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Everything posted by funkgod

  1. aawwww go on then another one, last one promise.... Any one remember Bus stop by The Fat Back Band, ? cool track no doubt, but has anyone heard Chaka Khan's use of that as backing track version ? she did a really cool vid for it, those of you with a sharp eye and a long memory may recognize 1 iconic dancer from back in the "Soul Train" days. inspiring for ideas... enjoy.. original version... Chaka's version, well backing track anyway.
  2. ah right i know they never played for a long time, i did not know they were playing last year, i got sent an email saying fancy coming to Dublin as they were playing again.ahh well there ya go, you snooze you loose 🙂 I will edit the title and op cheers for that. im still made up :-)
  3. Funk and jimmy sounding,mmmmmmmm, i have just the ticket, your guitarist will bolt down his pants, did this a while ago and it goes down well ( no pun intended ) enjoy :-)
  4. A very sad loss indeed....... RIP Boon and thanks.
  5. Edited... For all the "back in the day" Acid jazz guys among you, Corduroy are back at it, , i thought they had just got back get together but apparently have been back together for a while, great to hear anyway. seems those of you in Ireland are lucky as a date is confirmed in Dublin at the Grand social on the 25th of this month, yep this month get ya tickets quick. more info.... https://www.songkick.com/artists/232276-corduroy/calendar
  6. I have i think nearly every down to the bone CDs they have done and i have heard worse down to the bone tracks than that :-) you should do an album full of grooves like that, its current and cool.
  7. Cheers for all the advice guys, im going to do some editing, and try some new software, and old :-) .....again.
  8. That sounds fantastic, how old is your copy of CHH ? mine is vol 1 i still have it. i just gave up with it in the end, you seem to have it down really well. No sign of software limitations there anyway. so it was me then after all that... bugger. after that i feel so tempted to have another go, i did use to get " must try harder in my school books" 🙂
  9. rocco and dave garibaldi James jamerson and richard allen or benny benjamin Bootsy and jabo colin hodgkinson and tony hicks Ernie Mckone and crispin taylor
  10. Cheers Lowdown i will also check that out, I have been holding off getting new tec into my working of songs, not because im against it in any way, only because it means me having to learn yet another process and getting a pc or laptop involved into my set up, but i do realise i am being left behind, not that that ever bothered me as i always found a way to do stuff with my old gear to make things work, but yea now that i can see things have advanced from my old dabblings with cubase i can now see the NEED and benefits to spend abit of time looking at software, and that looks just the jobbie, i think what put me off software was when i had cubase i wanted brass in songs so i got "chris hein Horns" i spent so long messing around with that and never being able to get what i wanted out of it thinking it was me just not knowing how to use it i carried on, in the end i gave up after spending so long with it with the conclusion that it was the software limitations, and you have go through all that just to find out that you cant use it for what you want. an utter wast of time for me, some may love it. in the end i just got a mic and hummed brass lines on to the track and then my mate just came sax in hand and did the line then played the harmonies, done. samples, i still use my AKAI Z4 for samples and have now a mad collection of samples for allot of stuff, it has the 8 chan output card on the back so can have 8 chans to the inputs to the desk and create some big strings or sounds, i know there is software that does all that now but again it was just another process that i knew how to do against learning another. Cheers Lowdown i will look at that.
  11. hi paul, no, its real brass and you are right it took a lot, ALLOT of time editing 3 saxs 1 trombone and 2 trumpet parts, you can just hear the trombone slightly flat at the begining held lines,in fact though you might not be able to hear it those brass stabs at the end on 2 and 4 run right through the song sometimes in odd places just enough to give them beats some punch. i wish i had "quantising" all my gear is old school not a PC in sight so all recording and editing is done on a two Mackie HDRs linked to a mackie D8B desk, and there is no quantising, just editing hell for allot longer than a day, quantising ? you dont know you are born 🙂 i wish haha, but i love the sound of the HDRs and im just too use to them to change. Yes John Williams is another world, the guy comes from outer space, he is just amazing, french horns ?, never thought of using french horns before but can see what you are on about, they do have a sound of there own and would give brass parts some separation in sound, im going to try that and experiment with that idea, thanks again.
  12. Hi Paul Thanks very much for that, loads of great valid points and info, im not going down the real string route, forget all that, haha, as you say effort v reward, it would nice to have the luxury of all that time, money and resources to get that, that would be just a fab world to live in, so its down to synth or software strings for us poor people, 🙂 i have no problems doing brass parts, i think i have that down as much as i need it as nearly all of my other tracks have brass like this, https://soundcloud.com/mr-funky-7/funkafonix-we-got-soul-15m/s-f9VPB those 3 notes in nutbush sound huge don't they, sounds like a mix of brass and strings ? brass and strings .... mmmmm so tempting.
  13. ok cheers guys, brass worth a go, i sort of new that anyway, but thought if people say its ok with out and might clutter it, that would save me having to get brass guys in to do it as i dont play brass, what i should of done was put synth brass on it, then ask with or without, and if for the most people like it the get my mate in to do it with real brass, in fact thats what i will do. Reg the string section, cheers lowdown yea its abit too much, you should of heard it before ! the london philly would of been proud, so many layers. smaller section might do it while not changing the melody as i like that slightly russian feeling melody, i have the strings going through doubler effect i have on the D8B desk and there is allot of reverb on them strings making them sound even more massive, sometimes big is not best, listening to some of the jamiroquai tracks, their use of strings for the most is quite dry and as you say smaller sections like too young to die, while its great to have real strings to create that feel its very hard to get that using synth strings, im using a korg TR rack for my strings, old and dated but does have good strings in it, i have done allot a dabbling with it to try and creat smaller string sections, some passable some not so. I should maybe look at more modern strings, Ideas ? another idea was as in the track above too young to die at about 1:27 was use brass as strings, again back to another undertaking, its all fun, and thanks for yall input, its great to get other views, cheers
  14. Cheers, and thanks for your time on giving an airing, its a funny thing once you get an idea in your head you want to add it, sometimes to the point of distroying the original idea by overkilling it, but dam its so tempting, so best bet i thought is to get some fresh ears on it, thanks alot
  15. Hi all im just working on these two, all done in the mancave, so go easy on me as they are still being edited etc but feel the ideas are there. first one im trying to capture that early 90s incognito m-people feel but am now thinking of adding some brass stabs toward the end, at 3:58ish would it kill it ? https://soundcloud.com/mr-funky-7/attitude-1/s-n46Tr 2nd one im trying to create that cool house groove thing, something abit more uptodate, i wanted to keep it radio frendly at 3 and half mins, the strings at the end when i started out it sounding like the Russian philharmonic, i thought it was a bit overkill so i have edited it down, but is it still too Russian sound track sounding ? https://soundcloud.com/mr-funky-7/lonely-2-am/s-45wRv Cheers for any input.
  16. yea, now here's a story, i sold my 80s G&L L2000 to some chap in manchester in the mid 90s, its was mint with tags in the original case, the one with leo fenders sig on the headstock before fender made him move it, listening back to the recordings i did with it i always thought sh!t that sounds good, should not have sold it. Then about 8 or 9 years ago i saw it on fleabay, i got intouch with the seller and indeed it was the chap i sold it too, so it was pulled and i got it back for £100 less than i sold it for in the same condition, he did not like it so stuffed it under his bed, so now it lives under my bed, still mint with the tags in the original case. 🙂 Im still looking for my wal midi bass, i badly want that back as i now have a use for it again
  17. always a cool weekend, if you are still there at 7pm on Sat pop into The Residence. 9 Mill Street, Nantwich CW5 5ST. and say hello.
  18. chunky, bless you for taking the time to do a vid to help someone out, kudos
  19. this reminds me of an LP i have, called flash feerless with a comic inside, https://reprobatepress.com/2018/02/07/flash-fearless-vs-the-zorg-women-a-forgotten-1970s-comic-book-rock-opera/
  20. bertbass thanks for the links, very interesting one of the guys seems to have toured with hiss alloy guitar for years so indeed have been round a long time. Weight i am not sure yet lfalex v1.1 it would be just bodies. subsonic, loads to think about there, just thinking about pickup options would mean bodies have to be made to order as once ordered, it would be a real pain to change say the rear pickup to a humbucker on a jazz, so the idea of having a plate over a swimming pool rout sounds like a great idea. Cheers for your comments and ideas guys i will be passing this thread and ideas on to dave who is looking at the possibility of building it.
  21. Hello All, i have been talking with my friend who owns a cnc engineering workshop about the prospect of doing a body for 2 basses a jazz and a precision out of alloy, this would be done as a billet machined from a single block of alloy, polished and then maybe anodised, i am looking at having a jazz body done anyway as a test. everyone made could have the owners name machined into it and numbered. My question is, all being good could this a viable product, are there any out there already ? while the process is not going to be cheap i wondered would be the call for it price pending, i would imagine it would make the sound more tinny ? great for you slapheads, maybe, i have no idea till tested. Thoughts ? Opinions ? info ?
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  23. IN a nutshell ... He has more money from playing his bass than anyone else on the planet. what else do you need to know ? weather you like him or not does not matter, the fact that you started a thread about him DOES !... what helps make him great is people like you that have obviously listened to his stuff and formed an opinion good or bad, strong enough to open a conversation about him, and so his name will once again be talked about by people who may not have given him a second thought but felt a need to just reply to this thread. You have updated and continued the legasey. Even if you do not like him as a player, he would probley thank you for this. As you have just made him that little bit greater :-) me ? I like him, the fact I find his lines easy to play means I have learned them, say no more.
  24. nice bass, worth every penny. Very rare bass if it was in the uk Ahh crap I was trying to copy and and save my post but deleted part of it by mistake, oops
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