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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. Spike Vincent

    Live Sound

    [quote name='Ian Savage' post='1153799' date='Mar 8 2011, 01:57 PM']As a musician and engineer, sometimes at the same time, I've taken to using an approach which I first saw done by the guys who used to work the Roadhouse in Birmingham (weird, but lovely men): 1/ Drummer playing at normal gig levels unmic'd, everyone brings up their amps so they can just about hear themselves. 2/ If anyone needs more of anyone else, add it in the monitors (e.g. guitars on opposite sides of the stage) 3/ Bring vocals into the monitors, adjusting e.q. and reverb in wedges to taste / to tame feedback. Only then should you start looking at the FoH mix, and bring in the mics on the drums if you're using them. USUALLY leads to a group of musicians who can hear everything they need to, and total control over the FoH sound for the guy who's actually hearing it (i.e. the engineer). At least until the guitarist turns the amp which was set at 'four' during soundcheck up to 'seven' for the gig [/quote] This is my usual approach.Best "turn it up to 7" moment I had was when a guitarist decided to move one of the side fills so he could put his combo on it.Oh the feedback...
  2. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1155748' date='Mar 9 2011, 07:39 PM']Imagine playing in a Yes, Chili Peppers, Dream Theater, Toto, Beatles, Who, Zappa, Level 42, Rush, Steely Dan, Cream, Stevie Wonder, Led Zep, EWF, etc, etc, tribute and getting to play all those great bass parts? What's wrong with that? [/quote] Nothing,unless I had to dress up like them and pretend to be them.Covers is different to Tributes.
  3. [quote name='thodrik' post='1155230' date='Mar 9 2011, 01:04 PM']1978 Fender Precision.[/quote] Thritto. I have never sold a bass ever.Not that anyone would want any of mine..
  4. [attachment=74323:burns_004.jpg] 1962.Rather like myself,it spends more time on the settee than it does on stage.
  5. I understand the concept of tribute bands to artists that are long gone,but tribute bands to acts that are still active? I just don't get that.
  6. [quote name='Bassman Sam' post='1153305' date='Mar 8 2011, 03:15 AM']For as long as I have played the bass, I have always gassed for a Gibson Thunderbird but just never got round to getting one. Well,yesterday I tried one for the first time and bloody hated it. . I loved the tone but it just felt so wrong for me so it's back to the old P-bass. I feel gutted as I really felt that this would be bass heaven for me. What a bummer. Have you ever had the same experience with your dream bass?[/quote] Seems to be a common theme here.... Toai Thunderbird in my case.I wanted a Thunderbird since before I started playing,but being a left handed player the chances of me ever getting one were pretty much Zero.When Tokai made a few left handed ones I got one and was majorly dissapointed.Very good well made instrument,but it just doesn't suit my style and I just don't enjoy playing it.Looks damn fine though and will likely be getting an outing in my next video.
  7. [quote name='cetera' post='1153489' date='Mar 8 2011, 10:21 AM']So you dislike them because they earnt [b]more[/b] than you while [b]entertaining[/b] an audience? Wow... god forbid.... [/quote] Dislike,no.Resented a bit,if I'm honest,yes.I do not have a problem with those in Tribute bands.If it gives the opportunity to play for the sheer joy of playing then do it.If it pays the mortgage,even better.However,I just don't get it.I have spent the last 35 years of my life constantly searching and finding music that I haven't heard before, and I just don't get why others would rather go see a recreation of something that has previously existed.Also please be aware I'm referring to tribute bands,not covers bands.Big difference.
  8. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='1153142' date='Mar 7 2011, 10:41 PM']......and there's the crux of the whole argument, right there. If you play in front of an audience, you have to play what THEY want to hear, or you don't work. I'd rather play in front of an audience than sit noodling in my bedroom for the rest of my life. If I have to slightly compromise my ideals in order to do so, so be it. A lesson that some 'musicians' could do with learning. .....or be a little more understanding of those who are willing to fulfill that need. [/quote] Possibly I am fortunate in that being part of the contemporary Punk/Oi! scene,I get to play to audiences who want to hear the original material we're playing.
  9. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1151023' date='Mar 5 2011, 10:59 PM'] Just got the photos our mate Paul Slattery took at our last gig. Lots to wade through. Just thought I'd share a couple.[/quote] I like the way you just chucked in the Paul Slattery reference so casually....
  10. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1152937' date='Mar 7 2011, 08:33 PM']Why do you think they suck?[/quote] Engineered The Rolling Clones (guess...) a few years back.Very competent,very entertaining.They got paid £700. More than I've made in 3 decades of trying to be original.One of the reasons I gave up 13 years ago.My dislike of tribute bands is not actually aimed at the bands (would I dress up as Bill Wyman for £250? Possibly) but at the total lack of imagination with the audiences.
  11. I just ate 48 Jaffa Cakes in one sitting.A new personal best. Now that was an original reply. Tribute bands suck,btw.
  12. Go for it! Whatever happens it's a good thing.
  13. Our guitarist/vocalist still seems to think that check shirts and ripped knee jeans are relevant,I myself obsessively wear black,and the drummer likes to be as naked as possible.
  14. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' post='1148116' date='Mar 3 2011, 10:31 AM']Funny I used to be a guitarist but went onto bass because of course it was easier, with it only having four strings. ( here it comes.......)[/quote] Ah,but the strings are BIGGER.
  15. I do have a mid '70's Marshall 1 X 18" wardrobe.It doesn't get a lot of use.Although it does have a fair amount of clarity,believe it or not.
  16. Depends how much it costs. I have much praise for older Peavey combos,most reliable amps I've ever used.Should be ok for small gigs unless the guitarist has a Marshall stack.
  17. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1143062' date='Feb 27 2011, 09:46 AM']+1 to the above. If you're not happy with it then get it done right. Don't however, go in all guns ablaze but be polite about it. Tell him you like the job that he's done & how professional it sounds but also if he could remix the bassline as you'd like to see if the original sound that you had is gonna work with it (from a 3rd person perspective) or if you would be better trying to attain the sound he's produced.[/quote] Definately the best approach.Been there a few times,I've usually "taken one for the team" as the rest of the band - and those connected - were happy with the overall sound."I'll record the bass flat and add the chorus in the mixdown".No chorus.Bottom line though,if you weren't there then you can't really complain.
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='1140721' date='Feb 25 2011, 01:09 AM']"Whats better? a 2x15 or a single 15?" Neither. The solution is two 1x15s. It's the best of both worlds. Small gigs, take one, bigger gigs, take two. No slipped discs, and they're easier to fit into cars. Whilst I'm sure there is a difference in tone between the same two 15" units housed in one box or housed in two, I doubt that you'd hear it on stage. C[/quote] That's my approach.In theory two 1x15" cabs should give better dispersion and more bottom end.I think.
  19. I have a 78 Fender P with a misaligned bridge.It's definately in the wrong place and does affect the sound,the E is louder than the rest of the strings (not a problem for me..). I also have an 80's Tokai P with the same problem,now that's taking the copy idea too far.
  20. [quote name='Linus27' post='1140302' date='Feb 24 2011, 07:18 PM']Does anyone know if you should notify your household insurance company that you own a musical instrument or would they just cover it under household content insurance?[/quote] Mine also specifies single items over £500.I did have problems with one insurance company who didn't get the fact that a 1978 Fender Precision got MORE valuable as it got older rather than it depreciated..
  21. [quote name='daz' post='1139519' date='Feb 24 2011, 05:16 AM']Indeed it was. To his family and friends he's just [i]John[/i][/quote] I recall some decades ago he was threatening extreme black belt violence against somebody calling him John,rather than Jean.Maybe he's mellowed a bit..
  22. I still have every bass I've aquired in the last 32 years,even down to the unplayable Kay Gibson-esque Woolworth special.I am seriously thinking of winnowing out the ones that just don't get used,but the sentimental value always stops me.Plus left handed basses are inherantly harder to shift.Well,that's what I tell the Wife..
  23. No problems with Fenders,but my Tokai Thunderbird seems to have elastic between the headstock and the floor.Consequently it doesn't get a lot of use.Looks nice though.
  24. [quote name='TRadford' post='1138931' date='Feb 23 2011, 05:58 PM']I live near Remus sound [/quote] I used to..
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