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Everything posted by jazzyvee

  1. You could try Stanley Clarke's approach. Here is him on School Days. [url="https://youtu.be/rdRG-hD5ZKo?t=2m50s"]https://youtu.be/rdRG-hD5ZKo?t=2m50s[/url] If you watch the video there are a few of the other players there using chords in their solo so you can observe their methods.
  2. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1458577592' post='3008757'] Improvements stop as soon as you're happy with your bass. [/quote] Dead right however then you may find yourself wondering if your rig is doing the best for your bass.
  3. I get told the same thing even though I feel like i'm really having a great time on stage, it doesn't show on my face most of the time. I'm gonna try this next gig :-) [url="https://www.facebook.com/junior.groovador/videos/1659004251032235/"]https://www.facebook...59004251032235/[/url]
  4. Superb looking bass. That sure will make someone really happy.
  5. If you are a member of the Musicians Union and have a contract for the gig, I'd speak to them as you may be entitled to part payment or compensation. Even if you don't have a written contract then any promo material that may exist to confirm that the gig was indeed booked might go in your favour.
  6. I found the "One" bass about 3 years ago when I eventually got an Alembic Series II 5 stringer. It is more bass than I expected and easily the most complete sounding and versatile bass that I have ever owned and would cover any genre I was playing with ease. Just because I have found it does not mean that other basses have no place. They have all earned their place and their sound still has a place in the music I play. The thing is I really enjoy playing them live as well as at home and rehearsals, so I don't think it is necessary to offload basses once you have found what you have been looking for. Unless of course thats what you want to do or have to do. It's good to have options and sometimes different instruments inspire you to play differently.
  7. The WHO at Bingley Hall Stafford on their first tour after Keith Moon died. It wasn't just the loudest gig ever I think it's the loudest thing I've ever heard.
  8. Thanks for that. I didn't realise there was an upload quota. I just deleted everything except a couple of pictures. :-)
  9. [quote name='JohnFitzgerald' timestamp='1457171642' post='2995933'] I've never been at all taken with the idea of a gig bag. They may stop a bass from scratching, but I reckon that's about all. Mechanical damage is still a distinct possibility and you certainly wouldn't load one into a van anything other than very very carefully. I've always used a hard case, but those annoy me too. The bass isn't always held securely, can rattle about inside, and they take up so much space. I think I'm happy with the compromise I've now settled on. These poly foam cases - or similar. [attachment=214136:IMG_1716.jpg][attachment=214137:IMG_1718.jpg][attachment=214138:IMG_1719.jpg] [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Bass-Guitar-Foam-Case-by-Gear4music/C87?origin=product-ads&campaign=PLA+Shop+-+GENERIC&adgroup=GENERIC&medium=vertical_search&network=google&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=15847d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=144462915199&gclid=CjwKEAiApOq2BRDoo8SVjZHV7TkSJABLe2iDe2YkxrqAeYqQrek4Y0TbIoIEQu-5nema7IDbY291cxoCS_vw_wcB"]http://www.gear4musi...291cxoCS_vw_wcB[/url] The bass can't rattle around, won't get scratched, and if the case takes a whack, the case is highly likely to absorb it. More so than a badly padded hard case which might just pass all of the impact to the bass, undiminished. I won't be stacking bass bins on top, but I reckon these work well. [/quote] Have one of these that I bought for a guitar and whilst it seems to give good protection they are very cheaply made and the polystyrene interior is not stuck to the outer casing or the internal fabric well at all. That said I've never had any damage to a guitar that has been inside it and I still use it now but only for my beat up guitar as the exposed dried hard glue looks like it could scratch the finish. Another point to think about is the polystyrene at the bottom end of of the case has become compressed and is breaking up so you could end up damaging a heavy bass if it dropped there. I tried uploading some photo's but for some reason I still can't do that and keep getting an error message that upload has failed. I can send you the photo's if you like.
  10. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1457340352' post='2997414'] Interesting take jazzyvee. Did you keep the treble stack for each pickup too? [/quote] Yes I did keep the treble stacks and have one for each pickup. However I only tend to use them if I have the low pass filters closed or nearly closed to give me clarity and some attack on the notes as you can get into heavy dub territory down there. . :-)
  11. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1457210049' post='2996451'] Of all the filter preamps I'd say the EQ02 is the hardest to sort out on a two pickup bass as you have to accommodate the output from both pickups and the blend control setting with just one filter stack and the treble stack. I much prefer the ones with a filter stack per pickup (plus the treble stack and preferably the active/passive tone control too) so you can can get each one to sound like you want it and then just use the blend to your heart's content. They are a bit marmite I agree, but if you invest the time they are great. Also the SEQ is quite nifty, it's a bit like having a really good tone control for each pickup and a volume/blend stack. Still has multiple adjustment if you want them but very intuitive. EQ02 is fine for single pickup basses though. [/quote] I have the two sets of EQ02 in one of my basses, one for each pickup then master volume and pan John East fitted it to one of my basses and it's a great system. I had it in a neck through bass but found it wasn't punchy enough for me so its been moved into a bolt on bass and it seems more at home there. Filters are pretty much an acquired taste and you do have to put in quite a lot of time to get to grips about what they can do for your sound but once you get it, you can get some amazing bass tones in your arsenal from just one bass. I love them and find them easier to use that 3 band eq's etc.
  12. [quote name='Black Coffee' timestamp='1457275463' post='2996923'].............. My biggest gripe with expensive basses was the worry of somebody (or me) putting a ding in it and ruining the perfect finish. Shallow maybe. I dunno. My yamaha bb series is meeting my needs currently and I could replace it a dozen times before out pricing a good fodera. [/quote] I think if mine got dinged to the point it looked rough I'd just have it refinished.
  13. [quote name='magee' timestamp='1457098334' post='2995326'] The singer/guitarist in my pub blues band suffers from tinnitus. It's pretty bad - he says even playing an acoustic guitar can trigger it. He's tried good quality ear plugs before but said while they were fine when playing guitar they didn't work when he started to sing. Moving his jaw had an effect on the shape of his ear canal and sudden bursts of sound rushed in. It was worse than having none. Has anyone had this experience? Does anyone know of any kinds of earplugs which are good for this and combat the change in shape of your face/ear canal when you're singing? Matthew [/quote] I had the same problem out sound leakage, not the tinnitus though, when I had my first set of ACS plugs and when I rang them to discuss the issue they said that it was because he guy who did the ear impression should have done an open mouth moulding. I got another impression done with my gob open at Boots and I now don't get that problem anymore.
  14. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1457187172' post='2996144'] Custom moulded plugs, mine are ACS, but there are other companies with similar products. Wish I'd known how big a step up from generic plugs the moulded ones are years ago, best money you can spend as a performing musician IMHO. [/quote] I had been using the generic plugs for about 10 years before getting a set of custom moulded plugs from ACS. Whilst the generic ones were ok and kept the overall volume down to a manageable level. What pushed me to the custom option was that I was finding that the generic ones do not attenuate the sound in a consistent way across the spectrum so I was finding that it became difficult to accurately balance changes in the intensity of my playing with the rest of the band in the dynamic moment of a song. I got some of the ACS about 2 years ago which I think are 17db and are quite flat in their attenuation properties and they really work well. I've recommended them to our sax player and he now uses them all the time.
  15. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1456478285' post='2989356'] I have the tc polytune clip on... it's great. So much so that it's now my only tuner. [/quote] Same here, in fact I like it so much that I've somehow lost my boss pedal tuner which I was going to put in my guitar pedal board.
  16. [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1456766570' post='2992041'] I had the less powerful Tour 450, which is pretty much identical other than power, and it was a good, solid amp, never let me down, not a particularly characterful amp, but had a very usable e.q . to me it sounded not dissimilar to my friends Ampeg pro 7 (?) amp, which cost him huge money....!!!!! Heavy buggers though by todays standards, but well built. Hope this helps a bit. [/quote] I bought a Tour 450 as a backup when my mesa walkabout was away being repaired. It's ok sounds good at the bottom end but not as clean and punchy as the mesa boogie. But yeah if the 750 is anything like this one I'd recommend it. Interesting that the DI works on 48v phantom so still works if the amp fails or the amp is switched off.
  17. I saw these at their stand at the Birmingham Guitar show today and I have to say the quality is really good. They are a small family business. I had a good chat with the about the shortcomings of a strap I recently bought for a short scale bass and they were really happy to discus making a custom strap for me.
  18. https://www.facebook.com/groups/bassplayersunited/
  19. [quote name='three' timestamp='1450029224' post='2928917'] Alembic Brown Bass in original 2002 spec [/quote] Sweet bass.
  20. Yeah I love Gary Willis's playing and am a big tribal tech fan.
  21. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1456318788' post='2987736'] Not true, you're probably just listening to a certain type of music or group of musicians. [/quote] From my perspective, and I listen to a diverse range of music both on record and live, I don't recall ever hearing a fretless bass without chorus. I hope I'm proved wrong because I want to hear what it sounds like naturally. :-)
  22. Well if anyone has any links to someone playing clean fretless bass playing with no effects at all I'd be interested in hearing what it sounds like.
  23. I don't play fretless bass but have always wondered why it seems that everyone who plays one uses chorus and some also use chorus and a reverb. I'm not saying it's a good or a bad thing, I just wondered if this type of bass doesn't sound good played clean with no effects.
  24. Since this is a dream situation, I would go for a custom series II alembic short scale 4 string bass with all the exotic woods and some custom electronics added in the mix.
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