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Everything posted by scalpy

  1. It's the biggest cliche in the world but- learn your scales and arpeggios. Not only are you learning the fingerboard, improving your dexterity and stamina, your ear will be becoming accustomed to the various intervals, especially if you make a point of thinking what they are before you start the exercise. Also, practising hearing the chord changes will really accelerate your learning of new tunes and your ability to memorise them. This means recognising chord I and mainly IV and V before learning the less frequently used ones. Going back to the blues is really useful, it has a tried and fully exploited chord pattern, but if you get into the jazzy versions afterwards you'll track the variations and your ear will spot the chord IIs and VIs etc much more easily.
  2. Most at home playing Soul or Rock. When I try to slap it feels like I'm committing GBH. I imagine, I hasten to add.
  3. Time to join in. Band head honcho posted this of a gig on Monday, quite pleased with it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dj70BuBk8Rw&feature=c4-overview&list=UU6GHrLKTYkrU5N6IqCUY9ow
  4. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1378560222' post='2201829'] I usa an Aguilar DB680 preamp through a 1,200 watt power amp, into Aguilar DB410 cabs. Sounds nice. [/quote] Most of Scotland probably agrees! Where some of the members on this forum get too unleash the full potential of their rigs I've no idea. See signature for mine, love it to bits despite a few niggles with the head, but get lots of compliments about the sound, even hire it out a bit.
  5. Does your amplifier help you enjoy yourself? That includes the whole transport / stage footprint/ contentment of soundman and other occupants of the stage experience. If yes, then it's fine.
  6. Hartke had their most prominent decade then didn't they? Still got my XL series 410 from the time and you guessed it, it's really heavy!
  7. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1377634188' post='2189775'] Thing was there were all the union restrictions back then so, like Bloodaxe mentioning Big Jim Sullivan, I think there's a strong chance it would have been a British session player. Love the avatar - one of my favourite films [/quote] Good point about the Union practices of the time. The thing that gets me about that period is the standard of musicianship was so good, the pros either side of the Atlantic were playing such long hours all the time they monstered most charts put in front of them. It seems daft but even if you watch the old Muppet shows, different guest every week and heavy names too, and the band would be laying it out. The closest we have to that now I suppose would be the Jools Holland Orchestra, and as fantastic as that band is at their own arrangements, personally I think they lack a little something when it comes to playing material from another repertoire. Two examples that spring to mind are the Booker T and Bonnie Raitt performances from recent series. Maybe it's because the 60s guys were the sound of the popular music of the time and working on chart material day in day out. We all know how few musicians are involved in some material now, and there isn't that pool of talent that is shared across different playing disciplines. However, if I could play like Mr Swift I'm sure I wouldn't give two hoots about the opinion of some forum expert! Anyway, the clip is still great even if my preference is for the original. That's just because Kosmic Blues must be one of my desert island albums and Janis is one of the few vocalists that have me hanging on every word. Regarding the avatar, can't believe no-one thought of it before.
  8. This is one of the baddest, bestest basslines ever committed to tape. Have it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcC4h5c4LoY
  9. Great, thanks for that. If that isn't Brad Campbell, somebody did a great job of copping his style!
  10. Albion Amplification. One of my favourite bass players, David Barard formerly of Dr John's band uses them, never heard of his amps over here. http://www.albionampsus.com/david-barard/
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9ZdHjnSDdw
  12. Interesting that this thread should open mentioning a G&L. I was going to suggest the ASAT, as I've had mine 13 years, never seen another one in the flesh, and only seen three on the TV. There hasn't even been one on here for sale as I understand it in the 3+ (?) years I've been a member. They must be out there as anytime an ASAT is mentioned legions of the bass playing populace come out bleating about neck dive!
  13. I've been using DB112s for 3 years. Cons- Weighty for the size, can be tricky to hear yourself playing in small spaces if you're close to them regardless of volume. Pros- Loads of personality, after all that's what this business is about, they record brilliantly and they look great. Tone is the be all and end all I know but the number of times I've plonked these babies down and clients or bandmates have gone "Wow" has been incredible. I used to use a big black box for a speaker cab and people often said the bass was too loud before I'd even plugged in! If you like a rich and characterful cab I'd recommend these in a flash.
  14. Had a session in a studio where they'd been the previous clients. There was this funny white stuff on the (rather nice Gas Cooker) DI...
  15. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1375880401' post='2166829'] But tweed is so much cooler [/quote] Tweed definitely smooths out those creamy mids. Have a bump for the discerning choice.
  16. In my brass playing days I managed to blag a recording session with the Black Dyke Band. Although I didn't get asked back, only getting glared at once in 8 hours of sight reading was ok in my book. Bass playing wise I played Cheltenham Jazz Festival twice this year, and the same client has had nearly 500k views of videos of gigs we've done together this year. Happy days, and testament to the art of blagging!
  17. The nice thing about music is that you decide you want to work on something there is some achievement in it, even if it is a blind alley ultimately. Bilbo's example of transcribing a Jeff Berlin tune may not have been the ultimate in musical achievement, but there's the inherent dexterity, aural training, transcribing of pitches and rhythms. All good stuff and a stepping stone to greater things perhaps. Making goals explicit works for certain personalities, but I have found that a person that is willing to adopt that mentality normally has a strong motivation to operate in an academic fashion anyway. What is just as important is finding a way of generating/maintaining motivation. Goals (targets in my line of work), even if they are attainable and carefully set can be as dispiriting for some as they are motivating for others.
  18. G&L ASAT Lakland Darryl Jones 5 Ken Smith 5 Old Fender Precision Takamine Semi Acoustic
  19. I played a couple of RAF bases in Germany back in the 90s. It was a soul band so the outfits weren't too far out of line but they didn't seem to mind the drummer having green hair or the band turning up for breakfast in the officers mess, when the uniformed types were having lunch. It was a great tour though, the people stationed out there were bored out of their minds and just itching to crazy on the weekends, and there was a lot of free booze. A lot!
  20. Event: Great Playing: Satisfied Amp: House Carlsbro Viper.
  21. Do the musos have to double as safety advisors in an emergency? I know a former cruise ship singer who seemed to have other official duties in that capacity.
  22. Don't want to say, another Basschatter had my gig...!
  23. Nina Simone for the Sunday afternoon legend slot.
  24. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1372708187' post='2128988'] Dr Feelgood were a pub band and i think that they would have blown the Stones off of any stage. [/quote] I see your point, but Dr Feelgood wasn't really the kind of band I had in mind, I was thinking more of your weekend warrior pub band. But, still, I can't see Wilko and company putting on the kind of gig I saw the Stones do in the 90s, simply as they don't have the tunes.
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