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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. For crying out loud - that's an ACM gig bag!! Is there no one on his course that could have a word
  2. WalMan


    Hopefully I can make this Would probably bring: [list] [*]Markbass CMD121H combo [*]Wal Pro1 (converted to Custom) [*]Whatever else I may have at the time [/list] I could also bring my old 60's Marshall Superbass 100, but have no cab for it (as #2 son uses it as a guitar amp) and would need something to plug it into if so otherwise it's a bit of a heavy beastie to be lugging around
  3. [quote name='Clive Thorne' post='124561' date='Jan 21 2008, 01:15 PM']What exactly goes on? Is it aimed a a particular level (i.e Will I feel a complete plonker because I'm not particularly good?)[/quote] You can keep me company on the latter front The SE Bash was a chance for everyone to get together with a load of gear, try stuff out and put names to faces - and a good laugh it was too. Not like the Guitar show at Wembley or wherever with thousands of guitarists half pulling off their most impressive licks. Sadly gigwise for me March is a desert at the moment. As for days I vote for whatever Nik votes for as possible nominated for the South Coast charananc
  4. Dammit not even I can find a plan cunning enough for this & the 5'er Unless ERNIE obliges next week
  5. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='124308' date='Jan 21 2008, 01:18 AM']I didn't know that Nufin to do wiv me tho', Guv! Honest! BTW, have you arrived at G&L central yet?[/quote] Nearly. I was just planning a large sheet for Saturday to keep you in suspense
  6. This is just greedy Nik - three threads and counting.
  7. I was a bit worried I couldn't see anything from me - then I realised Nik has T[url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4614"]WO feedback threads[/url] - the greedy boy
  8. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='122867' date='Jan 18 2008, 02:17 PM']+1 It's well worth doing.. At the SE Bash last August, I learnt a great deal, had a good laugh and made some good friends too.. plus got to try out loads of great basses and amps. So, I'm definitely going to try to be at the one in Northampton which should be fine provided there's nothing absolutely unmoveable in the family/work diary. Perhaps some of us south coast Basschatters could travel up together?? I can get a bus for £55 per day + petrol that seats 10 people and would still have plenty of room for gear, if anyone's interested.. Nik[/quote] Do we have to sing Summer Holiday all the way?
  9. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='122868' date='Jan 18 2008, 02:20 PM']Sounds like a cunning plan.[/quote] We like cunning plans
  10. [quote name='99ster' post='122508' date='Jan 17 2008, 10:49 PM']Noooo... Must not look!!! I know just how good this bass is. Would make a perfect companion for my 4 string fretted Wal Custom I'm equipping a studio at the moment - so I dare not think about this beauty - the cash just isn't there. But have a bump for a wonderful Wal (& yes - someone help keep this in the UK please!).[/quote] +1
  11. Going back for an encore, song starting & me getting nothing. PANIC (always a bad idea when a cool head would help!) check the radios plugged in, then switched on (turning it off in the process) turn the radio on, check the leads again look at the Line6 floorboard and can see a patch, not the tuner lights on, check the leads & radio again and only then finally realise that I have stood on the volume pedal & turned it down. DOH!!
  12. The beginning of American English by Wax where either Andrew Gold or Graham Gouldman starts a count in over the drums, then shouts Hold it, and then does the count again. EDIT: Actually looking at the start of the thread again I suspect that is just not what you are talking about is it as it is so obvious
  13. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='119450' date='Jan 13 2008, 11:40 AM']Hi Al, I'm really sorry to see you suffering the GAS so badly now, but if you remember back in August, I did get you to sign a Disclaimer This is a great bass and looks just as good as I remember it (bit of a tug on the old heart strings for a moment looking at the pix..) and the improvements you've made will only have enhanced it! Great B string, plays really nicely and lots of tonal variations available so I'm sure this will find a good home quickly... Which is what we need putting into ASAP to cure this dreaded GAS! Good luck with the sale and have a BUMP on me! Nik[/quote] You did indeed Nik, curses!! oh and
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  15. So I bought this from Silverfoxnik back in August and it is a great bass, but after 20 years with one bass this has made me GASsy to try some other things - like possibly the l2500 if this sells and it's still around I have nicked a couple of Nik's pictures from the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4471&hl=sub5"]thread[/url] he sold it to me on as that seemed easier, but have added one of my own. It also comes with [list] [*]the original MM electrics and clear pick guard, [*]an MM transfer I picked up on eBay (as the one put on the headstock when it was refinished has flaked away a bit in the middle ) and [*]a good Tribal Plant case with ruck sack straps but missing its carry handle. [i](Not Planet Waves as I said originally)[/i] [/list] [attachment=4817:SUB5Hall.jpg][attachment=4816:Sub5onstandbody.jpg][attachment=4815:Sub5angled.jpg] Since I acquired it, it has had a set up and set of Elixirs on it. There was an issue with the B saddle and one of the height adjusting hex key sockets, but that was fixed by those brilliant guys at Strings & Things Ideally I am looking for £525 for the lot. Based in West Sussex, just down the road from Nik, so if you have a bit of Christmas cash burning a hole in your pocket and fancy a nice, zingy, vintage looking MM SUB5 here you go
  16. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='97088' date='Dec 1 2007, 08:25 AM']Playing in Worthing at The Elms again tonight for any West Sussex Basschatters who may want to come along and heckle, hear how the Roscoe Beck V is sounding, have a pint etc... [/quote] Well it was actually tonight I made & the Roscoe Beck was sounding niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!! Good gig Nik. Catch up for that pint soon Al
  17. Making up bass lines for what? Do you mean just sitting down & playing something, or coming up with something for a cover or original your band is doing. Just sitting down to "make up" a bass line for no other reason than to do so is IMO a largely pointless waste of time. Knowing your way around the neck, playing along to tracks trying to replicate the bassline will give you a insight into how a line is or can be put together. Like a lot of people you have spoken to I would find it hard to give you chapter & verse on how I came up with a line. It will be a combination of instinct, interacting with the rest of the band (and particularly the drummer) and a feel for what the song needs (not necessarily what will show off how brilliant you are or may think you are) Like a lot of the older farts on here I suspect I picked up a great deal of what I know through playing along to a record, cassette or latterly CD, going back & forth trying to work out what the bass player was up to, and not relying on some dodgy downloaded tab with someone else's idea of what may be going on. And just because you end up playing something you've heard or already know is not necessarily a bad thing. Use it as a starting point and then mess with it in the context of the song you are working on
  18. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='113213' date='Jan 3 2008, 09:31 PM']Drove down to Brighton from Manchester today to demo the EBS cabs I've been looking at in Bernie's basement. Spent all afternoon there, and came away with a couple of NEOs....4 x 10 and 2 x 12. Very happy bunny What a top bloke Bernie is. How lucky you lot down there are to have a guy like that on your doorsteps! Well worth the 8-9 hours driving for me.[/quote] Was that an earthquake I just saw reported in Manchester That's almost as keen as me driving to Hartlepool & back in a day to pick up an eBay purchase by #2 son who omitted to tell me it was "pick up only" when he phoned me whilst I was away on business to use my account to bid.
  19. As these are [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go-faster_stripes"]GoFaster stripes[/url] I thought you might like a Perishers version to honour [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Perishers#Marlon"]Marlon's[/url] kart [attachment=4514:WhiteGoFasterJazz.jpg] Rest of the forum thinks "what the [i]HELL[/i] is he on about!!!!" "I'll get me coat"
  20. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='111191' date='Dec 30 2007, 10:06 PM']Come to think of it, that sounds like Brighton Guitars [url="http://www.brightonguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.brightonguitars.co.uk/[/url][/quote] Yup that looks about right. I always have a look as I go past but it does always seem on the expensive side (as #2 son has said in the past). I also recall being in there one day when they were having a hoot about having bought in something really cheap from someone who did not know what they had. Now fair enough that's business after all, but if it were me I think I might be a little more circumspect about shouting it to the world at large
  21. It does seem these things can go from OK to ridiculous if you are not careful. I have already mentioned a problem I had with shipping for 2 pups from different dealers at about the same cost elsewhere. One came in a couple of days, the other took nearly two months. I was also looking to upgrade the version of the drum software that came with the multitrack software. £50 ($100) upgrade & shipping if I was in the US was MAX $15, but to the UK? $75!!!! Almost as much as the upgrade. I emailed the manufacturer a couple of times to see if they could find a cheaper method - it can at best be a box with perhaps 2 DVD's max & a manual and surely it should be possible - but got no reply, so at present they have lost the upgrade sale. I may use the US office of a friend who is back & forth to the US fairly regularly as a mailing address, but we shall see
  22. [quote name='jonthebass' post='110186' date='Dec 28 2007, 12:59 PM']As for your band's substantial wireless set up, if I were you I'd get those who use it to club together and stump up for a Channel 69 license to cover you all. What make if in ear monitors do you use just out of intertest?[/quote] Jon Now there's a thought. Perhaps I ought to look into this further. The vocalist & I use both use dB Technologies IEM2200's Cheers Al
  23. I know this is really for shorter loops, but it did cross my mind that I could run some mixes of songs from my bands set with the bass removed if anyone were interested? They would all be detuned a semitone and will often not be in original keys but I throw it out to see if anyone might be interested. You can check the sort of thing on the MySpace - from which you will see it is basically all rock covers. So far as I recall what I have multitracks for is as follows, but there might be a few others [indent]Whitesnake - (i) Fool for your lovin (ii) All Your Love tonight David Lee Roth - Paradise GnR - Mr Brownstone Thunder / Python Lee Jackson - Broken Dream Led Zep - Whole Lotta Love Cream - White Room Kiss - God Gave RnR To You Gary Moore - (i) Over the hills (ii) Wild Frontier Tubes - White Punks on Dope Mott the Hoople - All The Young Dudes Neil Young - Free World Queen - I Want It All Billy Idol - (i) White Wedding (ii) Rebel Yell Rainbow - Since You've Been Gone Cameo / Gun - Word Up Alice Cooper - (i) Poison (ii) Schools Out[/indent] Just a thought. Some are mixed and the rest I ought to get back to mixing some time
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