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Everything posted by jazzyvee

  1. + 1 on the PJB Big head it's extremely high quality soundwise and . I've had two of the Vox amplug things and whilst i thought they sounded fine, the weak point is the plastic jackplug which is extremely weak and is the part that broke on one of mine and the other was the headphone jack just pushed inside one day when I was plugging in. I wouldn't recommend them. The only gripe I have on the PJB is that I've never got anywhere near the "Up to 8 hours" that it says in their literature and when it goes flat, the lead isn't long enough to plug it in and keep playing whilst sat on the sofa.
  2. Will a walkabout head fit this or will it need extra long ears to fit the case?
  3. [size=4][quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1477927685' post='3165319'][/size] My wife was a senior claims handler for 12 years, a photo of the item is standard procedure, same for jewellery, something like a picture taken at a wedding of the claimant wearing the item being claimed for would be the norm. At the end of the day there's no need for photo shop, just stick it up the loft and say it's been stolen if your a crook! [/quote] A good mate and his girlfriend had their home burgled and some jewellery stolen but they had no pictures or reciepts to confirm what jewellery they owned. Fortunately I was photographer at an awards ceremony they attended the previous year and had some pictures I'd taken with my digital SLR I sent them the pictures and I think that helped them get their claim settled. That said my insurance company have never asked for pictures of my stuff and they only have the serial numbers because I put them in my list of goodies. Anything that proves ownership can't be a bad thing if anything happens.
  4. I always insure at full new replacement value as suggested by my insurance company. I bought most of my basses used and so contacted the manufacturer for the current replacement value if the bass were to be made today and sent a copy to the insurance company and they were happy with that.
  5. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1477823356' post='3164592'] I've thought about this as well, but I worry a bit about how secure it would be with all that expensive equipment in it? [/quote] Me too, though if I could make it properly secure I would do it when I can aford to. I did look at those prefab concrete garages but there seemed to be lots of limitations such as options for fixing things to the walls and doors, windows etc. I'm gonna wait till either I decide to move to a new house in the future or can afford a purpose built brick/block building as an extension to my current home.
  6. I have used various mesa boogie cabs and they come across very clean regardless of music style. I've used them for Rnb , Funk, Jazz-funk, soul reggae folk music and funky rock and they have a great clean sound. As someone alluded to earlier clean means different things to different people and your bass and amp will obviously have an affect on what signal you are asking your cabs to reproduce. I use a Peavey Tour 450 as a backup amp and that sounds much less clean than my mesa walkabout through the same cabs.
  7. My bass!, even though I have a really good bass rig most of my gigs I play through a provided back line which can be OK to dreadful. But going DI. I know that even if I have a below par stage rig, my bass and me will be constant and unaffected .
  8. I bought one of these Harvest Short scale gig bags from a forum member and can highly recommend them. Great quality. [url="http://www.harvest-guitar.com/Cow-Antique-oxid-9.html"]http://www.harvest-guitar.com/Cow-Antique-oxid-9.html[/url]
  9. [quote name='mSz' timestamp='1476868936' post='3157863'] I have 15s and I can't use them if I really want to hear my rig properly. If I wear them I can hear guitar and drums very well but bass is somehow tamed and I am losing high end. On top of that, one plug is much longer than other and it feels like it blocks my ear canal much better, being also less comfortable. Really mixed feelings about this product. [/quote] There are some circumstances that they are not perfect for and for me this is if my bass rig is not firing up to my ears, I'm too close to the cab or if I'm slapping, somehow the the notes sound kind of flat. I did contact ACS about that particular aspect and they said it is something that they are aware of and not uncommon for all types of plugs.
  10. I have a bass (not a Fender) with two sets of P-style pickups and it is the one I use least of all so I would say for me a P bass is not neccesary at all. In my innocence when I bought it I had no idea what either a jazz or P-bass was or what they were supposed to sound like i just thought it would give me a different sound with those pickups. And it does but it's not something I find i need that often. When I play it on a gig it's just really because I want to not that i need to.
  11. Hard choice but Stanley Clarkes bass line on Duel of the Jester & the Tyrant from the return to forever album Romantic Warrior is pretty close to the top as is Lively Up Yourself by Aston Family Man Barrett.
  12. My bass has a volume for each pickup and also a master volume that way I can set the pickups to the ratio I want then use the master volume to control overall instrument volume without having to turn up two volumes to increase my output whilst keeping the ratio of bridge to neck in the output the same.
  13. I have previously used the xmas tree ones and whilst they do cut down a lot of volume I haven't found them to be as even toned as the custom ones. I always have a spare set of those ones in my bass case just in case I'm on a gig that isn't too loud and those you can push in to suit the stage volume which is something you can't do with the custom moulded ones. I also use them when I'm out listening to bands.
  14. I've had mine for a couple of years after using generic plugs for many years. I have the 17db ones and they are fine however sometimes on some stages the volume is so loud that even these are not sufficient. If you havent used them before it does take a while to get used to them especially if you play music that has loud and quiet parts. I generally don't use them at soundcheck so that I know what the sound level is on stage then once everything is sorted I then put them on for the gig and that way I know the stage volume isn't horrendously loud. If it is too loud you may still get hearing damage even with plugs in :-) The other thing I would advise is when you have the mould done go for an open mouth one. I say this because the first set I had made were fine until I opened my mouth to talk on the mic or smile on stage then sound would leak in past the sides of the plugs. I contacted ACS and they said I needed to get an open mouth mould done. I did and it's nice snug and no sound leaking round the sides. In practice the wedge your gob with some cotton pads between your back teeth so that your mouth is open and you dribble all down your shirt whilst the gel sets in your ear but it is worth it.
  15. I have experimented with a guitar combo on my bass rig at home few times but I think it would be impractical for me to use live so for now I haven't pursued it. I use a QSC power amp on my bass rig and also have a bass with separate outputs from each pickup. So each pickup goes into a separate rack pre-amp and then to a separate amp channel and individual cabs. From the pre-amp that takes the bridge output I sent some of the high end via it's crossover to a Roland JC120 and that gave me a much more hifi sound. I don't know anything about Trace gear so wouldn't know if you have a crossover output to try using the guitar amp in this way. I hope you find a solution.
  16. On the recommendation fo a friend I got a Michael Kelly fretted Dragon fly 5 string acoustic bass recently and it sounds great. Like others have said it's not loud enough to use backing another instrument without amplification. Whilst I have only used it at home for ease of practice I do have some gigs coming up in the future that I plan to use it for.
  17. On a gig or jam session absolutely not friend or punter. I went to an Alembic gathering in the states a few years back and let any of those guys who wanted to ,play my bass but then that's pretty much a closed shop. I have let the odd friend play one of my basses at my house when they visited thats it. I have no interest in playing anyone else's basses either. If I go to a jam session I would carry my own bass so should others. I did a gig a early last year and the support band bassist asked to borrow my bass as he claimed his was not working. I politely declined then minutes later he was back on stage with his own bass playing without a problem.
  18. I had the good fortune to meet him a few years back and he is a great guy, full of humour and , as you see from the link, a pleasure to talk to. His signature fender bass is the only one I've ever tried so far that I would consider buying. It's a real shame that he has had to encounter also problems with health insurance company not covering some of his treatment and therapies and as a result has had friends raising money to help. Sad to see such an amazing musician in this way. [url="https://youtu.be/YRZeKV8aNoY"]https://youtu.be/YRZeKV8aNoY[/url]
  19. Hi Jacko I got my first one, Stanley Clarke Signature 4, from there. My most indulgent purchase was a Series II alembic 5 string bass from a collector in the States. A bass I had lusted over for a few years and the seller contacted me and said he wanted me to be the next ower. A deal was done and I flew out to the states to collect it from the Alembic factory where he had it delivered to. I had a visit to the workshop, met the Wickershams and their staff and went to the annual gathering for that year and met a load of the guys from the Alembic forum. That would be this one. Pure indulgence but sonic heaven.
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1381676705' post='2242137'] I have paid below MSRP for a new Mesa item from a UK dealer. [/quote] Me too
  21. To be honest I don't know much of the beatles outside their singles and whilst I can't say I'm a beatles fan I don't dislike them either. I've never heard a song of theirs that I didn't like. However I relate to Bob Marley's music much better and have been a massive fan since the early 70's so for me it's Bob. That is not to say I think one is better than the other just I prefer Bob's Music.
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