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Everything posted by bassmeg

  1. Stunning colour, never seen that before. But the block inlays on a '78 jazz, are they so unusual on late 70s fenders? Genuine question as i did not realise this.
  2. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='828886' date='May 5 2010, 08:05 PM']Also got a SVT3 Pro head in a 6U case with a behringer power light I need to get rid of too. Cheers. Jobie[/quote] Do you have a price in mind for the svt3?
  3. I want it. But i need to shift my shuttle 3.0 really. Unless you want to take that as part trade? I am in Pompey mate. Let me know what you think.
  4. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='825827' date='May 2 2010, 07:45 PM']What a smug git.[/quote] +1
  5. Yeah, it sounds more complicated than it is. Cant stop playing it at the moment. Well this and "Good times". Wish i could come up with lines anywhere near this sort of class.
  6. [quote name='Musicman20' post='825807' date='May 2 2010, 07:27 PM']I just need to sit and copy/play along....that how I enjoy and pick things up. Then Ill try and read a few things as well.[/quote] It maybe worth checking out marloweDK on you tube or www.playbassnow.com. The lessons he does normally involve slowing things right down. I dont know that many tutors, but he is very helpful to me, especially for slap.
  7. Emergency on planet earth by Jamiroquai is a funky octave pop fest which is fairly easy and wicked to play.
  8. BTW, i think that a stingray or pre-amped sound is the best for this song.
  9. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='825487' date='May 2 2010, 01:32 PM']I'm trying to learn this but I can't hear what's going on in the second half of the verse riff. It's after the first 2 hammer ons and before the E and D octave pops. Has anyone got any idea. Tab or notation would be really helpful[/quote] If i am in the right place, it is simply hammer on G2A, h/o D2E then quickly to D then slide to E octave pop , then D octave pop. Took me ages to get the whole of this song down, only just got it. I checked out a few you tube clips. The best was marloweDK's lesson. He has the thing totally nailed to the original. Hope this helps.
  10. Would a Genz-Benz shuttle 3.0 be light enough? You have to weigh these things down they are so feather like. I am more interested in the head than the cab.
  11. bassmeg


    I bought one of these a few months back, and it is now, pretty much my main gigging bass. Big fat sounds from it. Dont know how it compares to more expensive fretless basses, but compared to my other basses, its got me thinking, why spend hundreds of £'s when you probably dont need to? Just my opinion, good luck with the sale.
  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='811168' date='Apr 19 2010, 11:32 AM']I got my DD in Jan this year from Absolute Music. It was pre owned but in 100% perfect condition. Comes with a Lakland Levys gig bag. Ive gigged it about 4 times so its still in fantastic condition. No scratches or marks that i can see. I really want a SR4 SLO but im guessing thats out of the question unless i buy new or pay in full for it so a Sterling would also be good. Depending on what im offered i could add some money to the deal as well. Happy to ship although a meet in London would be preferable. ill post some pics later this evening. What i dont want is any sunbursts or bright colours. I probably will sell the DD if i dont get anywhere with a trade but for now i would prefer a trade. Please, no other offers. I dont want or need any other bass other than the ones im looking for. Cheers.[/quote] Id be interested in buying.
  13. [quote name='fretmeister' post='810132' date='Apr 18 2010, 10:45 AM']I know nothing about them! Got any pics?[/quote] Can get some pics up, but im off out at the moment. Have a look at the reviews section, theres a thread in there. They are lighter than paper. If your still interested i will get you some pis. Chris.
  14. Hi mike, ive still got those speakers if you want them. Just never got round to getting them out of the cab. How much are you selling the rig for?
  15. Might you be interested in a trade with a Genz Benz shuttle 3.0?
  16. [quote name='Sibob' post='809355' date='Apr 17 2010, 12:55 PM']I'll bite..........have you got a weight for it? lol Looks lovely though! Si[/quote] Fat lass, 10.4lbs on the scales. [quote name='Jigster' post='809362' date='Apr 17 2010, 01:01 PM']why does the passiveness annoy you? not enuf output?[/quote] Dont know really. The pups on this are hot (tech from shop confirmed this 2 days ago) but to be honest, i play in a 5 piece band and to cut through i need the sound to be active. I bought a G&L tribute 2000 yesterday and the sound is just, err, more "right". For me anyway. I cant afford to be a collector, so, maybe i have to move it on. It does make it hard when everyone is saying how nice it is. But i cant just leave it hanging there.
  17. [b]No-one biting at the mo, things must be tight. Re-price £1400 * I aint goin' lower.*[/b] [attachment=47568:DSCN2118.JPG][attachment=47567:DSCN2134.JPG][attachment=47566:DSCN2123.JPG] [attachment=47565:DSCN2120.JPG][attachment=47564:DSCN2117.JPG][attachment=47563:DSCN2116.JPG] [attachment=47570:DSCN2129.JPG][attachment=47571:DSCN2126.JPG][attachment=47572:DSCN2124.JPG [attachment=47569:DSCN2128.JPG] I have had this guitar since 2002. Has been gigged tons by me, as you will see in the pictures this has not been stuck on the wall for years, but has been doing what it was designed to do - be played. Shes a real beaut to play, lovely playable neck a real good slapper. As far as i am aware, and i am no collector of these things so my knowledge is poor, i have no reason to believe that this is not 100% original. As you can see by the paintwork, that certainly is. The paintwork, since i have had it has been like this. Mojo'd/ugly bastard, you can decide. It does not just peel off. It comes with the original fluffy lined hard case. If you would like to know more, please ask. Anyone would be welcome to come and have a look/try. Now, the price. This is worth what someones willing to pay i guess, so i am asking £1700. No rules broken, no auction here, feel free to offer below this, I live in Portsmouth and, so if you want to give it a going over you can find the bass here.
  18. *sits here like cat licking own arse* Cheers mate Great bass.
  19. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='807428' date='Apr 15 2010, 05:51 PM']Anyone for £635?[/quote] Pm'd
  20. [quote name='dood' post='807031' date='Apr 15 2010, 12:19 PM']Was the harness changed for a new one at the same time as the pickups then?[/quote] No it wasnt. As far as i know apart from the new pups, its original.
  21. The bass has had this issue with both the original and new pups in it. so i would have thought that would suggest somthing else being the cause of lack of volume/output. I relly would like a j-retro, as i like an active sound, but just the cost at the moment- could do with trying to sort this the cheapest way. I think i am looking for more output from the bass.
  22. [quote name='dood' post='806981' date='Apr 15 2010, 11:40 AM']You say 'across all the strings' - Does that mean you are finding an uneven volume between strings?[/quote] Yeah, the C & D strings just dont have the volume power of the Icon series. I was thinking, newer technology would improve the fender. I love playing the fender, ive had it for years, so how do i know if its a pile of poo? I want to believe that its electronics. Would changing the resistors increase output, or am i looking at this the wrong way round/
  23. I have 2 basses at the moment. 1) A 78' fender jazz fretted, as far as i know original except for wizard pickups i had installed. (still have the original ones though). 2) A vintage icon series (jaco copy) fretless Can i ask for some opinions as to why the latter has a more powerful sound across the 4 strings. I am finding myself using this one all the time now. And unusually people are commenting that the jaco copy sounds better. Guitarist in my band has suggested changing the resistors in the fender. Should i drop in a j-east retro? Any advice welcome.
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