience with the 3 Leaf octavers, it isn't always the case!
  19. So is it the tone you don't like? Changing pickups and adding a preamp is a big jump, I would certainly start with one and see how you get on. The pickups are probably fine, so if you're looking to make it active then go for the preamp. Understand though that the £150 will all but disappear; there will be little if any increase in value to the bass post-work.
  20. What was it about the Octron that made you want to spend such a significant amount more than the OC-5 you tried? I haven't actually tried a Octron, always figured it was just an OC-2 imitation circuit with a higher octave in a big footprint?
  21. It has more headroom than an OC-2 too. Last OC-2 I had was distorted by the high output of one of my basses, no such issue with the same bass with the OC-5. And honestly, any notable sound difference people think they hear, I struggle to believe, the YT comparisons you'll find are spot on. As said, any "difference" is a positive one
  22. The OC-5 is great, first octaver I've tried were you can genuinly say there is no point in paying more for an OC-2. It nails the tone and fixes the volume issue with the original. Top notch quality, the Japanese Boss pedals too.
  23. Just checked, and I didn't even allude to how expensive and overpriced it may be 🙃
  24. I don't remember being more disappointed with the sound of a pedal. Its aesthetically marvollous, but sonically plebeian.
  25. Hoping a UK buyer comes along soon, too many end up over there!
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