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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Nothing major really, an expression pedal for my SYB5, then maybe get my Blade B15 de-fretted. That's all I can think of really (though this shouldn't be taken as legally binding...)
  2. [quote name='Christophano' post='1068506' date='Dec 24 2010, 08:50 AM']Valve war FTW![/quote] Looks like we've got ourselves a good, old-fashioned "Tech-off!". YeeeHaaaaw! Merry Christmas all!.
  3. Hi there, I'm not a lefty, but welcome anyway. Paul.
  4. Hi All, I've got a Boss SYB5 and would like to experiment with the expression pedal function. Besides the £60 Roland one, do any of your readers know which other (equally plastic but cheaper) pedals work with this pedal? Sincerely, Confused of Ramsbottom.
  5. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='1062882' date='Dec 18 2010, 08:15 PM']I like this one too, owned by a Tber. [/quote] I want this one!
  6. "Gloomy Sunday" from Billie Holiday, also "Goodbye porkpie hat" by Charles Mingus - the world's most beautiful melody/
  7. paul_5

    Octave pedal

    OC 2 all the way. You should be able to get one in mint condition for that budget.
  8. Geddy's Jazz bass punch with some Honk from Jaco was a good starting point for me - I played with a drummer quite a lot last year who had a 24" kick, so I rolled off some lows to let the 'bomb' go off.
  9. Hola, I was playing with the pedal board last night (yes, I know that's what it looked like, but it was serious 'textural development' - honest) and reckon I'm ready to part company with my EHX Bassballs reissue. Anyone fancy it? Looking for about £30ish or will trade for a compatible expression pedal for my SYB-5. It's not boxed, but is in really good nick. It's been mounted on a board so has velcro tape stuck on the bottom. There's nothing wrong with it, I just don't need 2 filters on one board. Paul.
  10. [quote name='Doddy' post='1060010' date='Dec 15 2010, 08:39 PM']I'd not seen that site before. That's really cool.[/quote] +1 - cheers Jake.
  11. 5 swear by my Blade B15 - £600 and every Jazz Bass tone you'll ever need, also lovely playable neck. Useful 'mid boost' switch for recording DI'd - works every time.
  12. The [i]free[/i[ solution is to bounce the tracks with amplitube on and then use those instead of trying to process all of those in real time. You can then simply 'disable' the tracks that have all of the plugins on (I'd also recommend hiding them from the arrange window and the mixer to avoid confusion), so that if you need to revisit the amp settings later on, simply 'enable' the track again, fix what needs fixing and then bounce the track back out again. Admittedly this is very time consuming, and requires more patience and organisation than simply doing everything through RTAS plugins. Also you could bus the guitars through the same plugin to reduce RAM usage (if all of the guitars are sharing a similar reverb patch for instance). This is a great way to free up your machine's resources at a stroke. Other than that I can't really recommend any specific hardware, 'cos I'm a bit of a troglodite when it comes to recording - I prefer to move microphones than reach for EQ knobs. I have had some good results with the Sansamp PSA plugin (comes free with PT 8+), and I can run multiple instances without overloading the CPU. Sorry I can't be of more help, but I've used the 'bounce workaround' on my old G4 powerbook (single 1GHz processor), and managed to mix a 20 track song for radio just fine.
  13. How about 'Tom Sawyer' or similar. Early Rush can lend itself really well to a female singing range. Also you get to play a great riff in 7!
  14. My current 'project' is a 'Yamato' maple neck and fingerboard (which I defretted) frankenfitted onto a Hondo P bass body (I think it's ash, it's bloody heavy) that I pickey up from thievebay for £25. I've bought all new hardware and pickups (GFS) and have a really playable, smooth sounding bass for a smidge over £100. Really quite pleased with it. Pictures to follow.
  15. As a degree lecturer I've often had to question whether I include TAB in my handouts or not. In these days of 'inclusivity' TAB often wins out as it ensures 'quick results' which, to be honest, is what students (and management) like to see. Students who can see that they are progressing (i.e. last week I couldn't play this, and now I can) are the ones who 'stay the course' because they don't get disheartened at an apparent lack of progress. That said, as educators our job isn't just to keep 'bums on seats' and teach students to simply pass the course; we SHOULD be preparing musicians for a career in industry - and that doesn't include TAB (or didn't the last time I depped for anyone). Why not try to wean students off TAB? You could print the first couple of pages fully tabbed, then just the stuff past middle 'C' / double stops etc... then as the book progresses, move into more established forms of notating position (sul A etc...)? Just a thought.
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  17. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1054940' date='Dec 11 2010, 01:33 PM']Definitely. The funk is in the mids.[/quote] and of course - "tha one"
  18. Thanks for that, I really enjoyed it.
  19. paul_5

    Q-Tron fix

    [quote name='nick' post='1053735' date='Dec 10 2010, 09:23 AM']I've found them [url="http://www.banzaimusic.com/EH-knob-current-design-push-on.html"]here[/url]. I've also got to order some 1meg log reverse pots for some 'SFT' clones I'm building, from Banzai - only place I can find them. If you want me to order an extra EHX knob, let me know (save you postage). Will probably put order inthis weekend.[/quote] That'd be great, as I'm hoping to do my mod this weekend also. Will PM you details etc...
  20. paul_5

    Q-Tron fix

    [quote name='nick' post='1052244' date='Dec 8 2010, 11:09 PM']Reminds me, I've got to get a matching EHX knob for the new control. [/quote] Let me know if you find one, as I'm about to put a volume control on the output stage of my Q-tron +.
  21. Cheers Doddy, nice to get a little bit of background. Just to sum up - I'm probably of receiving stolen goods on the strength of that.
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