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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Making up bass lines for what? Do you mean just sitting down & playing something, or coming up with something for a cover or original your band is doing. Just sitting down to "make up" a bass line for no other reason than to do so is IMO a largely pointless waste of time. Knowing your way around the neck, playing along to tracks trying to replicate the bassline will give you a insight into how a line is or can be put together. Like a lot of people you have spoken to I would find it hard to give you chapter & verse on how I came up with a line. It will be a combination of instinct, interacting with the rest of the band (and particularly the drummer) and a feel for what the song needs (not necessarily what will show off how brilliant you are or may think you are) Like a lot of the older farts on here I suspect I picked up a great deal of what I know through playing along to a record, cassette or latterly CD, going back & forth trying to work out what the bass player was up to, and not relying on some dodgy downloaded tab with someone else's idea of what may be going on. And just because you end up playing something you've heard or already know is not necessarily a bad thing. Use it as a starting point and then mess with it in the context of the song you are working on
  2. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='113213' date='Jan 3 2008, 09:31 PM']Drove down to Brighton from Manchester today to demo the EBS cabs I've been looking at in Bernie's basement. Spent all afternoon there, and came away with a couple of NEOs....4 x 10 and 2 x 12. Very happy bunny What a top bloke Bernie is. How lucky you lot down there are to have a guy like that on your doorsteps! Well worth the 8-9 hours driving for me.[/quote] Was that an earthquake I just saw reported in Manchester That's almost as keen as me driving to Hartlepool & back in a day to pick up an eBay purchase by #2 son who omitted to tell me it was "pick up only" when he phoned me whilst I was away on business to use my account to bid.
  3. As these are [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go-faster_stripes"]GoFaster stripes[/url] I thought you might like a Perishers version to honour [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Perishers#Marlon"]Marlon's[/url] kart [attachment=4514:WhiteGoFasterJazz.jpg] Rest of the forum thinks "what the [i]HELL[/i] is he on about!!!!" "I'll get me coat"
  4. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='111191' date='Dec 30 2007, 10:06 PM']Come to think of it, that sounds like Brighton Guitars [url="http://www.brightonguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.brightonguitars.co.uk/[/url][/quote] Yup that looks about right. I always have a look as I go past but it does always seem on the expensive side (as #2 son has said in the past). I also recall being in there one day when they were having a hoot about having bought in something really cheap from someone who did not know what they had. Now fair enough that's business after all, but if it were me I think I might be a little more circumspect about shouting it to the world at large
  5. It does seem these things can go from OK to ridiculous if you are not careful. I have already mentioned a problem I had with shipping for 2 pups from different dealers at about the same cost elsewhere. One came in a couple of days, the other took nearly two months. I was also looking to upgrade the version of the drum software that came with the multitrack software. £50 ($100) upgrade & shipping if I was in the US was MAX $15, but to the UK? $75!!!! Almost as much as the upgrade. I emailed the manufacturer a couple of times to see if they could find a cheaper method - it can at best be a box with perhaps 2 DVD's max & a manual and surely it should be possible - but got no reply, so at present they have lost the upgrade sale. I may use the US office of a friend who is back & forth to the US fairly regularly as a mailing address, but we shall see
  6. [quote name='jonthebass' post='110186' date='Dec 28 2007, 12:59 PM']As for your band's substantial wireless set up, if I were you I'd get those who use it to club together and stump up for a Channel 69 license to cover you all. What make if in ear monitors do you use just out of intertest?[/quote] Jon Now there's a thought. Perhaps I ought to look into this further. The vocalist & I use both use dB Technologies IEM2200's Cheers Al
  7. I know this is really for shorter loops, but it did cross my mind that I could run some mixes of songs from my bands set with the bass removed if anyone were interested? They would all be detuned a semitone and will often not be in original keys but I throw it out to see if anyone might be interested. You can check the sort of thing on the MySpace - from which you will see it is basically all rock covers. So far as I recall what I have multitracks for is as follows, but there might be a few others [indent]Whitesnake - (i) Fool for your lovin (ii) All Your Love tonight David Lee Roth - Paradise GnR - Mr Brownstone Thunder / Python Lee Jackson - Broken Dream Led Zep - Whole Lotta Love Cream - White Room Kiss - God Gave RnR To You Gary Moore - (i) Over the hills (ii) Wild Frontier Tubes - White Punks on Dope Mott the Hoople - All The Young Dudes Neil Young - Free World Queen - I Want It All Billy Idol - (i) White Wedding (ii) Rebel Yell Rainbow - Since You've Been Gone Cameo / Gun - Word Up Alice Cooper - (i) Poison (ii) Schools Out[/indent] Just a thought. Some are mixed and the rest I ought to get back to mixing some time
  8. I must have a go at some more, but January is [i]REALLY [/i]bad for me at work so it may have to wait a bit.
  9. I have now found the note I had from Gavin when he was at TE Service before Trace went and he set up [url="http://www.gmaudio.co.uk/"]GMAudio[/url] who now carry out servicing on old TE gear. I hope he will not object to me posting this here. The problem I had was that the back light to the graphics, etc., would occasionally go out on my 122H combo, but would come back on if the combo was switched off & back on. His email was as follows: [quote]Alan, I have seen this a few times. The illumination panel is protected by a board that turns off if there is a mains spike. We had the board designed out of house and some of them are a little too sensitive. There is a quick modification for this to desensitise the board, here is the mod for it. Any problems, let me know. Gavin[/quote] And attached is a PDF of the document [attachment=4419:TE___Mod...tion_PCB.pdf] Not something to try lightly if you are not used to, or happy working on the innards of an amp, but may help if you have this problem and want to try to fix it. I have to say I just lived with it!!
  10. It's not Bernie so far as I am aware. The shop is in an attic over a clothes shop and has been there for a while now. Seems to carry a lot of second hand stuff. I always have a look in on the way past because I tend to park at that end of town and walk down through North Lanes. When you can get in the College car park is £3 all day on Saturdays so a lot cheaper than the normal NCP rip off parking
  11. I have an MP3 player that will not talk to my PC (the second one now after a replacement) so if you want to take it out on that.....mind you only tiny so probably not that satisfying a thing to have a go at
  12. Just having my post Christmas wander round Brighton this afternoon, call into GAK, take the MP3 player back to Richer (and the replacement is still not sorted I think it may be the PC), try to find something to do for 5 or 6 hours while the missus sits round her friends house and polishes off a bottle of wine & a fair bit if Grand Marnier - [i]ANYWAY[/i] had a quick look in the guitar place over the top of the clothes shop at the north end of Sydney Street and they have a couple of EBS combos (Gorm 15 & Neo Drome 12) three heads and some cabs as well as 3 Ken Smith Jazz basses (a fretless and two fretted as I recall) Sorry all a bit vague as I cannot remember the name of the shop or exactly what they have as I am presently trying to surpress GAS but if that's the sort of thing you are looking for and you are down south it may be worth a look. The basses were around the £950 mark I think.
  13. Anyone fancy a SUB5?? Its all Niks fault I go 20 years with no major GAS and now look what's happened!! I want everything. Come on ERNIE a big win has been cosmically ordered for 1/1/08 do you hear!!
  14. Sorry to hear of your woes & hopefully R&R and possibly an adjustment to playing style will get you sorted. Looking down that list I recognise at least 5 as well as [quote]....playing a fairly busy line, and the middle finger on my left (fretting) hand just curled over into a claw shape and locked there[/quote]. For me the latter tends to happen, when it does, within the last few numbers of the set or encore. I tend to put it down to variously[list] [*]the first gig after a layoff & without a proper practice regime in the break (or evver, I really should try harder) [*]digging in too hard, so probably tensing up [*]possibly lack of fluid - it seems to happen most often at the hotter sweatier gigs. I try to have a litre sport bottle of water available for each set, but have to watch our vocalist taking crafty swigs! [/list] For myself, and possibly not entirely bass caused, because I have rheumatoid arthritis - which I still reckon all started when I turned over my left ankle badly landing on a loose rug on the "stage" after a Townsend style leap in about 1999, but all medics say has nothing to do with it. [list] [*]My left (strap) shoulder disintegrated and was replaced coming up for 3 years ago February, has one of these in it [attachment=4377:csra.jpg] and now looks like this [attachment=4380:Shoulder.jpg] with a rather fetching scar [*]And then last June I had the index finger first knuckle replaced (mouse finger as well as plucking hand) with one of these [attachment=4378:MCP_Rep.jpg] and it looks like [attachment=4379:Hand.jpg] [/list] Now it might just be arthritis, but it was the left ankle that went and largely left sided - until the right hand went last year. I made a pretty comprehensive job of smashing my right shoulder surfing in 2001 and that repaired itself. And the right hand could as easily be the amount of time I spend working on the computer (which is a lot) and the fact that I only recently got and ergonomic joystick type mouse to go with the trackball and ordinary mouse that take up desk space and not specifically plucking, but it probably all grist to the mill. That said the shoulder replacement got me back to a normal strap from a [url="http://www.slider-straps.com/STR/bassclose.html"]Slider Strap[/url] and the replacement knuckle has really made life a lot less painful for playing as well as computer work. And having (probably foolishly) carried on playing throughout I have no immediate intention of giving up just yet Like others have said a lot of help can be found with a proper warm up, possibly adjusting posture (difficult getting out of a bad posture if you have been playing as long as me)
  15. Damn!!! should have paid more attention at the SE Bash. That is a good looking bass and the reviews all look good - [i]thinks "have I the cash and/or how quick could I sell the SUB5!?"[/i]
  16. Welcome (back) Fancy a gig swap Just don't let me near a surfboard it put me out of action for 6 weeks with a smashed shoulder last time I did
  17. [quote name='Cliff Burton' post='110404' date='Dec 29 2007, 12:30 AM']Thanks for the reply's guys, makes me feel all warm inside Where are all you west sussex guys from? Alex[/quote] Welcome. Silverfoxnik & I are just down the road in Littlehampton
  18. [quote name='Mickeyboro' post='110358' date='Dec 28 2007, 09:43 PM']And frdm just over the border - a big Howdy! The Bordon bassman[/quote] OT but Bordon (or Passfield) shame about the Royal Oak, it used to be such a good gig
  19. Greetings from Sussex (and Guildford during the week) What do we get up to? Generally it would seem assuaging GAS but mostly a friendly crew. You never know there might even be another [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=63&hl=se%20bash&st=260"]SE Bash[/url] the last one in Guildford was a hoot
  20. Thanks for the info. I really should read up more on this as we are running 2 guitar, 1 mic and 2 in ear wireless systems nowadays. When I got my first Nady kit ages ago I seem to recall I did actually get a licence for the first year (it was so long ago perhaps I only thought about it ) Having never had problems in all the years of using wireless - including playing next door to a police station and expecting, but not getting, someone coming in to say "will you stop bleeding over our airwaves!!") - I have never bothered since (though I know I possibly should. I seem to recall reading in the MU mag that there could be trouble brewing with the "free" bands being auctioned off?
  21. Not tabs, but [url="http://www.songza.com/"]SONGZA[/url].com is quite a good place to go to find versions of songs. You could also download a copy of the free HI-Q recorder from [url="http://www.roemersoftware.com/"]HERE[/url] which will record whatever is going through your sound card as an MP3. The bitrate is not great on the free version, but for something to jam along to may be worth a look.
  22. [quote name='skywalker' post='109642' date='Dec 26 2007, 09:02 PM']Hi WOT This is part of my job, I will check in the morning the correct procedure and let you know the full details. It is called outward processing, and you will need to give the carrier (DHL, UPS or whoever) full details of the process being undertaken. You are correct in saying you only pay duty and tax on the repair value. I will confirm the forms to be completed (they should be downloadable form the HMRC website). Steve[/quote] The forms (many, various, lengthy and by & large impenetrable) are [url="http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageImport_Forms"]HERE[/url] but Steve can clearly help you far better than I - that's why I point such queries at the VAT/Duties guy in the office rather than rely on my studies in the dim distant past
  23. This probably belongs in the Guilty Pleasures thread, but I have always loved the way the bass line moves along in ....... oh I can't say it ...... Wham - Wake me up before you go go Works for me every time as brings on a distinct possibility of air bass And then there's all those lovely Pino lines in the Paul Young albums
  24. I think my answer to 1 would be yes, but only with a VERY heavy emphasis on [i]some [/i]as most seem friendly & helpful - and I get here most days. As has already been shown a well placed helps a great deal even if you don't like to use them. At the end of the day if you don't like a thread then ignore it and let it die on the vine, don't bump it taking a trolls bait.
  25. VAT & duties are not my area but looking at VAT notices on the HMRC Practitioner Zone you need to get authourisation on the way out not to get charged on the way back in. Look from 3 onwards [url="http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageImport_ShowContent&id=HMCE_CL_000225&propertyType=document#P20_925"]HERE[/url]
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