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Everything posted by visog

  1. Anyone else seen this great series on Sky Arts? Four-parter with drum royalty showing off their skills. Wonderfully diverse but tastefuly curated by Steve White of Paul Weller's band. Absolutely loved rediscovering classic grooves from Led Zepplin to 'Ghost Town' by the Specials AKA. Lovely tribute to Neil Peart by Mike Pourtnoy in ep. 4 too. Great series and love one on bass but it'll never happen as we're all about as relevant as tuba. One ommission for me was Stuart Copeland.
  2. Loved this album too! My introduction to Bruford and later UK. First time I heard slapping too really. Forgot about it until a few years later and Mark King emerged.
  3. Put it in the 'Bass Guitars' section and you may have a better response.
  4. Wow... that fingerboard looks intimidating... beautiful but intimidating. GLWTS
  5. At least your hair look real...
  6. More Namm clips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVRLmizAivs
  7. I repeat my earlier point. Organisers - what's the cancellation/postponement policy as it's clearly not going ahead?
  8. It will probably get called off given the infection rate so do we have a clear policy from the organisers?
  9. Agreed but the points sound like teething issues as the rush to get these out. Hopefully Anderton's feedback will result in better shipments to follow.
  10. Has anyone stood VJ down!? We could be faced with mullet-powered 'slappered-da-bass' on top of coronavirus.
  11. Alberto, Love your videos - keep them coming! Not sure about the headstock shape and dragon graphic but the PUp options are intriguing...
  12. An update video review by the chap we all ragged on from the previous page
  13. Depends how intelligent you are...
  14. Yawn... hope your bass skills are better than your Photoshops
  15. Back to the OP with some great tones...
  16. Me too! Loved his first two solo albums. PMG work was fine too. 'As Witicha Falls' a particular highlight of his. And let's not forget the bass connection with Jaco as part of of Joni Mitchell's Mingus back-up band with Pat, Mike Brecker and Don Alias.
  17. Me too. Writing reviews is much less effective with tonal descriptions very personal and not nearly so useful as hearing an instrument - even without hi-fi audio. 'Buttery' anyone? This happened with Ed Friedland too who did good video reviews then went back to print (for a while). @Dood - hope you manage to continue a video review output.
  18. Well your trades don't look traditional either but it does look like a wonderful bass. GLWTS
  19. And international shipping is BAU for them so give them a call!
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