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Everything posted by scalpy

  1. George Harrison- all you need is love. Ironically George Martin hastily invented what was to become known as Linda McCartney syndrome as the solo is pulled down!
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1412023710' post='2565052'] What are they breaking..? Pedals..? Skins..? Cymbals..? Sticks..? Surely not the drums themselves..? [size=4] [/size] [/quote] Cymbals go, but mostly it's hardware, lugs, pedals, stools, stands. They're not a bad bunch at our school, but they can't always be supervised when they decide to tune the kit with a screw driver somehow or that you can't carry a kick drum with two toms on it through a doorway sideways if you're 6 foot 2 and 16 stone! Over enthusiasm really. The Hartke though has survived being dropped down stairs, nights in freezing vans, numerous toilet venues in Camden and having one band deciding to find out what my Marshall tsl would sound like through it set to decimate. No problems, and quite good actually.
  3. I still have an old very early 90s 410xl that I leave at work for the kids to abuse. It has taken the pain now for 13 years and even teenagers give up with the volume before it does! Sometimes I'll use the lm tube with it and it sounds pretty full and fruity to me. (Drum kits cannot take teenagers though, and we've tried premier, pearl, Yamaha and tama....)
  4. Yeah it's funny it's not discussed more. Frequently killing time at uni I read their entire back catalogue of 'modern drummer', and they talked about this endlessly. Carol Kaye talks about it on her website, saying Ray Brown I think it was is always slightly ahead when playing walking basslines and I heard the isolated bass part for 'give it away' and Flea is definitely ahead, which I was surprised about. JR Robinson the session drummer says he's hired for his kick drum landing exactly square on one, and I once had a conversation with a guy who worked for Atlantic in the 60s who insisted on 2 and 4 being late. When people talk about 'feel' I think it's this that they are thinking of, which when coupled with articulation and dynamics are what truly put meaning behind the expression 'it's all in the fingers'!
  5. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1396810749' post='2417603'] Just love Joni I'm with Ambient on the Both sides now with Vince Mendoza arrangements, and I know a few guys on the album... recorded at my favourite studio AIR. [/quote] One of the great highlights of my life so far was recording in studio 1 on the day Joni was in lyndhurst hall. Our paths didn't cross, but my band and I were allowed to have a listen in the hall's control room to what had been recorded that day, as our drummer picked through the ash tray Joni had been using to give the butts as a present to his Mum.
  6. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1411315325' post='2558349'] What's the point of doing it at all if you're not enjoying it? [/quote] Do it in the hope it becomes enjoyable, the rewards don't come cheap. You reap what you sow and all that.
  7. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1411290822' post='2558098'] What's very telling here is that not once have you said that you are [b]enjoying[/b] it. Frankly it really sounds like the opposite. Personally I'd wish them all the best and leave now. [/quote] Even if you're not enjoying it, give everyone the impression you are. You can turn around the whole atmosphere of a rehearsal with a bit of positivity and it makes it ten times easier to deliver any criticism. A session drummer I once had a conversation with, number 1 hits in Europe to his name etc, told me any session he does is always the absolute best thing he's ever played, even if he's playing the most mediocre material with any old muso. There's no barrier because of experience to not adopt that mentality.
  8. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1398241908' post='2431893'] A Markbass amp through a good non Markbass cab ( Berg / Vanderkley / EA ) seems the best combination for me . [/quote] This!
  9. Also, completely geeking out but you've left the toggles in my favourite settings!
  10. No ASATs on here for ages, and that is a beauty. Maybe biased but that is incredible value for the quality of build and tonal options. That P you want better be blooming good to replace it!
  11. https://theconvent.netgig.co.uk/event/george-montague-uk-tour/ Played the Convent, just outside Stroud in Gloucestershire, for George Montague. Amazing venue, top notch gear including provided in ear monitors (jury's still out) but they provided us with a two course dinner from the private members club, had the wagyu beef. Don't get to gig with these guys often enough, George is a great singer songwriter and Dan Foster on sax and Tom Hooper on drums are properly guilt edged players, so I really have to scrub up! All in all, the once in a blue moon gig where everything goes just so. Happy days.
  12. Tried listening to them 2 years ago and didn't get it. Then someone on here posted Lingus on here and the scales lifted from my ears, got to love this place!
  13. Really got gigging blood, love turning up at empty venues, being backstage, debating over where to set the band up, finding somewhere to eat, lugging gear, the comradeship, and actually playing. It's by no means perfect and it can be tiring and repetitive, but every gig is an adventure. Earlier this year I was playing at a car rally and 5 1920s Bugattis rocked up and parked right by where I was set up, surreal. Musos are normally great, stimulating company, you get to share what you love with a crowd, gigging's an honour.
  14. Laptop bag- anything small needed every gig in front pocket like pedal leads and ear plugs. Next pocket- stuff for repairs and batteries- main compartment, onstage leads and strap in front, speaker leads and iec lead in back- last compartment, amp and pedals. I realised the pedals were going to scratch my head so they live in old socks. Grey one for the tuner, it's boring, and a Lewis Hamilton sock for octave, it's more exciting. The rest of my life is chaos!
  15. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1410002856' post='2545290'] I use spit (preferably mine), a J cloth and my thumb nail to de-gunk, then lemon oil. [/quote] Might have just given people a decent excuse for a discount should you sell on this forum!
  16. I arrange the songs, which I then I try to teach it to the other 7 in between acres of bad taste jokes and gallows humour courtesy of the medical professionals and traffic policeman drummer. Have to be hard of hearing and strong of stomach to be in our band!
  17. With or without you - U2 Not just root note quavers, but the second most uninspired chord change (after a 12 bar of course) all the way through. I actually don't mind it either!
  18. You'd be shipping from where please? My GAS balloon is hindenburgesque!
  19. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1409688111' post='2542312'] I don't think you need to be thinking about having the enough volume to overpower the drums.You need enough to be balanced with the band as a whole, not to overpower anyone. Also, if you do get to play big concerts you shouldnt have to reevaluate your rig, because in those situations you'll always have PA support. I've played some pretty big gigs with my Ashdown MiBass rig which is either a 550 or 240 watt head and one or two 1x12 cabs.Its got plenty of volume to be able to play smaller venues with no support, and has tone for days. I know you're against Ashdown, but I can honestly say that it blows away my old Hartke rig (HA3500, HA4000, 4x10, 2x10) in every way. Personally, I'd be more concerned about you saying that you won't be ready to gig for 6 months. [/quote] A hearty thumbs up to this. One guy I play for has a tidy knack of booking pretty sweet gigs and I just stick with the same 500w amp and two 112s. When the pa has bass cabs taller than you are having a 810 etc doesn't really come into it. Interestingly we did a festival last year (lechlade) and I had to use an ampeg 610, couldn't hear myself anywhere I went onstage whilst it was the only time the rest if the band moaned about me being too loud. Apart from the saxophonist, any bass player would too loud for him if they weren't tickling a brontosaurus violin un amplified!
  20. Have it! Forget locking in with the drummer, he is drummer!!
  21. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1409586710' post='2541204'] Ah you mean the gooch! [/quote]
  22. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1409586710' post='2541204'] Ah you mean the gooch! [/quote] Or boffer's bridge.
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