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Boss GT-1000 Core.


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Not seen much talk of this (might have missed it of course). 

Looks like a very capable Stomp alternative, even has a bass mode (inc BDDI sim).

Less ‘named’ sims, and less overall compared to the Stomp, but does have a cool VU meter. 


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Comparable in size to my Zoom B1-4 and half the pedal board footprint of my Helix HX Effects!

24 effects blocks in series and parallel. 

Yes that's right, 24 effects blocks (vs Helix Stomp and HFX both with sub 10 block limit).

Edited by Al Krow
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Just now, hookys6stringbass said:

My one niggle...no XLR out.... I hate not having it... but I can get around that with a Rockboard and one of its modules...

I may have to sell my Boss MS3 now...

Anyone know when it's released??

Yeah - but neither do the current gen Zoom or HX Stomp and Effects. The Stomp does have a balanced out and you can always use a 1/4" to XLR cable with that, if you need.

What's going to save my B1-4 is a) it's just ridiculously good value b) it's a great headphone amp with aux in and c) I really enjoy the drum machine for home practice. My HX Effects ain't going to be hanging around too much longer though!

Dunno whether the Boss has a balanced out though...or a built in drum machine 😊

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24 minutes ago, Musicman20 said:

God that guys demos winds me up.

This one's on guitar but he does a pretty good job on his reviews. It's not an in depth review by any means, though. I guess there will be a lot more YT stuff on the GT-1000 and this shares the same platform, patches and editing software as that.


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But folk who are happy with their rig aren't necessarily going to be that fussed about amp and cab sims? I'm certainly not, which is why I have the HX Effects: that has precisely none of them! Besides it seems to have a very cool IR loading capability should you want it. 

In my experience, the quality of multi fx sims (eg synth, filter and pitch shift, in particular) is very much related to the processing power on tap. This seems to leave the Stomp and HX Effects in the rear view mirror on that score. 

Doesn't reach the processing power of the forthcoming DG multi, but it is less than half the price of that unit, so it's a good compromise on price vs power for me. 

And knowing Boss, this will be built like a tank. That has been a bit of an achilles heel on the Stomp from the feedback I've seen. 

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1 minute ago, dave_bass5 said:

As mentioned 18 hours ago right near the top of the thread lol. 

And mentioned again by you, for a third time by the looks of it - hehe. Good to see you adding value to your own thread 😁

And there's now even been a link provided. Service with a smile eh?

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1 hour ago, Al Krow said:

And knowing Boss, this will be built like a tank. That has been a bit of an achilles heel on the Stomp from the feedback I've seen. 

And that's the second time you've mentioned issues with the build quality of the Stomp in the past couple of days, what have you heard?

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16 minutes ago, Osiris said:

And that's the second time you've mentioned issues with the build quality of the Stomp in the past couple of days, what have you heard?

Only the stuff I've already shared on the Helix thread - including your own 'blow out'. I wasn't particularly bothered about the previous reports of the Stomp overheating or my own USB issue (which could be just wear & tear related). But an almost new Stomp failing on a gig (how old was yours when that happened?) coming on top of the rest was definitely concerning, particularly as I know you're not one to abuse your gear.

A quick search on the net, just to confirm we weren't unique, threw up a few of these threads:


Having had both a Stomp and HX Effects the HX Effects has, to me anyway, a more sturdy feel to it. Maybe all this stuff was just teething issues and Helix have got it all sorted now.

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1 hour ago, GisserD said:

sorry, but what am i missing here? what does it bring to the party that the stomp cant? its got way fewer amp and cab options. £100 more?

whats am i missing?

Emperors new clothes - Patrick Hunter making all pedals sound exactly the same again.

No doubt it will be decent enough, but pretty much as you say

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10 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

Only the stuff I've already shared on the Helix thread - including your own 'blow out'. I wasn't particularly bothered about the previous reports of the Stomp overheating or my own USB issue (which could be just wear & tear related). But an almost new Stomp failing on a gig (how old was yours when that happened?) coming on top of the rest was definitely concerning, particularly as I know you're not one to abuse your gear.

Mine was around 6 months old when it failed but fair play to Line 6 who replaced it with a band new model.

I've read somewhere that the electronics industry accepts a failure rate of between 2.5 and 5% of electronic products, so anywhere between 1 in 20 and 1 in 40. I guess it was my turn with my first Stomp. But considering the numbers of units sold, there still seem to be very few reports of failures so I don't think it's as perhaps a big an issue as you may be implying. All electronic devices contain hundreds, if not thousands of individual components, any one of which can fail at any time. Nothing electrical is immune to failure, unfortunately, and I'm sure there will also be failures of the new Boss unit too. 

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14 minutes ago, Osiris said:

Mine was around 6 months old when it failed but fair play to Line 6 who replaced it with a band new model.

I've read somewhere that the electronics industry accepts a failure rate of between 2.5 and 5% of electronic products, so anywhere between 1 in 20 and 1 in 40. I guess it was my turn with my first Stomp. But considering the numbers of units sold, there still seem to be very few reports of failures so I don't think it's as perhaps a big an issue as you may be implying. All electronic devices contain hundreds, if not thousands of individual components, any one of which can fail at any time. Nothing electrical is immune to failure, unfortunately, and I'm sure there will also be failures of the new Boss unit too. 

Yeah - hats off to Line6 for their customer service on that - definitely good to hear. Much better than what I'm currently getting from Amazon on an Asus laptop they sold me! 

But, equally, I completely understand you now wanting a back up in case it happens again!

On 24/09/2020 at 16:30, Osiris said:

The Stomp is amazing and gives me everything I need and way more. I don't find it lacking in anyway, but having had one die on me I want a backup DI/tone shaper...

Btw I am a generally massive fan of Line 6, their innovation and speed to market and the way they have moved things on with their Helix line up. And I'm just as much a fan of their parent group...Yamaha, whose basses I adore.

But I'm also thrilled by what Boss, the old gits(!) have been doing to update and keep relevant their product ranges. For example the Boss SY-1 is on a different planet to the predecessor Boss SYB-5 in terms of its tracking and features.

I think this new GT-1000 Core is a very exciting new addition to the multifx options we have and will finally give the Stomp some serious competition, at a similar price point, particularly with the additional processing power it seems to be bringing to the party. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on one. And in my case, it won't be replacing the Stomp, but the Helix HX Effects, where its more compact size is another real plus in my books. 

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1 hour ago, Cuzzie said:

Emperors new clothes - Patrick Hunter making all pedals sound exactly the same again.

No doubt it will be decent enough, but pretty much as you say

Couldnt agree more. Just a different flavour of the same thing. A few extras, no doubt a few things missing that the Stomp has as well. Time will tell. 

Being a member of a few Helix FB groups i dont get why the Stomp keeps getting mentioned as having issues. Its not widespread, just taken out of context as far as I’m concerned. A very, very few owners that had had issues do not make it a problem box, at least no more than anything else. I have two broken Boss pedals at home, I’d certainly avoid that manufacturer as well 😁

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3 hours ago, dave_bass5 said:

Being a member of a few Helix FB groups i dont get why the Stomp keeps getting mentioned as having issues. Its not widespread, just taken out of context as far as I’m concerned. A very, very few owners that had had issues do not make it a problem box, at least no more than anything else. I have two broken Boss pedals at home, I’d certainly avoid that manufacturer as well 😁

You know that your two dodgy Boss pedals were about 320 years old (and not an almost new £400 piece of kit) 😂

3 hours ago, dave_bass5 said:

Couldnt agree more. Just a different flavour of the same thing. A few extras, no doubt a few things missing that the Stomp has as well. Time will tell. 

I suspect this could be possibly quite a step up rather than just a different flavour.

One example: if you want to have other pedals in a parallel loop with the Stomp you need to assign one of the blocks to the loop, right? So two loops = two blocks assigned leaving you just 4 (the same as a Zoom MS-60B) for your effects. Ok that will often be plenty, but not always e.g. you want to set all your patches up with an hpf at the start and a limiter at the end and maybe a couple of EQ options with tailored mids. Well that's your 4 blocks gone already.

On the Core, the layout of the 2 loops is really straightforward (if you look at the rear panel) and this thing has 24 blocks!! In Helix terms that's pretty much "unlimited". Never being constrained by the number of available blocks again, seems to me more than a "marginal improvement".

Comparison of Core vs Stomp 

Useful and I think trying-to-be unbiased review here

If this really does have all of Boss' latest and greatest pedal hits, as the Boss blurb indicates, (e.g. the about to be released OC5, the SY1 etc) then this really could be an excellent multifx.

Two further things: I love the fact that this has a decent sized screen and the same processing power as the GT 1000 i.e. it has not been cut down in the way that the full fat Helix has been with the smaller Helix units, and which is why we still have 24 blocks available in the Core.

Edited by Al Krow
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It strikes me that all the ‘complaints’ folk had with the stomp and the reasons cited for migrating to the HXFX have not been remedied by the GT Core - not having enough foot switches, an inability to select individual effects like a ‘real pedal board’/ finding they would have to tap dance during a song going up and down patches with said three foot switches or indeed needing to buy an additional fs to maximise switching options etc.

It looks like good unit theres no doubt and having the bigger screen and more control knobs is never a bad thing. I’m sure it will find its way onto many pedal boards or replace many folks existing pedals but I’d not be expecting it to ‘fix’ whatever issues people felt the stomp had and which were the reasons they jumped ship to the hxfx... which can also load IR’s if so desired... in the first place. Having so many improvements over the older tech of the stomp is a bonus too - a faster processor and more processing power should translate to better emulations of classics like the DS1, the DD3, a Flanger or the venerable TR2 tremolo and and a whole heap of other pedals no bassist really needs. Joking aside the midi integration is always handy in a multi pedal, pedal  board set up, it looks like it has a good large screen with intuitive UI and the pc editing and amp/cab sims are always handy on for both recording, headphone use and of course out at gigs if they ever return. 

I guess it comes down to what features are really important and if the new Boss provides those essentials like three footswitches (a Boss FS 7 for instance can be added for an additional cost),  24 fx on at once, PC Editing, a killer tuner, amp switching then it’ll be a Stomp killer which we know has been ‘plagued’ with failures and issues but mostly related to brand new first run models -I’m sure Boss won’t have any such teething issues! 

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