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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1441221553' post='2857108'] For me... no. If the track is working, I'll add to it..if it isn't I'll bin it. I think the trick is to know when you are beaten. Too many bands persist in doing tracks they really shouldn't A man's got to know his limits [/quote] i think what i mean is any song that we add full time we play to our best, not just what we are trying or thinking to add to the set. yeah if it works give it some mojo, generally for me that means i'm enjoying it and yeah i know my limits, i'm certainly not going to suggest any primus or level 42 any time soon
  2. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1441218073' post='2857075'] I bet she was surprised [/quote]she'd become the crossed eyed girl
  3. that blokes thumb must be rock hard to get that sound off the top of that er... guita....bas.... thing, must have a raspy right hand too i can barely play the 5ver that i have let along somthing that size - ooh err missus
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1441220073' post='2857097'] If you play the part with funk and attitude..ie well, the song will work. If you don't..you water down the track and it wont work. Having said that...it is like 'get lucky'..such a great track if done well...such a pile of cack if done to be popular but with no empathy, feel or funk. [/quote] isnt that the general case for any song we play? i try and put my all into every track we play (except teeenage kicks) and hope that comes across to the audience
  5. from the youtube vids they sound pretty nice though i'm not sold entirely on the looks and that headstock i fugly
  6. [quote name='Qlank' timestamp='1441208258' post='2856959'] I like Mustang Sally. Only been playing it for a year though. Never playing again: Alright Now; Smoke on the water; Paranoid; Creep by Radiohead-Pointless. [/quote] we do mustang cos it always goes down well and we get the ladies up for backing vocals we've just started doing creep and while i can see that the bassline is the same all the way through our singer nails it so it goes down well. one i could easily live without is Teenage Kicks - utter sh*te
  7. found this which might help, bass player is playing a five string and using the lower position https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2c5h2D9IQI
  8. had 8 years out and came back to it straight into a band, borrowed a bass and amp while i got going again and learned 30 new songs, got back up to speed very quickly, you'll find its like you never stopped
  9. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1440622029' post='2852533'] One thing I haven't mentioned - because it doesn't bother me - is the fan is very... prominent shall we say? I've seen it mentioned on the VT500 thread as something which is a deal breaker for some but I've failed to mention it on my review because frankly I've had much worse fans than this one, but it is not the quietest ... [/quote] i thought the same of the fan on my mag 300 EVo III, but at gigging levels it really doesnt matter but quiet home practice it really is noticeable
  10. nice bass, i've been having vintage gas recently, mainly P's but ive always liked the SG shape. very straight neck too very little taper
  11. Nicole Shertsythingyinger would be capable of accommodating a whole bands set of guitars for the night, might work out more economical
  12. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1440688988' post='2853012'] Anyone used these yet, which seem somehow related? Balls over the garden fence Damaged Wood [/quote] one would lead to the other
  13. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1440684111' post='2852944'] Neds Atomic Dustbin [/quote] exactly what i thought though their setup was probably more amicable but yeah kid needs a slap
  14. [quote name='odysseus' timestamp='1440626277' post='2852577'] Jesus, I can't even string a sentence together when playing, let alone sing. Mucho respect to all you guys who pull it off! [/quote] This, though i have managed to start doing BV on simple songs that really just play on the root like 'Use Somebody' Kings of Leon, but i only do it in practices as i think my voice is crap and our singer is amazing and our drummer does BV way better than me
  15. the bass doesnt exist without pictures
  16. just play something you can really sink your teeth into
  17. been thinking of a 'bigger' amp than my mag 300 and this isnt helping GAS, good review might have to get one on the down low. Do you know what the rated watts is at 8ohms? got to be more than the 215 on my mag 300!!
  18. suppose i guess i should post this here, i have posted elsewhere but like it so much it should be in here cos its pure filth The finish is sublime, lovely curved contours not a flat spot in sight and like said earlier the supplied case is awesome but then a bass like this needs looking after
  19. would that be the same for the 4x10 deep MAG cab? as i'm sure it says its rated as 8ohms
  20. 848, happy with that, with 7 bang on as well (which obviously means there were some rather sh*te ones too)
  21. groove is in the heart that would explain the pain in my chest
  22. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1435242609' post='2806911'] yep hysteria is tough, and i still havent got that downwards progression, hysteria is more of a stamina test. also been trying to learn Undertow by Mr Big but then any of their stuff is going to be nails. [/quote] same here, i cant get that down progression but pretty much got the rest, once i trained my hands and arms to take the punishment. Undertow is anotherone our band would like to do but me and the guitarist have got to nail our parts, definately not an easy thing to do
  23. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1439966728' post='2847049'] Thanks for the info. In the end I've decided to go for the Elixir 14782 Stainless strings as they're closer tension wise and after watching and reading reviews they sound exactly what I'm looking for. Not to mention this if it turns out to be the case for me: [url="https://youtu.be/XCv5AnJIxjc"]https://youtu.be/XCv5AnJIxjc[/url] [/quote] i've not left mine on for 2 years but i've certainly got a year out of them, probably just changed them cos i thought i should rather than needed to. The older sets did start to fray over the pickups but these newer ones, like the video says, just dont seem to do that. good choice
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