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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. Yes, I agree. If that means I have to remove my one (which I don’t think is excessive - please tell me if it is), then I shall do so.
  2. Not knocking the guys, but if I was a Mod, I would be all over that. Who the f8ck is interested in what basses and amp he used to have? I’m borderline uninterested in what he’s got now, let alone what he had before.
  3. Got two of them, had one of the others and the Zon I would really like to get my hands on. Sorry I can’t help, but I wish you luck in your search for a three way 😂
  4. I don’t know if you’re aware, but you can turn a lot of the stuff you have in your sig into links. So, you could just have the word ‘FEEDBACK’ or ‘FEEDBACK for The Greek’ instead of ‘https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/118513-feedback-for-thegreek/?do=findComment&comment=1088965’. You can do the same with all your sale items. It might even fit all in one line.
  5. I would say, go for it. It’s an opportunity to learn something possibly, so has to be a good thing. You’re in the same situation I’m in. I have a neck which Fender sent me as a replacement for the one that went wonky on my Flea ‘61. I replaced it with a Status Graphite neck which is staying on it, so this neck needed a body, which I’m waiting to be delivered and will go from there. My first attempt, so will be interesting. Hats off to you @walshy. They look fab 👏👏👏👏
  6. Very much so. We want to try and do something a little different. Might not work, but going to give it a go. It might be the opportunity to try something songs that don’t normally get looked at by other tribute bands. We have more time to create the patches and sounds we’ll need to pull them off.
  7. Not strictly speaking live, but it will contain new video of us performing live, maybe some photo's and some other random stuff 😂. All very much a work in progress, but it's going to happen. Coming soon, stay tuned!
  8. Go for it. We were offered a gig at Garon Park at the end of the month, but our drummer is unavailable. Do ‘em when you can.
  9. ‘Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?’ Welcone.
  10. Not particularly badly for me, but I can't see me getting through a whole year without buying a bass. In fairness, I sold three basses and one amp, but have bought two basses and one amp: 1) Spector Euro 4LX-TW 2) Lakland 44-64 Bob Glaub 3) Darkglass 900 V2 'Euryale' I'm also in the process of putting a Jazz together, so fairly hopeless on all counts. I don't think I'm going to put my name in the hat for next year.
  11. Yes, best shot of I think mate. Sounds like a bit of a c8ckwomble.
  12. You can make all the excuses for him you like, but if Andy’s latest post is anything to go by, the guy isn’t even trying.
  13. Sounds like a complete twunt. I think you’re right to be a bit peeved. He’s taking out his lack of talent in the music writing area on you, which isn’t fair. Unless he can come up with alternatives, he’d better get working on what’s been sent.
  14. I don’t think I’ve visited this thread before, so here’s the last video we put up on our channel from just over a year ago. From happier times before social distancing was a thing 😬.
  15. What does it have on the headstock @Chiliwailer? None of the pictures show it.
  16. Excellent news. Very pleased for you 👍
  17. Whoa - talk about buzz kill. It’s just a bit of fun Silvia. If I could get my lad to put down his phone, let alone pick up a camera instead, that would be an achievement. Best of both worlds here - something he can add to his phone and makes the photo’s slightly different.
  18. I've just taken delivery of this which includes a 10x zoom, a fisheye lens and a wide angle lens plus two clips - all for £8.49 delivered. Great idea. Thanks for sharing. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01ITGECNC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  19. I did this version at a charity gig a little while ago which I really enjoyed....
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