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Everything posted by jimbobothy

  1. I had a few lessons with a private teacher just regarding my playing, after I learned what I needed to help I stopped having lessons. Expensive, yes, but if they help overcome/help with injury then worth it I think. However with all things you have to put into practice what you learn, now that's the part I find hard lol
  2. nice original design you have there
  3. Hey folks, I've had a play on this when I tried out all of Martyn's basses and it sounded and played very well .
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  6. Hey folks, I used Transferwise (www.transferwise.com) when I bought a bass from Denmark on here and actually paid no fees at all (I think as a first time user!) I too was shocked at having to pay over the odds for money crossing international boundaries so did some digging on the net and came across the site . It's already been pointed out on here ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/190917-check-this-out/page__hl__transferwise__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url]), hope this helps.
  7. I think a LTD edition would also have a number plate on the rear of the headstock and be signed by Hans Peter Wilfer, however there could always be an exception I suppose
  8. jimbobothy


    [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1388414269' post='2321701'] Wow. Just Wow. [/quote] + 1
  9. Thanks for all your comments, the shop has agreed to take the amp back and it will be going back in the New Year when Fender UK are back from their hols. [b][i]Hopefully[/i][/b] the next one will be in the condition that I expect a new one should be, if not I'll give up and ask for a refund !
  10. Shimming the neck isn't that much of a job really. I'm sure if you search on here you'll find a thread on it or maybe someone local to you could help?
  11. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1387649344' post='2314235'] Hmm, now you've got me on that. My Shuttlemax 9.2 is very quiet, and my Streamliner 900 is more so! However, your amp does contain two 600W power amps... It sounds like you aren't that sure about it. That's totally fine...if you aren't, just send it back. [/quote] Yeah, I was offered that. Thing is I took the top off to have a look inside at the power socket housing and whilst doing so had a little poke around inside lol! It all works as it should albeit the things previously mentioned. Me being me I've mentioned this to the shop and am waiting for a reply whether I can still send it back! Might have shot myself in the foot but will have to wait and see tbh. If I remember correctly the one I sent back also a had a fairly loud fan so hope that's normal. End of the day I've still got a good amp and if I can't send it back I'll ask for a partial refund or other form of compensation as the experience hasn't been great, 'new' in my book should actually be new! AFAIK it's not the shop's fault, could be the distributor sending out reworked items as new, however I don't really know, either way not a good way to do business I feel.
  12. ... another question , anyone else think the internal fan is a bit loud? Not that it would be an issue when you're pumping out any volume I guess!
  13. Hi Musicman20, I just read the manual after I posted the LED question lol! As far as I can tell the amp was a new replacement, however it's date of Q/C was 23/1/12, so it's nearly 2 years old! It works fine, just a bit naffed about the housing. It's not as bad as the broken one (err, obviously ) but still not too hot for a flagship amp IMHO. I do wonder about whether what we buy 'new' from stores is new, or as new, reconditioned, reworked, a warranty fix etc etc. The amp I sent back was perfect apart from the housing breaking, the 'new' one I received to day had a few circular marks on the top, a sticky mark on one corner etc, all wiped off so no real loss. It was also placed incorrectly in it's bespoke padding in the box. All a bit suspect but it could have been a 'Friday' one I suppose, mmm, What I've learnt from this is that if you're buying new then you're still taking a bit of a gamble, I think I'll just keep going for used stuff from now on to save the hassle !
  14. I think if there isn't one at the moment if you ask Roqsolid ([url="http://www.roqsolid.co.uk/wp/?page_id=39"]http://www.roqsolid..../wp/?page_id=39[/url]) they can knock one up for you
  15. I've a couple of random bits here; I've got a 2008 Shuttle 6.0 that has a rock solid power socket housing (it's the plastic housing that clips into the rear panel that the kettle lead plugs into), when I take the power lead out it doesn't shift at all. I recently sent back a ShuttleMAX 12.2 that I bought from new, when I originally pulled the power lead out, as it was such a tight fit, I broke or cracked one of the plastic retaining clips holding the housing in, meaning it moved a fair amount when subsequently removing the power cable. I received my replacement head today and although there has been no cracking noises the housing does still move a bit when I pull out the power lead, only by 1mm or so and I don't think it'll be an issue, just odd when compared to my 6.0 that doesn't. Can any of you fellow Genz head owners compare how much your power cable housings move when you take the power leads out? I think it's just a bit more annoying that anything else, especially when the head had an RRP of over £1000!! Another point that I've just noticed now when I've been playing about with it, when I push too much into the pre-amp and the O/L led comes on, it does it in both FET and TUBE leds, even if I've only one of the channels I've selected. Seems a bit odd as I presumed the channel select switch would kill the signal to the 'not in use' preamp section, obviously not it seems, at least on my one! Any other people experienced similar on their 9.2 or 12.2 heads? Any comments would be appreciated, thanks
  16. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1387403587' post='2311687'] My two volumes published in 1935 were free too, one day I may even read them! [/quote]
  17. I started on a '62 RI jazz fretless and the thought of not having lines made me feel ill. However now I've a Thumb fretless with only dots on the edge and tbh I found them just as helpful as full lines after a while. [i]Now[/i] I would wince at the thought of playing one without any visual help !! err, I guess that's the same as a double bass then, hats off too you all
  18. You do know you can get 'Calvin's Institutes' online for free! I think if I went for this option I'd need the Aubergine as well, if you have eaten/are thinking about eating half of it that's fine with me, at least you could give me your opinion on if it's got a woolly, sharp or fat tone, oops, I mean taste !
  19. Bit of a random point but my 151P was made in March'12 out of MDF whereas my 121H was made in Nov'11 and out of plywood. Odd but they do both sound very nice to my ears!
  20. I've been using a Genz Benz single 12" speaker for a few years and jumped on the 'Genz going cheap' frenzy a while back, got one of their NX2-212T cabs then proceed to sell it on as it wasn't my cup of tea tbh. I then got a Markbass TRV 151 P as an extension cab for my single Genz, loved the Markbass cab so much I've gone and gotten a TRV 121 H to use instead of my Genz single. I love the slightly softer tone that my Thumbs now produce .
  21. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1387209124' post='2309374'] Why on earth would you want to do that? Awful things... Lovely bass that! [/quote] Yup, they can be a bit naff can't they!! Bump for a great bass, I had a 4 string version a while back and it played well, GLWTS.
  22. Hey guys, I went for the Genz Benz ShuttleMAX 12.2 in the end. Had to send it back due one of the power socket securing clips breaking when I took the power lead out, they make the fit very tight to avoid it rattling out in use, however this one was a bit too tight lol! Saying that I'm getting a replacement and think I'll be very happy with it. Basically using it due to the 2 channels, I like the FET for fretless stuff and the Tube for a bit of grit on my fretted. I also won't be going over the cab limits and don't think I'll need to push it so hard that there would be a risk of clipping. Another point, if I get 2 more 8 ohm cabs I'll have a big stack, and 1200W to play with ! Cheers for all the advice anyhow
  23. I've just got a 12.2 ShuttleMAX and it's very versatile, nice clean sound from the FET channel and a decent tube drive from the Tube channel, with enough eq possibilities from anyonw. However the power input socket is very tight (designed that way by Genz) and one of it's securing clips has broken! Hopefully it'll be sorted out on warranty as my other shuttle head didn't have the same problem!
  24. Gary, Are the ones on your '75 original for the year? Very very nice lollipops but didn't know they came with basses that year.
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