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Everything posted by sblueplanet

  1. I didnt know about this Sire model. Looks great.
  2. Like the spalted maple finish
  3. Is the current colour choice same as original finish?
  4. They do have a reputation for being outstanding fretless-wise.
  5. How is the balance and weight? Is it short scale?
  6. Spotted that Dusty Hill model too. The hardware a bit too reliced for my liking. That HB-50 looks cool for the price.
  7. +1 for the ‘buy to try’ approach. Bought many basses online that would never appear in my nearby guitar stores. Some I keep for a while, others get moved on much quicker, but Ive learned a lot about neck profiles, pickup placement, body wood tone and scale length.
  8. Ibanez Roadstar with mods https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273095955978
  9. That’s a really cool short scale. Do they offer these basses in lefty by any chance? I would quite fancy one of these in a fretless version.
  10. I guess I don’t want to limit the tone too much as I play a bit of funk with my fingers, some thumb-style playing like Sting would do, using flatwounds, but also like to get that punk tone using a plectrum in the studio. i do have a few basses but I have seriously cut right down to one short-scale PJ configuration, the medium scale precision and a Kala U bass.
  11. I just picked up a 32” medium scale P bass and want to beef up the sound. Hoping that a replacement pup is straightforward and will fit ok, I am unsure which sort of pickup to go for. The Geezer Butler passive one with solderless connections is tempting but so is the SD SPB-1 or 3 with the fatter pole pieces. Any fellow Basschatters using any of these and feel like leaving an opinion on tone, value etc.
  12. Exactly the same as mine. I played it recently with a drummer and horn player at high volume and it held its own no problem. I find if you want a more realistic upright tone, pluck just as the neck joins the body.
  13. Im a lefty but when I played one of these when they came out I was seriously tempted to use it upside down. Liking the Ampeg micro rig. Used to own one of those.
  14. Decided to fit the gold one as it changes the look of the bass depending on the light.
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