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Everything posted by cetera

  1. Duff is still super solid on the bass though. Nice to have a mix where you can hear the bass clearly too...
  2. How low have you set that bar? Not like he had/has or needs any wide vocal range...
  3. Billy Idol staring at his lyrics monitor... Punk's not dead. Why learn the words when you can just read them?!? Yeah! Anarchy!! 🙄🤣😂🤣
  4. Gutted you're having to let this go mate.... The Euro factory surpassed itself in the quality of woods used on this one. Who knew our Ultraviolet basses would turn out so beautiful?!! Good luck with the sale.... and to any potential buyers- this as a custom run, in single figures and it is doubtful whether they will do this again. Grab yourself a beautiful bass while you can...
  5. Loving this band at the moment.... like the best Steely Dan, mixed with classic NY jazz and a pop sensibility. Hugely recommend their last 3 albums and this track is sublime in its relaxing feel, atmosphere and evocativeness... Enjoy
  6. Have a great time.... Looks like my idea of hell though (camping.... with....people....) I've done it once, but I had private backstage camping and showers/food as I was stage crew on the Acoustic Stage. That's the ONLY way I'd go....
  7. As someone who's been there and done that a couple of times (tripping over pyro pods on very dark stages back in my KISS tribute days) it's a LONG, painful way down!!
  8. Saw him a few weeks back at the O2 in London. Fantastic performance and so many great songs. Yes, very poignant and emotional....
  9. 1) Input jack intermittent 2) Strap pin worked loose from body
  10. Yep, that was crazy cheap! You're welcome re: the bash..... that's what it's all about You've also discovered the secret elixir..... Spector & GK.... I bang on about that combination to all who'll listen... lol! 💜
  11. Saw that on eBay and that someone had got it for a complete bargain price.... didn't realise it was you. Congrats! I love mine.... only upgrade I've done is to a full Tonepump pre (from the Tonepump Jr). IMHO it gives the whole sound a bit of a heft/definition kick but the TP Jr sounds great in it's own right, as you've discovered. I also add some crown inlay stickers, but that was just for my visual taste... Enjoy!!
  12. Two. A main one and a spare, unless I need a 3rd (fretless).
  13. And now.... playing a *cough* Warwick.... 'Cetera'!
  14. Just bought some assorted Schaller strap pins and locks from Paul. Smooth transaction and fast delivery. Cheers!
  15. Yep! What an amazing night! Can't wait to do it all over again at the O2 Arena in London in a few weeks time
  16. Last two shows of our debut 'Bootleg Rock Show feat. Leather & Lace' Tour this past weekend.... and what gigs they were! Portsmouth New Theatre Royal and Shrewsbury Theatre Severn's Walker Theatre..... both 3/4 full and amazing audience responses so a wonderful way to finish out the tour. I managed to take 15 of my Spectors (& one Hamer) out on this tour for different shows....It was lovely to get to play so many of them out live and I received many compliments from discerning audience members (as well as delight from our regular touring soundman). 😎 Audience and venue reactions mean that we will do another short run towards the end of this year and then another proper tour next year as well as hopefully a visit to Holland & Belgium too! Very proud of my bandmates and our crew....whodathunk after playing for 40 years I'd still be out there and having more fun/doing better gigs than ever? Don't Stop Believing indeed....
  17. Do it! Plenty of others will..... Immerse yourself in the fun of it, for old time's sake...
  18. KISS tonight in Birmingham! 😝😎
  19. 72 - 82 for the amazing music... and 82 - 92 for the amazing gigs and fun rock music gigs I attended in my teens (before shoegazing and grunge ruined it all)
  20. Wrong band, wrong event and wrong response (though understandable to some extent). Don't get the fuss over this band.... or this story tbh.
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