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Everything posted by obbm

  1. Oh dear. Like many I had no idea his condition was so serious. I met Colin a few times at SE Bashes and when he popped in to collect some cables. Always pleasant and jovial and a great player to boot. A very sad loss to both his friends and family and our local music scene. RIP Colin
  2. Just played my first full gig with the Handbox WB-100/ Bergantino NV115 rig witthout PA support. I could hear myself clearly without having to wind up the volume too far, it had a lovely warm sound and musician friends in the audience said it sat well in the mix, cutting right though. Bass was a Sadowsky Metro PJ running passive on just the P pick-up with flats. I'm a very happy chap. Just as an aside I think I need a cover for the WB-100. Anyone had one made?
  3. Due to small hands with short fingers I have never got on with a full 44mm Precision size neck however despite that I soldiered on for years with a Stingray 5 without too much difficulty. About 5 years ago I finally gave up on the 5-string as it was becoming too much and went back to a 4 string. Initially I invested in a '73P, 41mm nut, and a '71J, 38mm nut but deep neck, neither of which have ever felt right. Eventually I bought a used Sadowsky Metro UV70 Jazz and a used Sadowsky Metro PJ, both of which have 38mm nuts and are incredibly easy and comfortable to play. A couple of years ago I thought I'd try a Fender Nate Mendel Precision, 40mm nut, as it was supposed to have a smaller neck but found that even that felt too wide. More recently I've added an original Musicman Sterling, 38mm nut, to the stable and that also feels great although the neck is slightly deeper than the Sads. I think it's been a combination of age and slight arthritis in the fingers that have been the cause of my change. Looks like the fenders are going to have to go soon as they never get played.
  4. Move It Shakin' All over
  5. This was my thought and the reason for the question above. If the OP used a jack to jack speaker lead for his back-up then he would have bypassed the Speakon socket on the cab. With two different amps and two different speaker cables then the only common point is the cab Speakon. I would look there first.
  6. I'm having major declutter prior to some building work and have found a few cables that are surplus to my personal needs. All of these have hardly or never been used. 2m Klotz AC110 instrument lead, right-angle jack to right-angle jack - £10 1.5m Klotz 2.5-sq.mm. speaker lead, straight jack to straight jack - £10 1m Klotz 2.5-sq.mm. speaker lead, right-angle jack to straight jack - £10 Added 20/03/19 1.5m Klotz 2.5-sq.mm. speaker lead, Speakon to Speakon x2 - £10 each Added 10/04/19 1 x short Klotz 4-sq.mm Jack to Jack - £7.50 508mm length = 398mm between connectors 1 x short Klotz 4-sq.mm. Jack to Speakon - £8.00 508mm length = 402mm between connectors 1x 1m Klotz 4-sq.mm. Speakon to Speakon with old style Neutrik 2-pols Speakons - £10 1 x 1.5m Jack to Jack Speaker cable using 3-sq.mm. cable - £10 All prices include 2nd class postage to the UK.
  7. Which speaker cable did you use with the back-up amp?
  8. Handbox WB100 and Bergantino NV115.
  9. Let me get it packed and weighed and then I'll PM you. Please PM me your address.
  10. I have a 19-inch rack shelf that is 15cm deep. Yours for the cost of the postage and a can of Heinekin 0.0.
  11. This is ridiculously good value. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sadowsky-Metro-Hybrid-PJ-2015-Natural/173800209492?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  12. Here's a good starting point. http://www.musicmanbass.global/serials-eb-sting-ray-5/
  13. If it's 3-pin mini-XLR then :- Pin 1 = ground/screen Pin 2 = centre conductor Pin 3 Colour depends on what instrument cable you are using. If there is a conductive plastic screen then this should be trimmed right back so as not to touch the centre signal conductor.
  14. Fantastic basses. If I didn't already have one I'd be after this one. Have a bump.
  15. It will be absolutely fine on the 4-ohm setting Nik. BTW the correct term is impedance, the word ohmage does not exist. 😉
  16. I used mine at rehearsal on Wednesday night. just wonderful through the Berg NV115. Nice compliments from our sound guy too.
  17. Technically I see nothing wrong with the concept. Fitting it all in would be an interesting challenge but not impossible. It just depends on the size of the components. As for powering, if both pre-amps are 9-volt then a 9-volt supply would be right. If the pre-amps are able to run at 18-volts then it would make sense to use an 18-volt supply and give yourself more headroom.
  18. Depends on your budget. Anything from £100 up to almost £3000. For a Jazz have a look at the Bacchus mini Jazz. There used to be dealer in Petersfield in Hampshire but I'm not sure if he does them any more. There are several short scale Ps. Also have a look at the Spector Bantam or Shorty, especially if you can find one with a Wimbush neck.
  19. Almost 20 years before he wrote the theme to The Professionals Laurie Johnson composed and recorded the theme to "No Hiding Place" BTW how do I insert a YouTube clip?
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