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Forum Update Bugs 'n' Glitches


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[quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1318364445' post='1401274']

With IE7 at work I scored 579
With Chrome at home I scored 7886

Chrome works much faster and better for me.
OK thanks, now I have to assume IE ain't much cop! Should I go for Chrome?

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[quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1318364890' post='1401284']
OK thanks, now I have to assume IE ain't much cop! Should I go for Chrome?

If you close everything on your PC and just leave 1 browser window open, run the test. At the end of the test it will ask you if you want to do the same test with a different browser and it will give you a url to cut and paste. Do that with IE, Chrome and Firefox, and compare the scores. I almost guarantee Chrome will win.

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[quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1318365333' post='1401292']

If you close everything on your PC and just leave 1 browser window open, run the test. At the end of the test it will ask you if you want to do the same test with a different browser and it will give you a url to cut and paste. Do that with IE, Chrome and Firefox, and compare the scores. I almost guarantee Chrome will win.
I only had IE8 - now have downloaded Chrome & run the test again - result 2668! Whatever - it's a big difference :)
Cheerz, John

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[quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1318366845' post='1401322']
Same glitch as before, if I'm in messages, go home - click View new content - it takes me to members. So far it all seems to be running I'd say twice as fast as it was so yippeee! Great improvement :) :)

Cheerz, John

I don't have that problem. Have you flushed your DNS? - it might help.

Assuming you are using windows:
Type cmd
on that line in the new window type ipconfig /flushdns

Then restart your PC and see if it helped.

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[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1318365511' post='1401296']
Tried it on all 4 major Mac browsers.

Firefox, Opera and Safari all scored just under 6000 with safari coming out top.
Chrome scored over 9000.

Looking at the other results though makes me think that the overall speed of the computer will skew the results or not?

The better spec the PC, the better results you will get.

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[quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1318278537' post='1400092']
Bit of a strange one maybe; when I click on 'view new content' very often I get Members instead. I definitely get it every time I come from the message page. I know the Members buton is above the 'view new content' & I certainly click within the correct box. Happens on both my PC & laptop the same.

Don't think I've seen this mentioned before, apologies if it's already known about.

Cheerz, John
me too on this.

peacekeeper results

Internet explorer 9: 2165
firefox.: 2250
chrome: 4599
Opera: 3038

Edited by daz
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I've run that Peacekeeper test and I got this error message at the end of it.

[i][b]Could not find result for key 6nMX. If you trying to benchmark another browser please make sure you have copied the url correctly and try again[/b][/i].

I only had the one browser window with the actual peacekeeper test going so I haven't got a clue what that means.

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The New content button works fine for me using FF 7.0.1 under W7P 64 bit.

Just saying.

EDIT: Just to Clarify. The New content button seems to be a pre set search button, so if you are on the Members page the new content is just going to show new content for that page/area of the site, not new postings. Same for forums, calendar etc.

Edited by dave_bass5
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[quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1318402673' post='1401555']
right... I gave that test another go this time opening a new browser and pasting the link in it starting a new test and got this score, [b]what do I win?[/b]

That's a good score with IE! - Did you try Chrome?

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[quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1318409080' post='1401619']

That's a good score with IE! - Did you try Chrome?

No I haven't, but is it worth downloading Chrome just for the test? Bear in mind my broadband is Virgin 50meg, fast as ....#### Every other site I visit it's a breeze. (except this :) )

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[quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1318409762' post='1401628']

No I haven't, but is it worth downloading Chrome just for the test? Bear in mind my broadband is Virgin 50meg, fast as ....#### Every other site I visit it's a breeze. (except this :) )

That's the puzzling thing Fran, and what makes it so hard to identify the problem. I'm 'only' on a 20mb connection and I really haven't had any problem at all accessing this site (or any other) apart from the first couple of days when the database was being transferred. Now that Ben is back from holiday I'm sure the site will be ok for everyone soon.

Some people have reported that flushing their cache has helped ( start - run - cmd - ipconfig /flushdns )

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[quote name='bfirsh' timestamp='1318369611' post='1401385']
Postgres is fantastic and would solve most of our problems, but unfortunately IPB doesn't support it.

Hold on ... so IPB sells a forum solution that effectively nobbles performance ? Time to start putting the pressure on to support it maybe ?

You've probably thought of this (I'm sure you have) but what about open source solutions, either for support of Postgres with IPB or (probably too late) for forum software ?. If an open source (postgres) forum solution exists you could use that to apply leverage to IPB maybe ("fix it or we walk") ?

Again, you sound like someone who's already thought through this kind of stuff, so apologies if so.


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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1318411476' post='1401668']

I get 'The requested operation requires elevation'. :) ??
Same here on my laptop running Vista with only 1 user account, me as administrator (obviously I suppose).

The ipconfig/flushdns worked on my PC with XP but seems to have made no difference.

Cheerz, John

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1318583485' post='1403917']
Ahh... I thought 'requires elevation' meant stand on a chair, or something...

Generally right clicking and selecting "run as administrator" will give you the correct permissions although it does help if you are above sea level.

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