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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. +1 Ian is a really good bloke to deal with. Had a nice chat & coffee at the services - there must be services caff's across the country with muso's & others doing deals, as we left there was someone selling his bike in the car park Al
  2. [quote name='Hamster' post='135398' date='Feb 6 2008, 11:19 PM']Whatever your total shipped price is, convert it to £ and add about 22% for the various taxes. Hamster[/quote] and beware getting the vendor to be "helpful" with the price because [list] [*]Customs are no fools and have people who know the value of instruments so if you get too cute on the declared value you could come a serious cropper; and [*]if there is a problem in the shipping and you need to claim it will be on the declared value not what you paid [/list] Even paying duty on the full value you will often find you still save on UK prices
  3. [quote name='spinynorman' post='133924' date='Feb 4 2008, 09:55 PM']Recently had similar experience with Ashdown, with a Mag 300 head that was intermittently not working. Tech support guy (not MB) seemed very helpful, head came back from them with a £68 charge, but no details of the repair. When I emailed them to find out what the problem was, I got a report that said "bench tested, no fault found". Despite it having failed twice in setups where backup amps worked fine, they won't shift off "there's nothing wrong with it". While it was away I bought a Hartke 3500 that works, so I gave up the argument.[/quote] I had a similar problem with my old Trace combo. It kept cutting out, but despite being stung by a store getting its own repair guy to look at it & do something that made no difference at all and then mailing the head to GM Audio for them to find nothing wrong the first time around I drove up to GM with the combo and they managed, more by luck than anything to track the fault. The amp was run up on a scope and there was nothing apparent, until luckily just before I took it away again we managed to replicate the fault, which turned out to be a hairline fault on the input board. Got that repaired and never had a problem after. It was bl00dy annoying at the time having to have a DI cable ready to plug into the Wal's cannon out for if/when the amp went down.
  4. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='130574' date='Jan 30 2008, 12:10 PM']I demand equal rights for emoticons! This one is far more useful (especially on Talk Like A Pirate Day. Arrrrrrrrrr!)[/quote] Our office awayday is planned for 19 Sept this year. I am growing out my beard, looking for beads to thread & practising the drunken swagger already - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg belay there y'swabs
  5. I have just changed from a Trace 2x10 to a Markbass CMD121H - with some PA assistance and would also recommend the Markbass if you can rum to it. Small, plenty loud enough & light (HURRAH!!!)
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  7. Now its finished, was [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=170187742104&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=007"]THIS[/url] someone here? I drooled for some time over this at the weekend, but sadly sanity prevailed
  8. [quote name='clauster' post='129059' date='Jan 28 2008, 07:14 AM']Okay, I've seen the Alibi (who were great BTW) When's the next Burning Organ gig?[/quote] I think there is a bit of a lull for Burning Organ whilst certain of the band are away, but well worth a viewing when you can. We had a really good night at the Elms. Six Bells Chiddingly might be easier for you. It's a funny little pub (if you don't know it) but has been doing music for years now. They also used to do good food - though its a long time since I have been. When I used to play down there we used to drive all the way down from Littlehampton for a night out when we had a gap. Leave a note & perhaps we can say hi at one of Nik's gigs
  9. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='128979' date='Jan 27 2008, 10:55 PM']Who got the G&L? If it had been a 4er, I'd have prob gone for it![/quote] That'll be me Looks good. Not a mark on it. If I had the funds I might even go for the beautiful one with an eBay shop in the States at the mo with a flame maple top It came out Saturday night and sounded rather nice. Not as zingy as the SUB (at least not Saturday) But a really nice solid bass tone with just a bit of cut that seemed to fit in really well in the bass, drums & guitar version we were running. A setup & a new set of Elixirs with my local guitar tech and I think we shall be laughing. Now then where can I find the cash for the other one
  10. Did some demos for Innervision & Wham's horn section were drafted in to play on it, but that's a couple of times removed My guitarist was in Andertons years ago buying his Strat. Andy Latimer was in there waiting for his accountant to arrive with a cheque and spent some time extolling the virtues of Yamaha guitars to him Played the Six Bells Chiddingly years back & Keith Emerson was in (its his local so probably anyone down this neck of the woods who plays there can say that)
  11. [quote name='clauster' post='128283' date='Jan 26 2008, 04:09 PM']So long as Mrs C's car makes it from Tunbridge Wells to Littlehampton, we'll be there. With some friends from Worthing who we've not seen in ages.[/quote] Sorry, only just seen your post above Nik's. I have a nasty feeling you made it & I apparently blanked you If so sincere apologies
  12. Looks like it got [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370016943985"]sold straight on[/url] at a nice fat £250 markup. Nice work if you can get it
  13. [quote name='BlueBear' post='123992' date='Jan 20 2008, 05:52 PM']Back at a small pub just outside Bordon, Hants last night.[/quote] Which one was that? We used to do the Royal Oak Passfield - which I think has completely gone now - and another nearby that had shades of Deliverance last time we were ther. Mind you that was probably 10 years ago now As for tonight / last night worked for me. New gear, new songs, first one back since mid December, minus keys / 2nd guitarist, but a crowd that seemed pretty much up for it, so all in all good fun & blew some cobwebs away
  14. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='128502' date='Jan 27 2008, 12:47 AM']Brilliant gig tonight Al and the new G&K L2500 sounded and looked great! Once you get it set up as you want it, it'll be even better... The encore section was especially good; 'All The Young Dudes', 'Walk This Way', 'Word Up' and 'School's Out' - excellent! Sorry I had to miss the last song but I was absolutely cream crackered from getting in at 3am the night before from my own gig, so I decided to head off quietly before all your fans started streaming out of the pub! Anyway, really enjoyed it and will see you soon no doubt! Nik[/quote] Cheers Nik. First one back for a month or so, a load of new songs (that seemed to go ok) and down to Guitar bass drums & vox as neither the keys, nor the stand in guitarist were available. Still Kev, Max & I have done enough gigs in that lineup not to worry toooooo much. The space (both sonic, and physical) is quite nice Only missed White Punks - which they insisted on and which I did with the Wal. Most confusing as I have got used to playing it on the 5 and forgotten the positions with the Hipshot switched down on the Wal. Yup I think once Graham has done his thing with the L2500 it will sit really nicely in the mix. Not as zingy as the SUB, well perhaps not at the mo, but it felt like a really good solid sound for the stuff we do
  15. Another year. Another batch of gigs starting with tomorrow night in Littlehampton 26 Jan 2008 The Crown Littlehampton 1 Feb 2008 Cheers Bar Bognor Regis 9 Feb 2008 The Fountain Chichester 15 Feb 2008 The Red Lion Stubbington 22 Feb 2008 The Admiral Drake Portsmouth 4 Apr 2008 Cheers Bar Bognor Regis 18 Apr 2008 The Crown Littlehampton 19 Apr 2008 The Fountain Chichester 2 May 2008 The Red Lion Stubbington 31 May 2008 The Swan Woolston 27 Jun 2008 Cheers Bar Bognor Regis 4 Jul 2008 The Red Lion Stubbington 18 Jul 2008 The Crown Littlehampton 19 Jul 2008 The Fountain Chichester 20 Sep 2008 The Fountain Chichester 26 Sep 2008 Cheers Bar Bognor Regis 3 Oct 2008 The Red Lion Stubbington 11 Oct 2008 The Swan Woolston 17 Oct 2008 The Crown Littlehampton 21 Nov 2008 The Red Lion Stubbington 28 Nov 2008 Cheers Bar Bognor Regis 5 Dec 2008 The Swan Woolston 6 Dec 2008 The Fountain Chichester
  16. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='127993' date='Jan 25 2008, 07:35 PM']YOU CAN TURN THEM OFF!!?? Why has no-one told me this before?[/quote] +1 They drive me mad when 'er indoors is searching through the listings
  17. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='127148' date='Jan 24 2008, 06:12 PM']Ruthless Al, absolutely ruthless! Looking forward to Saturday's gig by any chance????[/quote] I might be Nik, yes
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='127069' date='Jan 24 2008, 04:57 PM']Yet another Beedster ex! Don't know who's bought it, but it's a great buy, it sounded a whole lot beter than any MM SR5 I owned (in my far-off active 5 string days I had this, a Bongo and an SR5 and this was by far my fave), looked the nads, and had a pre-amp that licks major butt. All in all, a great bass Chris[/quote] Chris It's still on board. JoJobass has it now. I almost had a change of heart when it came to the last rehearsal with me on Tuesday & it did cross my mind exactly why was I letting it go, BUT onwards & upwards Al
  19. Another for E2's. I use them for my IEM. Unfortunately thy have gone back up to £45 on Play.com now though they seem to have been replaced by the SE series now? Also Westone UM1's which are similar - though I have to say I found some problems using those that I put down to the jack
  20. [quote name='Mokl' post='107114' date='Dec 20 2007, 02:27 PM']Thumbs up for Strings & Things (UK importer of Musicman). Always helpful, and they sent me free allen keys![/quote] +1 to that. Always helpful & always seem willing to root around in the misc spares box & pop small items in the post pretty much by return [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='107372' date='Dec 20 2007, 10:25 PM']And some years back, before things got difficult, Pete (The Fish) Stevens and Ian (Wal) Waller at Wal were just brilliant at looking after their customers![/quote] and that. Spent a couple of agreeable afternoons taking my Pro1 for an overhaul then picking it up converted to Custom a few weeks later. Shame it has all got so difficult for Pete now, but good to hear things may be starting up in a limited way [quote name='woodster' post='110118' date='Dec 28 2007, 08:59 AM']GAK in Brighton - Ordered a Markbass 104HF cab but the 4 Ohm was a special order. Mark at Gak got no help from the distributor and so hounded the factory and got one into the country in 3 days!!![/quote] and that. Always a pleasure to chat with & without high pressure/must make a sale
  21. Do you think one of his tutors told him to take down the photo with the ACM bag in it? It seems to have disappeared
  22. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='125047' date='Jan 21 2008, 09:39 PM']Back to bass after 23 years.....it's like the Prodigal Son returning Welcome Karl.[/quote] Welcome. Anyone remember where we left the fatted calf? Never mind just get a tinny from the fridge
  23. WalMan


    [quote name='NickThomas' post='125103' date='Jan 21 2008, 10:44 PM']That's a real shame John , you missed the last one too . I'm not 100% if I can go yet either ... It's only 3 weekends before my wedding , so I really have to make sure I'm up to speed on that side of things first. Fingers X'd[/quote] Nick, surely all you have to do is get there and make sure neither you nor the best man a toooooo p155ed Just me then
  24. WalMan


    [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='125064' date='Jan 21 2008, 09:55 PM']Bass wise, I think some of us should refrain from saying what we're going to bring because there' still over 2 months of buying/selling time in between But, I'll be bringing the Roscoe Beck V and my Wal for definite..[/quote] Count me in matey BTW, need any wood? I suddenly have a large supply of 2x4
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