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Everything posted by sprocketflup

  1. Oooh my word, this looks interesting. Is the board flat or radiused please? i.e. enough to play with a bow?
  2. I have a couple I keep swapping back and forth between at the mo, namely 'Music Has The Right to Children' and 'Geogaddi' Im not a massive electronica fan, but do listen to all sorts. Id like to delve into the genre a bit more, can you recommend me some stuff? Are Carbon Based Lifeforms worth a listen? I noticed their albums seem quite expensive
  3. Looking good as is but the orange is intriguing......
  4. That's looking the business is that. Much kudos to ya
  5. This is rapidly becoming one of my favourite basses. It may appear in here already, as it was purchased from a BC'er, a J&D jazz (I'm not a man of expensive tastes) in seafoam green (was the colour that made me go for it) upgraded with some Wilkinson tuners, bridge and control plate in black, and a Fender logo (who are they when they at home?). Since bagging it I've replaced the chrome pickguard screws with black, attacked the back of the neck with a rasp and sandpaper to slim it a bit, wirewooled the sticky varnish off the front of the board and strung it with a set of Status Black Nylons. It plays great and seems to be the bass I find myself going to at the moment. Love it. Even splashed out an a nice new leather strap for it
  6. Do you know the history of it? Only that's is fairly significant wear n the back yet those frets look like they haven't been played. That is absolutely beautiful tho, did you get the ashtrays with it?
  7. Thanks I think its high time I learned some about some proper stuff rather than just winging my way thru life
  8. Wow! that has taken really well, looks the business! So, you gonna try darkening a maple board next? 😬
  9. Not sure if I understand any of this thread. How can I find out more about jazz standards?
  10. Hi, the Fender humbucker is that a Jazz pickup? As you say the P pups are Bareknuckle?
  11. I'm in a Kate Bush trib, we do ok. We have a lot of fun, and make a few quid to boot. Whats not to like?
  12. My fretless is an Ibanez, (SRF700) and is in my opinion the finest bass I've ever played, so I have history with them. I nipped to Mansons in Exeter yesterday and had an hour or two noodling around on various Ibanezeseses, a few Yamahas, tried a Warwick Streamer, a couple of denominations of Music man stuff and one or two miscellaneous items, none of which seemed to sit right. I think I'm doing what I used to despair of in others - needing a P. (fnerk) Albeit with a J neck. The search continues. Loving the suggestions - many thanks all! In the meantime I'm also gonna look at Chris_b 's advice up there and see about bringing my existing bass back up to scratch.
  13. Im on the Devon/Dorset border, near Honiton
  14. Thanks for all the recommendations so far everyone, I had chance to try a few bits and bobs out today, including a few Yamahas, not quite found 'the one' yet. Im gonna have to try and locate a Sire and a G&L to try I think. Well, that will probably happen as well at some point tbh…..but.....new bass! Ooh! yes that was a fun show, thank you very much for coming along, hope you enjoyed it
  15. Hi, my Squier affinity P is starting to show signs of a hard life on the road, and Im wondering if its time I retired it and treated myself to something a little more upmarket. Is there a Squier /Fender that fits the bill? Bearing in mind I currently gig a £90 bass may give you an idea of the budgets i run to ;) So im looking for a P body, thin J style neck, Pj pickup configuration. Preferably reasonably lightweight as we do 2+ hour shows. The Affinity fulfilled those criteria but with no frills. Id be happy to go up to £5- 600 I guess. Any ideas?
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