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grease: you're the one that i want....to play well!


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That, my friend , is the masterful playing of David Hungate ( unless I am mistaken) . He was an A- list session player in L.A at the time and it sounds like he is playing his favoured early 60s Precision Bass. He played on a lot of hit records around this time ( still does, but in Nashville nowadays). Check out his playing on Boz Scaggs mega Silk Degrees album from 1976, or else this track by Diana Ross:


He was in Toto too ( with a lot of the guys who played on Silk Degrees), but I expect you already knew that. He is right up there with the very best players, and has some very sage things to say about bass playing and music in general.

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I have read a couple of times over the years that it was indeed Max Bennett.

Max Bennett has had a fantastic career, and is a great player with a solid Jazz back ground.
His web sites....
[Engage in converstion and ask him yourself, on his Guestbook]

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I have read that it was Max Bennet . I have also read it was David Hungate . If it was indeed Max Bennet then he has gone up in my estimation because I never liked his playing on all those Joni Mitchell albums in the early 70s with that scratchy sound of flatwounds with too much treble . My apologies for getting it wrong , anyhow . I still rate this bassline highly, and hope some Basschatters will enjoy driving their family / neighbours mad with this tonight:


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I recall last year I thought it might come up at a jam session I was filling in with the house band so I learned it from this;


Then inevitably never got to actually play it!

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[quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1351873512' post='1856495']
I was in a pit band for Grease once. Found the material very derivative (can't listen to the links above in work). May just be familiarity breeding contempt; YTOTIW was number one for about 12 years when I was a kid.

I remember that summer of 1978 well and yes, the whole country was sick of that record by September.

In retrospect , the most intersting thing about Grease both musically and as a movie in the wider sense is that it's not really about America in the 1950s ; it's much more a reflection of America in the 1970s. Most of the songs on the soundtrack are generic M.O.R 70s pop music with the occasional nod of the head to 50s pastiche. Appropros of all this , may I submit to you my one and only piece of Grease trivia that I do seem to remember from somewhere that Peter Frampton played guitar on the title track sung by Frankie Valli.

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