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Spike Vincent

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Everything posted by Spike Vincent

  1. Stage right.I play left handed,so the visual symetry in a 3 piece band looks good,plus avoids any headstock related trauma.Not an issue with regards to snare drum placing,I can hear that through the monitors.
  2. I use open strings as often as possible.Can't say I've ever noticed any tonal differences.
  3. E string or all 4 at the same time,usually.
  4. Basses can either be used or left in the case.If they get used,they get damaged.My apparently collectable and valuable 1978 Fender Precision is battered to buggery and I careth not.
  5. [quote name='weepaul' post='1177771' date='Mar 27 2011, 12:24 AM']Had Godflesh 'Street cleaner' on while doing the dishes.[/quote] Excellent choice.Also good for ironing.
  6. [quote name='Duarte' post='1174124' date='Mar 24 2011, 12:40 AM']I only have 1 bass, so that's not a problem. I've been playing 9 years and can't remember EVER breaking a string... Who breaks strings!?[/quote] I do! * Strapping on another instrument halfway through a tune is a much quicker process than fitting another string and avoids losing the impetus of the set.Back up instrument is essential,also being able to get to it...The one time I broke a string at a gig my spare was tucked away totally out of reach.Never again.Plus having a spare on a stand looks damn cool. Back to the original question,my main bass is a 78 Precision,and my spare is a Tokai Precision,so it resembles it closely. *Damn you Rotosound!!
  7. A collection of half finished demos,from what I recall,although my memory is somewhat drug addled.I'm pretty sure it was indeed an EHX Bassballs,and there was a Roland Cube involved somewhere.He was also an arrogant tosser.
  8. Must have missed this one.... Hanging around - Stranglers Word up - Cameo And,fortuitously,many of my own.
  9. You can have the one off my '78 for £150......
  10. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1171301' date='Mar 21 2011, 08:57 PM']From having had both Peavey and Laney gear, I`d go for the Peavey, for me, the sound was much more controlled and full. Added bonus, Peavey gear is virtually indestructable, downside, it can be heavy, but, if bedroom use, well its not really an issue.[/quote] +1 here.If the choice is Peavey or Laney,get the Peavey.
  11. JJ Burnel's 50w Hiwatt guitar head served him well.
  12. Definately. JJ Burnel,Paul Simenon,Dee Dee Ramone..Guess what I use.
  13. I actually met Jet when he was living in Gloucester.Nice bloke,sad loss.
  14. A while ago I was in a local music shop with the inevitable widdly guitarist who decided to have a go on a Bass,much fast runs up and down the neck,tapping,usual show off stuff.So I said to him,you want to play Bass? Play E F E F E F E F for ten minutes,not lose time and not get bored.He didn't take up the offer.
  15. I started playing bass,so I can't make a comparison in how guitarists approach bass.I do know a few people who've made the right decision and switched from guitar to bass succesfully.
  16. Playing left handed usually prevents guitarists from just picking my basses up and having a go.I agree that it's a different discipline,and a lot of guitarists just don't get that.
  17. [quote name='chris_b' post='1162627' date='Mar 15 2011, 01:03 AM']You discover that the mums are far more interesting and fanciable than their daughters. Did I just say that?[/quote] Especially when one has a 23 year old daughter.
  18. All my instruments are best instruments.Some would be harder to replace than others so they get used at gigs where there's less potential for damage or theft.
  19. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1155943' date='Mar 9 2011, 10:03 PM']So, you think I should play naked in front of an 8 x 10 rig powered by the Ampeg? Cool, I like your style![/quote] Hell yes! And if you face it and the bass is slung low enough there are some interesting slapping techniques.
  20. [quote name='Quoth'd' post='1146552' date='Mar 1 2011, 10:56 PM']I wanna 418 now . . . Can I get that? ohh and a 4k head so the sound engineer can hear me from inside the booth & he won't need to DI me then [/quote] WEM 4x18's from the late 60's,which I believe were for PA use.I have seen and heard one.Believe me,you'd want it.
  21. [quote name='Plux_the_Duck' post='1155940' date='Mar 9 2011, 10:03 PM']not really the case...[/quote] It is in my band.As a general rule of thumb this principal has served me well.
  22. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1155936' date='Mar 9 2011, 10:01 PM'] But in reality, I would need a roadie to get it on stage [/quote] But when it's on stage.....Bliss.
  23. You need to be twice as loud as the guitarist,so taking headroom into consideration an Ampeg SVT with an 8x10 is the only viable option.
  24. Playing naked is a very liberating experience.
  25. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1155769' date='Mar 9 2011, 08:04 PM']I draw the line at dressing up.[/quote] Don't fancy the full on Kiss make up then?
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