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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. 1978.Kay gibson EB copy. £40 from Woolworths,I bought it because it was broadly symmetrical and therefore easy to restring and play left handed.Awful awful thing with an action you could stick your fingers under.It may well still be in my parents loft.Replaced by a Columbus P copy which wasn't much better, but was at least left handed and looked the part.Which is definately in my loft.
  2. Ampeg SVT2P is my studio rig.No idea how much they go for,though.
  3. [quote name='casapete' post='550026' date='Jul 24 2009, 11:52 AM']Great kit for the money. Not sure if they run comfortably into 2 ohms as Peavey claim though -anyone have experience of this?[/quote] Mk. 6 head with 2 Black Widow 1 x 15" 4 ohm cabs,no problems,although it got used for an all day gig once and after 9 hours of constant use the jack plugs on the speaker cables got hot enough to expand and pop out of the sockets..My set up has served me well for 19 years and should it ever need replacing it will be with another Mk.6.I still get comments on how good it sounds.
  4. [quote name='burray' post='1188762' date='Apr 5 2011, 11:11 AM']Am I the only person here that uses DR strings? Coated like Elixers. They're bloody expensive but last longer and come in pretty colours, haha.[/quote] Superb strings,but not in the cheap category! The Hex core makes a big difference,at least to my ears. DR's on stage,Daddario's everywhere else.
  5. [quote name='henry norton' post='1179588' date='Mar 28 2011, 03:03 PM']Why don't you try swapping the maple neck onto one of your darker sounding Ps and seeing whether it makes such a difference when you're comparing just the neck rather than a maple board [i]with[/i] a different body and possibly different magnets/windings/capacitors? All you need is 5 minutes with a cross head screwdriver and you might just be able to answer the big question for allot of people on here. It would be even better if you could get someone else to change the necks over and play them to you unseen so you're listening without prejudice [/quote] Done it,on a Tokai P.Even used the same strings,and it made a difference.Not a huge one,but there was definately a perceptable difference.
  6. I don't practice moves as such,but I'm very conscious that as the sole moving focal point on stage people are looking at me,and I do end up pulling rock star poses.Fortunately there is a mirror in our rehersal studio.And my bedroom....
  7. Then there was the time when we were supported a band called Shockhead,who's claim to fame was their keybored player was apparently in Hawkwind once. Suffice it to say they were Hippies.Backstage,their bassist offers me a go on a large hand rolled cigarette.Now,I'm partial to a smoke now and again,but after 2 tokes I am completely trashed.I have no idea what it was to this day (I'm hoping it was Skunk..) Spent the entire set standing stock still thinking Oh sh*t Oh sh*t Oh sh*t Oh sh*t Oh sh*t Huh? Oh we've finished.Didn't play one bum note,but I certainly didn't enjoy it.Oh how I wished I'd drank.
  8. Each to their own.I wouldn't play a solo if I was paid to.I'll stick to thrashing out chords while the guitarist plays solos.
  9. So,so many..... New band,first gig,our drummer shared a flat with a DJ at a prestigious local nightclub,and blagged a gig at what we were led to believe was a student night.Set up,waited patiently,got a big build up from the DJ,hordes of squealing girlies at our feet,lunged into the first number ( think Discharge..) to see the audience recoil in horror and the DJ cut us off after 2 numbers. No money but a free bar tab all night.Oh how we drank. Played a biker festival,turned up at the field in the middle of nowhere to be greeted by 2 guys with shotguns on the gate (really!) Got very muddy,set up,played the opening number to be greeted by absolute silence by several thousand patch holding bikers.Cue all 3 of us crapping our pants,then the promotor runs up on stage and says" Don't worry,they like you,if they didn't they'd soon let you know". No money,a crate of cider,a crate of lager and a big bag of white powder that wasn't washing powder.Oh how we drank. Played our one and only London gig,got lost on the way,this being during my recovery from a spinal injury,so rattling round in the back of a freezing cold Transit for hours wasn't a good start. When we finally got there,the headlining band asked if we would mind headlining.Drummer enthusiastically agrees,despite the obvious warning bells going off around him. Guess what? Headliners play,vanish and take their audience with them,we end up playing to half a dozen drunk blokes who weren't particularly interested in the finer points of Punk,and the mens toilet was actually at the back of the "playing area" resulting in a procession of drunk blokes barging past the guitarist/vocalist to go wee wee.I vaguely recall a large German woman ( possibly born a man) trying to sexually assault me. Then the headliners invited us to the party they'd deserted the gig for.Oh how we drank.
  10. I had a VS Musician guitar head with the 2 x 15 cab ( and yes,I used the reverb ). Sold it,bought another one,sold it,and my only regret was to get the first one I sold a Selmer Zodiac valve head.....Duh.
  11. I neglected to provide a picture of aforementione Caz Campbell.Very remiss of me.[attachment=79393:31049171...5a2234b4.jpg]
  12. £135? Bargain.I believe the Post Law Suit headstock only applied to the USA.And you got a free cardigan too.
  13. Caz Campbell,if I was 20 years younger...And Lemmy,he owes me a pint.
  14. I've actually had to run for my life from a house fire,and believe me,I didn't think about grabbing a bass.
  15. Come on,we all know the real answer is Strings.
  16. There's a section on the Daddario home page about string tensions,although I haven't looked at it myself.
  17. [quote name='Johnston' post='1217035' date='May 1 2011, 11:20 PM']But then do you go for Cross ply, radial or even Belt Biased . Road, competition, Dunlop, Good Year the list is endless. What is the best tyre for metal anyway ??[/quote] Slicks!
  18. I'd have been more impressed if he'd used the wheel with the tyre still on it.Bloody lightweight instruments.
  19. [quote name='chilievans' post='1215588' date='Apr 30 2011, 10:31 AM']Do basses improove with age?[/quote] Define improve..
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  21. [quote name='Bankai' post='1216010' date='Apr 30 2011, 06:09 PM']Has anyone been tempted to use all their heads and cabs to create some mammoth wall of sound,[i] and[/i] try it at home?[/quote] Hell yes.Technically,they weren't all mine,but a 600w poweramp through two 1 x 18" cabs bi amped from a 400w Peavey mk.6 through two 1x15"s made a lovely noise. Fortunately I live in a detached house.
  22. If stuff doesn't fall off shelves then you're not doing it right.
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