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Everything posted by Quatschmacher

  1. You’re welcome. I’m sure it’s lovely but I’m after a 70s-style one - I love rosewood with pearl blocks and white binding. I’m even considering getting another Lakland built in that spec.
  2. Just hit 2000 downloads (actually missed it). Thanks to my followers. I’d do something to celebrate but am away from my gear for another ten days or so. Looking forward to hearing what you’re all doing with my patches.
  3. The octave up is by their own admission not the best. Polyphonic pitch has a bit of delay. Have you tried using a monophonic octave up?
  4. This is a lovely bass folks and an equally lovely seller. I had the pleasure of trying it. A bit later I wanted to buy it but unfortunately Latif was abroad when I got in touch so I ended up ordering a new Lakland while there was an offer on. I couldn’t justify buying a second one so had to decline when he got in touch. You could buy this and save a tonne of money and not have to wait the 6 months I’ve had to wait for mine to be built.
  5. Lovely. Had this been rosewood I’d have been very interested. I’m curious which bass you’re keeping when you’ve got these beauties up for sale. An honest seller and a lovely guy to boot. Check this one out people! Good luck with the sale, Latif!
  6. I just got a BEF again, shouldn’t have sold it in the first place. Have you tried the Fwonkbeta too?
  7. Just meant the post, though it may already be too late. 😆
  8. Our @GisserD bought one (or loaned one from me if his wife asks😆) so will be able to post clips presumably and give us his take on it.
  9. Yes, download my envelope filter patches from the panda online database. Get a Morningstar MC6 or MC8 and all will be well.
  10. A mere 28 pages would be way too little for filter discussion.
  11. It requires a MIDI controller capable of sending at least 5 simultaneous CC messages. I suggest using your Wahoo, Manta and Mastotron sale funds to buy a Morningstar MC6. They come up used loads.
  12. Was this the one that was on eBay for £500? That was a bargain.
  13. Glad you like it. Did you see I’d managed to create a chord freeze with it? See a few posts up.
  14. Use the Neuro desktop editor, plug USB directly into the C4, navigate to your onboard C4 patch. Then send a MIDI PC message to your Hub corresponding to the slot you wish to save this preset to then press save on the Hub. Voila, your C4 patch is now stored as a hub scene!
  15. If you mean the fingerboard radius, then yes, it ought to be 7.25” (unless they messed that up too).
  16. You’re ditching some sweet pedals. Good deal for someone.
  17. @dodge_bass you need to put “sold” in the title so the mods lock it.
  18. I’d strongly recommend looking at the Future Impact or Source Audio C4 instead. The super synth has no square wave oscillator which is a travesty for something calling itself a synth.
  19. It’s a bit unusual: if you are able to send MIDI into the C4 on the USB port then you can use MIDI PC messages to change the onboard patches. If you are controlling the C4 via the Hub over TRRS cables then in order to switch the C4’s internal patches you need to send CC messages - can’t remember off the top of my head which but it’s something like 104 and 105 to scroll up and down. (Look in the manual or open the MIDI map from the “devices” tab to check what the CCs are, or set your own.) You can load specific patches with another CC in the low 100s, the value you send determined the patch loaded. There’s a CC for loading the patch engaged and another for loading it bypassed. If your controller only sends PC messages and you’ve hooked up the C4 to the Hub via TRRS cable then your best bet is to store your C4 presets as Hub scenes (so they are saved on the Hub as opposed to on the C4). These can then be recalled by MIDI PC messages.
  20. I've managed to create a chord freeze/hold function on the C4! You can hear it both with and without filter envelope retriggering: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12fNTA5hbrN8mv8Ndg_i12R3QX_AvFpMM/view?usp=sharing
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