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Everything posted by BobVbass

  1. It looks even better in the flesh! I'll put some photos up when my new camera arrives on friday.
  2. Hi All, I have a fantastic USA Fender Jazz Deluxe Quilted Maple Top, bound and blocked neck in absolutely as new condition - one of the best looking guitars I've seen in a long time. Comes with a great fender hardcase again all good. 18V electrics, three band EQ, noiseless pickups - sounds brilliant. I just can't get on with it for some reason - I guess I'm just a P bass type chap! Anyway happy to trade for a nice Precision seventies, eighties maybe or maybe something else that takes my fancy - happy to add some cash if needed. To give you a guide I paid £850 off here about 6 months ago here's the original thread from Heartbreaker [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=113829&hl=jazz+qmt"]Fender Jazzery Goodness[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=113829&hl=jazz+qmt"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...amp;hl=jazz+qmt[/url] I'll post some more pictures later if needed thanks Bob
  3. Hello, I did a jam with a band on Monday night, guitar, drums and female vocalist all very good level and lots of experience between them - all nice people as well. Anyway, they're looking for a permenant bass player for the functions band they're putting together, they have a fair few songs put together already and will be gigging in the atumn - they have lots (properly lots) of contacts so gigs really won't be a problem. Songs will be the usual functions set but with some interesting variations added in as well; Florence and the machine, the Pretenders, Blondie - the're very much open to ideas etc as well. They're based around the South London / Surrey area - if you're interested drop me a PM and I'll forward your details over thanks Bob
  4. I use a super twelve T - it's great - superb clarity
  5. I've been using the 50 watt for practice - it's ok ish. Under £300 - get a Laney - far more bang for your buck - I got a 160watt tilt back combo for £120!!
  6. Just to confirm what Alex is saying - i've used an abm 500 with my super twelve barefaced and is sound superb - warm but not muddy
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  8. Yes - already done this & indeed it does look cool! I used one of those round LED battrey powered lights with gaffa tape to hold it in place - fell off halfway through the gig with the spinning and thumping and haven't done it since as the prototype needed work I like the tracing paper idea - would probably help with feedback as well.... Nothing like a gimmic to hide low a skill level. I use a lot of gimmics
  9. Sigh - isn't it amazing how jealousy spoils so many friendships Love the Framus and especiallly the Kay - I have some catching up to do!
  10. I'd agree with the weight is best argument when I comes to amps - old heavy amps are miles better. When it comes to cabs - i'll stick to claber's finest - i've yet to come across anything that compares to my super twelve
  11. My son has a crush 50 - looks good, very weedy though - and £100 is too steep. Look on eBay for laneys - I got an almost brand new wedge combo thing - 160 watts for a hundred quid - sounds great
  12. No you do need it My super twelve T is easily the most flexible, easy to live with cab i've ever used - huge amazing sound and thoroughly recommend
  13. look up one of my posts earlier on the thread about playing loudly - all the KA contact details are there as well as the newer sound composite pickup
  14. I'd like one of these...... [url="http://www.brinksmusik.com/King%20Doublebass%20English.htm"]Not a 1940s bass for experienced people only[/url] or one of these [url="http://www.uptonbass.com/willow-double-bass-upton-upright-bass/"]upton[/url]
  15. hello.... so...last night....through no fault of mine.....or bass abuse by me.....or silliness on my part at all.....my spike seems to have been bent by the magic bass gremlins (well that's what I told my wife anyway) I've adjusted it back in to shape with my precision hammering implement but it strikes me that it's a bit weedy anyway - 7mm diameter - any idea where I can get a bob proof one of maybe 10mm or a bit bigger? or just some steel rod? Would Carbon fibre be any good? There's loads of room in the spike holder thingy to take a larger endpin....
  16. me too - it was superb - even the website is blocked these days
  17. just woken up <yawn> Last night gig with the Razors was a Waitrose yearly dinner and dance thing (nice food - yum ) in Aylesford in Kent; about 100-120 people. Everyone was up and dancing straight away and we were on top form - I actually felt really relaxed and enjoyed it, had a great time spinning my bass and playing it like a guitar - bloody hot though and my fingers hurt like hell today after the 3 hour set with steel strings! I bought a new pickup (Moses Graphite) that I used for the first time and my bass has just had a new set up so there were a lot of changes to my usual set up - i also used my ashdown abm and barefaced for the first time. Interestingly the setup has made my bass more prone to feedback (i.e I get some now!) but only at hugely loud volume - I was running through my amp only and it was still controllable - the tone was deep and rib cage shaking So... just got to unpack the car now and hammer my end pin straight (ooops! bit of over exuberance there - I told you I enjoyed it might have to get a tougher one!) Next Saturday is our regular slot at the Burlesque bar - god it's tough playing rock and roll
  18. Very True - love Folk as well - lets face it most Country is just American Folk anyway - Richard Thompson (and Danny of course - how could I play DB without being a fan of the guv'nor) - I'm a huge fan - can't find a Folk band round here either
  19. [quote]there's a lot of great stuff out there,just needs finding.[/quote] Very True - it's a huge field of music - like every large genre of music there's some songs that are amazing, some that's cringe making -
  20. [quote]You're not the only person, there's surely at least 1, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5 other country bass players out there...[/quote] yee haww!! Bass lines for interbred people with two fingers from the Florida swamps [quote]If you decide to go for it, PM me and i can fill you in a bit[/quote] No - turned it down - I've got Tap and the 50s rock and roll band to keep me busy - I just thought I'd finally found something
  21. yes very interesting - I answered the same advert on joinmyband for that "country rock" band - go the set list through this afternoon - hence the frustrated post
  22. Well I like lots of music - Rock, blues, folk, jazz, I love swing but I also love country; and before everyone thinks it's all Dolly and Tammy and yee haw - I like Garth Brooks, Jaron and the Long Road to Love, Gretchen Wilson, Chris Ledoux, Modern country and country rock like Blackfoot, Lynyrd, the Eagles - sometimes it seems like i'm the only person in the Uk that does - i'd love to be in a band that plays this sort of stuff but every advert I see is for classic rock and the same old alright now and mustang sally - good songs but been there done that. Anyway that's my Friday night throw my hands up in the air after yet another look through the bass player wanted ads to find the usual rubbish moan
  23. As the official psycho loud player I have only two words to say..... You know what they'll be ...... Magnetic pickup!
  24. oh nasty - sorry to hear that mate - hope things mend quickly.
  25. I think the barefaced will be fine - my super twelve (with tweeter) is excellent for upright - no reason to think a compact will be any different
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